What is Wasabi? How is the Sauce Made?

What is Wasabi? How is the Sauce Made?

Far Eastern cuisine has remarkable dishes and sauces. In this culinary culture, sauces have a very special place. To flavor various dishes, sauces are prepared from herbs and meat. On this page, we will introduce you to one of the sauces that are carefully used in presentations. Let’s learn about the features of the famous sauce known as Wasabi here!

What is Wasabi?

  • Wasabi sauce is a hot sauce made from the wasabi plant. It has a green color and is viscous.
  • The wasabi plant is actually a plant called horseradish. The wasabi bitter obtained from this plant leaves a slightly bitter taste on the palates of the tasters. If you do not like bitter food, it will be very difficult for you to taste wasabi.
  • The plants needed for the preparation of wasabi are grown in China, Korea, New Zealand, and parts of North America.
  • Wasabi is always on the table at mealtimes. There are dishes to accompany it especially consumed. Of course, those who love hot can consume this sauce with any kind of food.
  • When tasted, it causes a bitter feeling on the palate for an average of 15 minutes; but then this bitter taste disappears.
  • The health benefits of wasabi are also widely discussed. First of all, this sauce is a complete antioxidant food.
  • It purifies the body thanks to its bitterness, nutritional values ​​, and vitamins.
  • Wasabi, which works the intestines, also helps to clean the urinary tract.
  • The wasabi plant, which is a plant that prevents blood clotting, also prevents brain hemorrhage.
  • It is also very powerful in pain relief. Bone and headache of those who consume wasabi will be relieved in a short time.
  • Rich in antioxidants, wasabi purifies the body from dead skin and toxins.
  • It is stated that it will be beneficial to consume in doses.
  • The economic value of the wasabi plant is high. 500 grams costs almost $100.
  • A real wasabi sauce feels bitter not on the tongue but in the nose. If you are eating wasabi sauce in a place and you have not yet taken the bitterness, the wasabi you eat is not real wasabi.

How to Make Wasabi Sauce

Do you wonder what processes the wasabi obtained from horseradish goes through? Now, let’s give you information about the production of wasabi. See what were the properties of wasabi?

  • Horse radishes are harvested and washed and cleaned for wasabi.
  • The radishes are peeled up to the root part by turns.
  • The bitter taste does not come until it reaches its roots. However, when the cleaning process approaches the roots, you reach the bitter part.
  • The grating method is used to prepare wasabi. When you grate it by turning it in an O shape, you will prepare the wasabi.
  • Wasabi should be grated fresh. If you prepare it a few hours before the meal you want to eat; You lose the distinctive bitter aroma.
  • When you grate it 5 minutes before ordering or eating, you will get full consistency wasabi.
  • You can mix the grated wasabi with a wooden spoon a few times to give it consistency.
  • The grated wasabi is also unique. It is crushed with a special grater called Oroshigane.
  • Wasabi ingredients are traditional ingredients. In the Far East, dried shark skin is used. It has a special place in the presentation.

How to Eat Wasabi Sauce

  • Wasabi is consumed with sushi in Far Eastern cuisine.
  • It is usually served in a special bowl in presentations to add flavor to fish dishes.
  • It is also common to be consumed with noodles.
  • You can mix it with soy sauce to get a delicious cold sauce.
  • You can use some to marinate meats.
  • You can add a bitter flavor to your meals by adding it to vegetable roasts.
  • While preparing the dip, you can add some wasabi to create a slightly bitter taste.
  • It is added between layers before wrapping while preparing sushi.
  • If you like bitter flavors, you can add wasabi to the french fries sauce. You can mix it with some yogurt and consume it as a frying sauce.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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