What is Vitamin B12? What Does It Do? What Are the Symptoms of Deficiency?

Vitamin B12, one of the most important vitamins for the body, is also known as cyanocobalamin. So, which foods contain vitamin B12, which is extremely important for human health? This vitamin, which is usually found in animal tissues, is also found in small amounts in some plants.
Vitamin B12 deficiency results from the inability of the parietal cells in the stomach to synthesize a glycoprotein called intrinsic factor. Not getting this vitamin from food ‘Why does vitamin B12 decrease?’ is the answer to the question. Vitamin B12, which is not produced by the body, is taken from the outside through food or vitamin B12 in tablet form. If not taken, harmful effects on human health will occur.
What is Vitamin B12? What Does It Do?
‘What is vitamin B12 good for?’ When asked, it can be said that this vitamin acts as a coenzyme as a hydrogen acceptor in the body and maintains various metabolic activities. Among the tasks of vitamin B12, two stand out. The first of these accelerate growth, and the second accelerates the formation of erythrocytes. At the same time, vitamin B12 is necessary to prevent megaloblastic anemia. In addition to helping regulate folic acid during the production of red blood cells, it also helps the use of iron.
Ensuring correct digestion, adequate intake of nutrients, correct synthesis of protein, fats and carbohydrates are necessary for metabolism. Vitamin B12, which prevents nerve damage, ensures cell formation and long life, as well as fertility. B12, which is also known to benefit the brain, strengthens memory and makes learning easier. ‘Which foods contain the most vitamin B12?’ cheese, eggs, lamb and beef, seafood and liver come to the fore. ‘Does vitamin B12 grow hair?’ or ‘Is vitamin B12 good for hair?’ are also asked by users. Vitamin B12 is good for hair cells and skin due to its ability to accelerate cell formation.
What Are the Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
In case of a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, certain symptoms occur. These can be listed as insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion, focusing problems and forgetfulness, ringing in the ears, numbness of the hands and feet, fatigue and relaxation in the muscles, cramps, burning in the tongue, rapid weight gain, difficult weight loss, appetite disorder and anemia.
All these symptoms can be seen in the case of B12 deficiency, or they can also be a precursor to other diseases. If these problems are encountered, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting time.
What Diseases Cause Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
The damage of vitamin B12 deficiency occurs with disruptions in the cells when there is not enough vitamin B12 in the body. These disruptions occur mostly in bone marrow cells and blood cells. In such cases, if vitamin B12 pills are not taken, enough red blood cells cannot be produced.
As the blood cells decrease, the structure of the cells also deteriorates. In this condition, called pernicious anemia, there is a serious decrease in the number of red and white blood cells. In the case of B12 deficiency, which also causes disruption in the nervous system, the processes of producing, creating, storing and transmitting information by nerve cells are interrupted. Vitamin B12 can be taken in the form of medicine, and vitamin B12 injection can be used for deficiencies in high amounts.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment
In case of vitamin B12 deficiency, it should be taken externally as a supplement. The deficiency of this vitamin is caused by problems such as malnutrition, as well as the inability to absorb vitamin B12 from food in the intestines in general. In both cases, vitamin B12 should be taken as a supplement. It can be taken as a pill or vitamin B12 ampoule products are also available.
No Worries Where Meat Goes: What’s In Vitamin B12?
“What is vitamin B12 found in?” When asked, it is seen that this vitamin is mostly found in animal foods. Meat products, in particular, are the main source of vitamin B12. Foods such as red meat, chicken, milk, yogurt, kefir, shrimp, offal, fish contain vitamin B12.
So, which fruits contain vitamin B12? This vitamin is not found in fruits. As a vegetable, only soy is found. Although researches on vitamin B12 fruits have been carried out, no evidence has been found yet. For this reason, people who have a vegan diet should use vitamin B12 pills.
What Are the Benefits of Vitamin B12?
- Vitamin B12 increases energy production by making DNA synthesis.
- It helps to carry oxygen in the blood.
- It helps the nervous system to work properly.
- Increases fertility.
- It supports the development of nerve endings.
- It accelerates cell formation.
- It strengthens memory.
- It increases concentration.
- It helps to fight the damage caused by smoking.
Vitamin B12 High
So, what happens if you take too much vitamin B12? If this vitamin is taken in excess, there will be no problems. Unless it is excessively high, vitamin B12 is stored by the liver for use when needed, and the remainder is excreted through the urine.
How to Remove Excess Vitamin B12?
‘How much should the vitamin B12 value be?’ The question is one of the issues to be considered. After measuring correctly, action should be taken if an excess is found. The leading cause of vitamin B12 excess is the use of this vitamin without the supervision of a doctor. Although vitamin B12 excess is not considered a serious problem on its own, excessive amounts of this vitamin in the body may be a sign of a different disease.
How to reduce the excess of vitamin B12 in cases where it is detected? If users are taking vitamin B12 drug supplements, they should stop it immediately. If there is excessive consumption of animal food, this should be reduced and protein intake should be limited.
What Are the Side Effects of Vitamin B12?
In addition to being very beneficial for human health, vitamin B12 also has certain side effects. These are body redness, rash, itching, facial swelling, blistering of the skin, wheezing and breathing difficulties, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, abnormal urine odor.
Does Vitamin B12 Make You Gain Weight?
Vitamin B12 is not one of the vitamins that have the feature of weight gain in terms of its function. Although some vitamins have the feature of increasing appetite, the task of vitamin B12 is different. The reason why vitamin B12 is thought to cause weight gain is the decrease in appetite in cases where this vitamin is deficient. Patients who experience a slight weight loss after loss of appetite may experience a slight weight gain with their increased appetite when vitamin B12 is balanced. However, this is not in the form of extra weight gain, but in the form of returning the person to his old weight.
So, does excess vitamin B12 cause weight gain? Since vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, it is retained in the body. It is excreted through urine. Therefore, excess B12 does not cause weight gain.
Does Vitamin B12 Cause Sleep or Insomnia?
Vitamin B12 does not cause sleep problems. In fact, the regular use of this vitamin helps to eliminate sleep problems. Taking vitamin B12 together with vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, provides support to seriously eliminate sleep problems. However, for the use of these vitamins, the doctor should be consulted first and the use of vitamins should be carried out after obtaining approval. In addition to taking this vitamin as a medicine, vitamin B12 can also be supplemented with various foods that offer herbal solutions.
Use of Vitamin B12
‘How many times a day should vitamin B12 be taken?’ The question is a situation that should be determined by the doctor. However, in general, vitamins are used once a day. ‘Do you drink vitamin B12 hungry or full?’ When asked, it is appropriate to drink this vitamin on a full stomach, unless otherwise stated. The price of vitamin B12 varies according to the dose used and the way the vitamin is taken.
What should be the rate of Vitamin B12?
The vitamin B12 test is done with blood taken from the arm after a 10-hour fast. Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria in the last 50 cm of the small intestine in the human body. The reference range for vitamin B12 should be between 150 micrograms and 550 micrograms at the highest. B12 measured between these values is considered normal.