What is Sunstroke? Symptoms You Should Watch Out For


  • What is Sunstroke?
  • Symptoms of Sunstroke
  • Sunstroke in Children
  • Symptoms of Sunstroke in Babies
  • How to Treat Sunstroke?
  • How can we protect our health in hot weather?

It is obvious that summer has its own dangers as well as beauties. Excessive exposure to the sun, especially in very hot and humid weather, may require urgent medical treatment. How hot and humid the weather is; A person’s age, weight, general health status and the level of effort they spend while spending time outside can vary the health problems that the sun can cause. One of the most serious problems that can be encountered in extremely hot and humid weather  is sunstroke  .  Knowing the symptoms of heatstroke  is critically important as heatstroke can cause damage to vital organs and is classified as a fatal condition. [1]  In this article, first of all, “What is sunstroke?” We will give specific details, then  focus on the symptoms of sunstroke in adults  and  sunstroke in children  .

What is Sunstroke?

A condition characterized by the body’s inability to cool itself and body temperature rising above 40 degrees, which occurs as a result of spending a long time in sunny, hot and humid weather and/or exerting high effort, often  associated with dehydration  , is called “sunstroke”. [2]  Heatstroke requires immediate medical treatment; If the treatment is delayed or not treated, it may cause damage to vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidney, and if the condition worsens, the person may die. For this reason, it is extremely important to raise awareness about sunstroke, which increases in frequency especially in the summer months, and therefore the symptoms of sunstroke.

Symptoms of Sunstroke

The symptoms of sunstroke in adults and the severity of heatstroke symptoms may vary depending on variables such as how much exposure to the sun, how much effort is spent, general health status, whether enough fluids are consumed, gender, and whether one is at ideal weight. While sun fatigue, which can also be called mild sunstroke, causes symptoms such as excessive sweating, accelerated heartbeat and darkening of urine color, the symptoms of sunstroke are more severe in adults. Symptoms of sunstroke can be listed as follows:

  • Dizziness, feeling weak, lack of coordination, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting are among the warning signs of sunstroke. It is very important to notice these signs because at this stage, the person may not realize that their body temperature has started to rise too much.
  • When sunstroke occurs, the skin becomes hot, red, and often dry. When sunstroke occurs, the body’s cooling mechanism does not work optimally because the body temperature is too high, so the person may not sweat.
  • One of the prominent symptoms of heatstroke is fainting. Additionally, as a result of brain functions not working properly, disorientation, seizures and coma may occur in advanced stages. Heartbeat is often fast and blood pressure may be high or low.
  • One of the most concrete symptoms of sunstroke is body temperature rising above 40 degrees.

If any of the symptoms listed are noticed, the most important step to take  is to see a doctor for sunstroke treatment  . At this point, it is necessary to know the answer to the question “How many hours does sunstroke become apparent?” in order to prevent possible delays. There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people may experience sunstroke symptoms after 10-15 minutes, while others may experience sunstroke symptoms after hours. Experts recommend that people at risk of sunstroke be monitored and medical support be sought if symptoms are noticed.

The symptoms and effects of sunstroke in adults may be different from those of babies and children.   It is therefore very important to know the symptoms seen in children and babies, who experience the effects of sunstroke more severely than adults.

Sunstroke in Children

Although sunstroke  can affect people of all ages, it is known that the risk of sunstroke is higher in people over 65 and children under 4. The bodies of the elderly and children may not be able to balance heat ideally. Therefore, heatstroke is considered a condition that should be approached more carefully in these age groups. Since summer is a period when children spend more time outside, it is important to regulate the hours they go out correctly, to make sure they drink enough fluids, and to ensure that they stay indoors in extremely hot and humid weather.  If a child notices signs of sunstroke such as confusion, inability to sweat, headache, and dry skin  , medical support should be sought without delay. [5] The answers to the questions “ Does sunstroke cause fever ?” and “ Does sunstroke cause diarrhea ?”, which  are closely related to children’s health, can also be given as “Yes.”

Symptoms of Sunstroke in Babies

Signs of sunstroke in babies  should be closely monitored in hot and humid weather when they spend time outside  . Unlike children, babies cannot convey the complaints they experience. Increasing body temperature, accelerated heartbeat, drying and/or reddening of the skin, increased discomfort, vomiting, and inability to breathe deeply are among the symptoms of sunstroke in babies. If similar symptoms are observed, urgent medical support should be sought.

How to Treat Sunstroke?

It would not be right to answer the questions  “How can sunstroke be cured ?” or “ What is good for sunstroke ?” with methods that can be tried at home. Medical support should be sought as soon as sunstroke symptoms  are observed. In emergency rooms, physicians usually evaluate patients’ symptoms, measure their fevers and perform physical examinations. Requesting blood and urine analysis, and using imaging methods such as X-ray and ECG may be necessary. If sunstroke is diagnosed;

  • Ice packs can be applied to the groin, armpits and neck area,
  • The patient can be made to drink salt water slowly,
  • The patient can be kept in a well-cooled environment,
  • Respiration is closely monitored,
  • Tight and thick clothes can be removed,
  • Anti-seizure medications may be offered,
  • Oxygen support can be provided. [6]

How can we protect our health in hot weather?

Hot weather is a time when meeting metabolic needs becomes important. In order to protect your health during hot summer days, it is recommended to take the following precautions:

  • During the times when the sun’s rays are at their strongest, one should stay in closed and cool environments as much as possible.
  • Light-coloured, breathable and light-textured clothes should be preferred.
  • When going out during the day, you should wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun, and apply sunscreen to your skin.
  • Fluid consumption is essential. It is known that the risk of sunstroke increases when dehydration occurs.

The amount of water that should be consumed during the day increases in hot weather. Especially when high effort is made, the person should not neglect fluid intake. Nowadays,   with increasing awareness about  sustainability , the use of water purifiers  has become increasingly popular. To access quality, clean and delicious water, you can choose among water purification devices with reverse osmosis technology, and with the advantages of the Waternet membership system, you can have uninterrupted access to clean water at any time.


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