What is Somatoform Disorder?

Sometimes our body speaks a language we don’t understand. An aching back without any visible wound, bruise or damage, dizziness that begins for no reason… These symptoms reflect situations that many people encounter at some point in their lives, but often cannot understand the cause. However, behind these symptoms may lie a complex psychological structure that pushes the limits of modern medicine: somatoform disorder .

In this article, we examine in depth this mysterious condition in which the body and mind are frequently intertwined, from its symptoms to its treatment. If you want to unravel this connection that your body establishes with its mysterious language, continue reading this article.

What is Somatoform Disorder?

Somatoform disorder is a condition in which people experience physical symptoms, but there is no medical cause for these symptoms. These symptoms are generally common symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and dizziness. However, no underlying medical cause can be found for these symptoms. The most distinctive feature of somatoform disorder is that the physical symptoms experienced by the person depend on psychological factors.

Somatoform disorders are characterized by severe and persistent physical symptoms experienced by individuals. These symptoms can make daily life difficult for the individual and lead to disruptions in social, work, or other critical life areas. For example, a person may consult a doctor complaining of a constant headache , but no problem can be detected as a result of all medical tests performed. In this case, it is thought that the headache experienced by the person may have a psychological cause.

Somaform disorder and psychosomatic symptom disorder are confused with each other. Both terms refer to situations in which physical symptoms occur due to psychological causes, but somatoform disorder describes a more chronic and permanent condition, while psychosomatic symptom disorder describes symptoms that are usually temporary and occur due to a specific stress factor.

The diagnosis of somatoform disorder is made by determining that there is no medical cause for the physical symptoms experienced by the person. During this diagnostic process, doctors usually evaluate the person’s medical history, the symptoms they are experiencing, and the severity of these symptoms. Additionally, a careful evaluation is made to avoid confusing somatoform disorder with other psychological disorders. This disorder can reduce the individual’s quality of life and can become permanent if left untreated. Therefore, it is important for people with suspected somatoform disorder to consult a specialist.

What are the symptoms of Somatoform Disorders?

Somatoform disorder symptoms appear in the form of physical disorders. However, there is no medical reason behind these disorders. Individuals worry about the presence of a physical illness when experiencing these symptoms. However, no disease is found as a result of medical tests and examinations. This situation can be challenging for people both physically and psychologically.

Symptoms of somatic symptom disorder include:

  • Individuals feel constant pain in the head, back, abdomen or joint areas without a medical reason.
    ●Individuals frequently experience dizziness and headaches without a medical cause.
    ●Digestive problems such as stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting may occur.
    ●Individuals may suddenly experience a feeling of not being able to breathe or shortness of breath.
    ●There may be a feeling of tension, stiffness or pain in the muscles.
    ●Movement-related problems such as tremors in the hands and loss of coordination may occur.

Symptoms of somatoform disorders occur as a result of the stress , trauma or psychological problems experienced by the person being expressed through physical symptoms. These symptoms can reduce an individual’s standard of living and lead to various obstacles in daily activities.

What are the Causes of Somatoform Disorder?

The causes of somatoform disorder are not fully known. However, many factors are thought to be effective in the emergence of these disorders. We can examine the possible causes of somatoform disorders under the following headings.

Biological Factors

Some research suggests that somatoform disorders may be related to certain chemical imbalances in the brain. It is thought that neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and endorphins, may play a role in these disorders. This imbalance can affect an individual’s perception of pain and emotional responses. Additionally, this can negatively impact an individual’s ability to cope with stress .

Psychological Factors

Trauma, stress or negative experiences in childhood may be effective in the emergence of somatoform disorders. In particular, the way one processes traumatic events may play an important role in the development of these disorders. Individuals may have difficulty processing the traumatic events they experience, which may lead to the emergence of physical symptoms. Additionally, such events may disrupt the emotional balance of the individual and lead to exacerbation of somatoform symptoms.

Family and Genetics

Family history of somatoform disorders may be a risk factor in the development of these disorders. If symptoms of somatoform disorder are seen in more than one person in the same family , it is thought that there may be a genetic predisposition. In addition to genetic factors, communication style within the family and environmental factors may also affect the development of these disorders.

Social and Cultural Factors

An individual’s social environment and cultural values ​​may be effective in the development of somatoform disorders. The greater acceptance of physical symptoms, especially in certain cultures, may result in these symptoms being reported more frequently. Perception and treatment methods of somatoform disorders may also vary in different cultures.

Learned Behaviors

Behaviors that the individual learns from people around him may also be effective in the development of somatoform disorders. For example, if an individual hears frequent complaints about physical symptoms in his family, he may be more likely to experience these symptoms himself. Such learned behaviors can have an impact on how an individual perceives and responds to somatoform symptoms.

The cause of somatoform disorders is multifaceted and can develop under the influence of many factors. In the treatment of these disorders, it is essential to consider these causes and follow a personalized strategy. If you are experiencing symptoms of somatoform disorder , you can get help by contacting a specialist.

How is Somatoform Disorder Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of somatoform disorder is used in cases where physical symptoms occur due to psychological reasons. In these types of disorders, individuals experience severe physical symptoms, but no underlying medical cause can be found for these symptoms. Diagnosis of somatoform disorder is made by a specialist psychiatrist and this process includes a detailed medical and psychological evaluation of the patient.

First of all, in order to be diagnosed with somatoform disorder, the symptoms must continue for at least six months. These symptoms can include many different symptoms, such as headaches, stomach and intestinal problems, difficulty breathing and muscle aches. However, none of these symptoms can be explained by a cause that can be verified by medical tests.

During the diagnosis process, the psychiatrist evaluates the symptoms experienced by the patient, the time of onset, duration and severity of these symptoms. In addition, the patient’s past traumas, stress factors and other psychological problems are also taken into account. In the light of this information, the specialist doctor decides whether somatoform disorder exists.

In the diagnosis of somatoform disorder, it is also very important to exclude other medical conditions. Therefore, patients often undergo various medical tests. However, the results of these tests are usually normal, supporting the diagnosis of somatoform disorder.

When diagnosing somatoform disorder, it is also taken into account how the symptoms experienced by the patient affect his daily life. If the symptoms negatively affect the individual’s work life, social relationships, or general quality of life, this further supports the presence of somatoform disorder.

How to Treat Somatoform Disorders?

Somatoform disorder treatment may vary depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms experienced by the individual and the underlying psychological reasons. The treatment process is usually shaped by the combination of several different approaches.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most commonly used methods in the treatment of somatoform disorder. This treatment method helps the person recognize harmful thoughts and behaviors and transform these habits. The therapist helps the individual develop strategies for how to cope with physical symptoms. In addition, how the individual perceives his symptoms and how he reacts to these symptoms is studied.


Antidepressant or anxiolytic medications may sometimes be recommended to relieve somatoform disorder symptoms. These medications may be especially helpful for individuals with symptoms of extreme anxiety or depression. Additionally, these medications may reduce the severity of symptoms by regulating chemical imbalances in the brain. With long-term use, it can help patients adapt to their daily lives more easily. However, drug treatment should be carried out under the advice and supervision of a specialist. Regular medical check-up is essential to prevent side effects and drug interactions.


Physiotherapy may be recommended to treat the physical symptoms of somatoform disorder. Especially for individuals with constant pain complaints, physiotherapy is very useful in relieving pain and increasing mobility. Physiotherapists prepare special exercise programs to reduce the individual’s pain and increase their functional capacity. In addition, by teaching correct movement techniques, they enable the individual to move painlessly and more comfortably in his daily life.

During physiotherapy sessions, individuals’ body awareness increases, which helps them understand their bodies better. With manual therapies and other treatment methods, muscle and joint disorders are alleviated, thus improving the individual’s quality of life.

Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques

Stress management and relaxation techniques are very effective in reducing the stress underlying somatoform disorder. Meditation, deep breathing techniques and gradual muscle relaxation methods can help a person relax and cope with stress more effectively. These techniques increase the individual’s mental focus, allowing him to get away from negative thoughts and enjoy the moment.

Additionally, when practiced regularly, these methods can improve sleep quality, increase energy levels, and positively impact overall quality of life. Stress management training can reduce the severity of somatoform symptoms by enabling the individual to cope with stressful situations more effectively.


Psychoeducation allows the individual to learn more about somatoform disorder . This helps the individual better understand the symptoms they are experiencing and develop strategies to cope with these symptoms. The education process includes information about how the individual perceives his symptoms, the causes of these symptoms, and how to cope. Psychoeducation also encourages the individual to take greater control over their own health and well-being.

This approach allows the individual to participate more actively in the treatment process and positively affect the treatment results. Additionally, thanks to psychoeducation, individuals become aware of reducing misconceptions and stigmatization about somatoform disorder.

Treatment of somatoform disorders should be tailored to individual needs. If you or your loved ones are experiencing symptoms of somatoform disorder , it is recommended that you seek help from a specialist.

Ankara Treatment of Somatoform Disorders

There are many experts on the treatment of somatoform disorders in Ankara . However, the most important factor in the treatment of such disorders is to consult a specialist who can understand the complaints experienced by the individual and direct them correctly. Erdem Psychiatry Clinic , with its experienced experts in this field, accurately identifies individuals’ somatoform disorders and offers the most effective treatment methods. The clinic’s experts reveal the underlying psychological causes of the individual’s physical complaints and prepare treatment plans to reduce or eliminate these complaints.

If you are experiencing symptoms of somatoform disorder and are looking for expert help, Erdem Psychiatry Clinic may be the right address for you. It aims to raise your standard of living by offering you the most effective treatment approaches with its expert team. You can contact Erdem Psychiatry Clinic for your questions or to make an appointment . Take the first step towards a healthy life.


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