What is Sleep Paralysis? What Causes Sleep Paralysis?

Many diseases can occur due to sleep disorders caused by today’s modern life. The main reason for this is the problem of inadequate sleep caused by irregular life. In addition to irregular sleep, stressful life and psychological difficulties can be triggers of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis, which is especially frightening in adolescence when it first appears, is not a life-threatening condition. But it can be scary when people don’t know what causes it. Because when people have sleep paralysis, they cannot move when they want to move, or they cannot talk when they want to talk. All information about sleep paralysis caused by temporary muscle loss in a half-asleep state is included in detail in our article.

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis, popularly known as nightmare, is the physiological paralysis of the muscles during the dream period during sleep, which continues for a while after waking up. The person’s consciousness opens before the atomy of the muscles and moves while awake. It usually occurs when you are about to fall asleep, right after falling asleep, or when waking up. In addition to muscle wasting, people may also experience hallucinations during periods of sleep paralysis. Having sleep paralysis is very common, and people first experience sleep paralysis between the ages of 14 and 17. A feeling of being unable to move occurs due to loss of muscle control. Even if no sensory awareness is lost, individuals feel as if there is pressure on them. Hallucinations and oppression may be accompanied by a state of intense fear. Parasomnia is a condition defined as the occurrence of undesirable situations during sleep. The question of what sleep paralysis means can also be answered as a parasomnia. Since sleep paralysis occurs during the rapid eye movement, or REM, phase of the sleep cycle, it can also be defined as REM parasomnia. It has been proven by researchers that approximately 5 percent to 40 percent of people experience this condition. Sleep paralysis, which usually begins in adolescence, can be more common in the 20s and 30s.

What are the Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is not a medical emergency; it has very characteristic symptoms, and being familiar with them can make people feel more comfortable. The most common symptom of an episode of sleep paralysis is the inability to move or speak. This part may take a few seconds or a few minutes. Besides:

  • Feeling as if something is pushing you down
  • Feeling as if there is a being or an object in the room where you sleep,
  • Being afraid because of this emotional confusion,
  • Seeing hallucinations during sleep, just before or right after sleep, is among the most common symptoms.

Apart from this, although it is not seen in every individual:

  • Having difficulty breathing,
  • Feeling like you are going to die,
  • Excessive sweating during sleep paralysis
  • It is also possible to experience symptoms such as feeling pressure in the chest.

During sleep paralysis, everyday non-threatening sounds, sensations, and other stimuli that the brain normally ignores become disproportionately important. For this reason, the emotions experienced during sleep paralysis become very intense and these symptoms occur. In order for the symptoms to disappear, the individual must move himself or be touched by someone else. Some individuals may not be able to move or speak even though they are aware of what is happening. It is even possible to remember details after sleep paralysis is over. In rare cases, hallucinations that may cause fear and anxiety may occur, but these hallucinations are harmless.

What Causes Sleep Paralysis?

The exact causes of sleep paralysis are not known. Children and adults of all ages can experience this condition. But some groups are more at risk than others. These risk groups can be listed as follows:

  • Those who suffer from insomnia,
  • Those with narcolepsy (sleep disorder),
  • Those suffering from anxiety disorders
  • alcohol use

Apart from these, poor sleep hygiene or not having the sleep habits necessary for quality sleep can cause sleep paralysis. Studies have shown that sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can also cause sleep paralysis. Disruption of sleep habits after a regular sleep habit may also cause this condition. Working night shifts or experiencing time changes while traveling invites sleep paralysis. Although some studies suggest that sleep paralysis may be hereditary, no definitive evidence has been obtained regarding the causes of sleep paralysis.

What are the Sleep Paralysis Treatment Methods?

It is not always possible to give a definitive answer to the question of how to cure sleep paralysis. However, the best treatment method is to eliminate the cause of sleep paralysis. Sleep deprivation can cause sleep paralysis; to prevent this, it is necessary to sleep for as long as necessary. Individuals with narcolepsy often experience sleep paralysis. To eliminate this, narcolepsy treatment must be applied. If sleep paralysis is not associated with other diseases, no treatment is usually applied. Providing a hygienic sleep environment with regular and adequate sleep can eliminate sleep paralysis.

Is Sleep Paralysis Fatal?

Sleep paralysis is not a serious problem for most people. It is medically classified as a benign condition and does not usually occur frequently enough to cause significant health problems. Having constant sleep paralysis can cause people to feel psychologically anxious at times. However, it is not possible for these psychological disorders or sleep paralysis to lead to death. Some individuals have sleep problems that are more serious than sleep paralysis. These problems, when combined with sleep paralysis, can lead to more troublesome consequences. Sleeping, lying down, having mental thoughts that make it difficult to fall asleep, or being in environments that reduce sleep quality cause serious health problems. Because the human body rests best mentally and physically when it is asleep. In order to achieve this at the highest level, it is very important to sleep regularly.

Which Doctor Should You See for Sleep Paralysis?

Although in most cases sleep paralysis is not a condition that affects human health, persistent sleep paralysis can affect people psychologically and may need advice to prevent this condition. Although sleep paralysis is not a health-threatening factor, sleep disorders can lead to health-threatening problems. In such cases, it would be beneficial to consult a neurologist. To detect sleep disorders, the neurologist obtains information from the individual about when sleep paralysis started. Some more information is needed about how often it occurs and how long it lasts. In addition, questions may be asked about the medications used and past health history. It is important for individuals to indicate if they are experiencing another sleep disorder problem. Because disorders such as narcolepsy can cause sleep paralysis. Depending on the individual’s condition, a sleep procedure called polysomnography can be performed. The purpose of this application is to analyze brain waves, heartbeats and breathing during sleep. It also records how the arms and legs move during sleep. Electrical activities in the muscles are also recorded. During sleep paralysis, this level is expected to be very low. In this way, after the examination, it is possible to apply appropriate treatment methods if necessary. If you are experiencing sleep problems and complain of sleep paralysis as a result, you can get examined without wasting time and regain your health in a short time.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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