What is Schizoid Personality Disorder?

Schizoid personality disorder is a personality disorder in which the person is limited in expressing emotions and prefers to stay away from close relationships. Schizoid personality disorder is a condition detected and evaluated in the group of eccentric personality disorders or cluster A personality disorders. Individuals with this condition;

  • Usually wishes to be alone.
    ●Avoids close relationships.
    ●They tend to do their work alone, without needing others.
    ●May be interested in business models such as remote working.
    ●It can be seen that they react less or even remain unresponsive in the face of major events.
    ●He may behave in avoiding matters that require great responsibility.
    ●They may seem insensitive to outside problems because they are usually only concerned with their own problems.
    ●Emotional expressions are limited and they have difficulty establishing emotional bonds with others.
    ●Avoids social activities.
    ●People who have expectations may not care.

Although it depends on the developmental process, the diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder is usually made in adulthood. Its incidence is higher in men than in women. In addition, there may be cases where schizoid personality disorder is confused with the similar word schizophrenia . However, the two are different from each other. The lives of individuals with schizoid personality disorder progress smoothly, they are just more isolated from society and exhibit communication avoidance behaviors. However, in schizophrenia, individuals cannot distinguish between what is real and what is unreal.

Diagnosing Schizoid Personality Disorder

Diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder is made by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists through certain stages. The diagnostic process includes a detailed evaluation and clinical observation. These stages can be listed as follows:

  • In clinical interviews, information is collected by focusing on topics such as the individual’s social relationships, areas of interest and emotional reactions.
    ●It is reviewed whether the information collected meets the diagnostic criteria.
    ●The information received from the individual is reviewed according to diagnostic criteria and it is determined whether a certain number of symptoms are present.
    ●Since it is necessary to ensure that there is no other disorder or medical condition, an examination is also carried out on this issue.
    ●When necessary, other physical tests may be requested by the specialist. ● Psychological tests
    can also be applied to the individual after evaluation interviews conducted by the expert .

When examining a case example of schizoid personality disorder , experts ask definitive questions to individuals who go for therapy. The individual gives clues from himself according to the order of his answers. For example, points such as the reasons for coming to therapy, how they list these reasons and how they express them shape the interview in the first stage. When the reason for coming to therapy is answered, the schizoid personality disorder case example gives us the following clues:

  • Not being able to say what the individual wants to say in his own relationships
    , ●Not being able to start a job that he needs to do,
    ●Not being able to maintain continuity in the work he has started,
    ●Escaping from people,
    ●Reluctance in sexual intercourse
    , ●Inconsistency in behavior and emotions
    , ●Willing to escape when experiencing the feeling of fear and loneliness.

The guide called DSM-5 (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) , determines the diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders. These criteria must be met to be diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. Diagnostic criteria for schizoid personality disorder according to DSM-5 state that at least four of the following items must be present:

  • No interest or reluctance in social relationships
    ●No interest or reluctance in social activities
    ●Preference for loneliness ●
    Almost no pleasure in activities
    ●Emotional coldness
    ●Limitation of emotional expression
    ●Reluctance to establish close relationships
    ●Limitation of emotional reactions

Psychological diagnoses are possible with expert opinions. Therefore , it is not right to diagnose yourself by taking the schizoid personality disorder test you come across , and it is also dangerous to diagnose yourself by searching the internet for ‘ schizoid personality disorder ‘. These methods may mislead you and cause you to make mistakes and feel bad. It should not be forgotten that the reflection of symptoms is different in each individual. That’s why it is very important to seek help from an expert.

What are the causes of Schizoid Personality Disorder?

As with many personality disorders, it can be seen that schizoid personality disorder also has underlying effects from childhood. Effects such as having a cold environment within the family, inadequate social interactions, and emotional neglect can be observed in childhood. The reasons can be listed in more detail as follows:

Genetic Status:

Schizoid personality disorder may be affected by genetic factors. Schizoid personality disorder is a condition that can also be seen in family members.

Childhood Period:

Important situations such as emotional neglect and abuse, and failure to meet emotional needs are among the reasons that trigger schizoid personality disorder.

Traumatic Cases:

It has been observed that individuals with schizoid personality disorder are exposed to traumatic events. This situation is one of the important points that isolates individuals from society and causes them to avoid interaction.

Person’s Character:

A person’s character state may cause schizoid personality disorder. For example, it may be more common in individuals who are shy, have difficulty expressing emotions, and are introverts.


The cultural environment of the individual may also affect the emergence of this disorder. A cultural environment in which emotional expressions are suppressed may also trigger the characteristics that characterize schizoid personality disorder.

It should not be forgotten that the causes of schizoid personality disorder  vary in each individual and different factors are effective.

What are the symptoms of Schizoid Personality Disorder?

Schizoid personality disorder is a condition in which the individual is weak in social relationships, has difficulty or is unable to establish close relationships, and has difficulty expressing himself emotionally. Symptoms of schizoid personality disorder can be listed as follows:

  • There is a withdrawal of the individual in social environments. It is a situation where they prefer to be alone rather than initiate or establish communication with other people. However, it does not mean that they are always happy to be alone.
    ●They also have desires such as being in relationships with other people and making friends. However, due to this disorder, their anxiety about others decreases and they feel comfortable when they are alone.
    ●They do not feel loved and think they are not valued. They are of the opinion that this situation will not change even if they do their best. That’s why they may be suicidal.
    ●Emotional coldness is observed. In major and emotional events, individuals are often limited in their ability to react. Their ability to empathize is weak. This is interpreted by people outside as being insensitive.
    ●Even if he receives praise from the people around him, he behaves indifferently.
    ●They exhibit disinterested behavior in social activities and are observed to be far from enjoying themselves.
    ●They do not establish emotional closeness. They are distant from romantic relationships. That’s why it’s hard to marry a schizoid person. They expect their personal space to be respected.
    ●They are introverted and quiet. Their inner world is more important. They may avoid eye contact.
    ●They do not desire sexual intercourse.
    ●Tends to do a single activity generally and continuously.
    ●They may think that they do not belong to their family.

When you have any doubts about these symptoms, it would be a correct and healthy decision to see a specialist. Because symptoms and causes differ in each individual.

Treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorder

Treatment for schizoid personality disorder does not include differential diagnosis. That’s why the preferred method is usually psychotherapy. However, since individuals with this disorder are not prone to establishing relationships, it may be difficult for them to accept therapy. Because individuals are not keen on therapy, it may take a long time for them to be convinced. Therefore, it is seen that the responsibility in the persuasion process often belongs to the person’s environment. The fact that they generally do not see any problems with themselves and think that their condition is normal can make treatment difficult. Treatment with different approaches can be listed as follows:

Individual Therapy with a Psychotherapist:

Support is provided by establishing a trusting relationship with individuals with schizoid personality disorder . It aims to increase their emotional expression and improve their social communication. The basis of therapy is to develop strategies that will enable the child to expand and express emotional boundaries and communicate with other people.

Group Therapy to Maintain Social Relationships:

It helps in areas such as communication skills and social interaction, and developing empathy with other individuals.

Training for Social Skills:

Receiving training to improve social skills can help develop effective communication.

Drug Treatment Alongside Other Therapy Methods:

Drug treatment is not applied alone. It is preferable to use it alongside ongoing therapy. The aim is to ensure that the individual relaxes.

When schizoid personality disorder is not treated, there is no decrease in shy behavior towards others. At advanced levels, situations such as increasing the feeling of hatred towards life may be observed. This may come to the point of harming themselves. Their unwillingness and lack of interest in matters such as sexuality not only causes them to be lonely, but also prevents them from getting married. Other disorders such as anxiety may also occur.

How Should People with Schizoid Personality Disorder Be Treated?

‘ How should people with schizoid personality disorder be treated ?’ Getting an answer to the question is an important point that will help the individual’s treatment. It will be useful to act according to the following items when approaching individuals with schizoid personality disorder.

  • Treating individuals with this diagnosis with respect and understanding means accepting that they withdraw from society, lack emotional expression, and are introverted.
    ●The need for personal space and solitude is very important for individuals with schizoid personality disorder. Therefore, respecting their boundaries is a way to reduce the pressure on them. That’s why it’s important to be patient in communication.
    ●Avoid situations that will disturb them emotionally, as they are limited in emotional expression. Give them time on this matter.
    ●Trying to understand their limited emotional world can provide them with emotional support and comfort.
    ●Invite them to events infrequently, as they exhibit behavior of avoiding social events. Respect the decisions he makes.
    ●Offer suggestions on issues such as therapy and be with them.

Schizoid personality disorder is a condition in which the individual’s emotional expressions are limited, he or she avoids social relationships and adopts an introverted lifestyle. Individuals with this disorder struggle with feelings of loneliness and coldness. The treatment method is possible with psychotherapy support. In this support, the individual is expected and provided to develop social skills and relationships and progress in matters such as emotional expression.

The causes of individuals with schizoid personality disorder, persuasion methods for therapy, diagnosis and treatment processes are different from each other. Therefore, it is an important point that individuals who exhibit behaviors such as isolating themselves from society, wanting to be alone, and doing their jobs without needing others should be approached with understanding and patience.

With a supportive environment and the right therapy, it is possible for these individuals to develop socially by establishing balance in their lives. Therefore, if you have these symptoms or observe such individuals around you, do not be afraid of therapy and get support.


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