What is Neutrophil? 12 Healthy Foods for Low Neutrophils


A complete blood count is a regularly requested health check for every person. As a result of the blood count, the substances in the blood are determined. An age-related examination is performed and if an out-of-frequency value is observed, treatment is initiated. A blood test is a test that takes a few minutes and results in a short time. The neutrophil value also draws attention in these test results. Now, on this page , we will explain to you the curious information about the neutrophil value. While reading our article, you will be able to find answers to the questions of what it means to have low neutrophils and how to solve it.

Foods Good for Low Neutrophils

  • Red meat
  • Egg
  • White meat
  • Melon and Watermelon
  • Butter
  • Parsley
  • Yogurt
  • Green tea
  • Fish
  • Almond
  • Cheese
  • Spinach

You can see the clearest answers to the question of what neutrophil means in these lines. If there is a low level of neutrophils, you can reach ideal numbers with healthy choices. The ideal number of neutrophils and many details to be considered are with you in this article!

The way to achieve a healthy body is to maintain the neutrophil count. This article will help you!

The information is general advice; Get doctor support for the most accurate and healthy results.

What is Neutrophil?

  • Neutrophils are white blood cells observed in complete blood counts.
  • These white blood cells are responsible for protecting the body against infection.
  • Neutrophils, which make up almost 60% of the white blood cells in the human body, are also a reflection of the immune system of the people.
  • The neutrophil level in the body informs the state of the immune system.
  • Neutrophil is expressed as NEU as a result of the blood test.
  • When the immune system is weakened, the white blood cell that takes action the quickest to protect the body is the neutrophil.
  • The answer to the question of what is low neutrophil is that these blood cells are not enough.
  • Neutrophils that develop in the bone marrow live an average of 7 days and remain alive for 6 hours during circulation. Then they renew themselves.
  • The job of neutrophils is to kill microbes that enter the body. These neutrophils, which protect the body, are kept alive and developed through a healthy diet.

12 Healthy Foods for Low Neutrophils

One of the most important causes of low neutrophils is the lack of necessary nutrients in the diet. Low neutrophils can be cured with a healthy diet. For this, you should consume foods that increase neutrophils in your meals. Well, what are these foods, let’s take a look together!

1) Red Meat

  • In order to increase the level of neutrophils that protect the immune system, a protein-based diet is required. Therefore, the role of red meat in this matter is great.
  • When consuming red meat, it is recommended to be very well cooked. Raw meat will lower neutrophil levels.

2 eggs

  • By consuming eggs, you can protect the level of neutrophils.
  • Eggs will keep you strong against infections entering the body.
  • It is recommended to consume eggs fresh and boiled.

3) White Meat

  • It is recommended to add white meat to your meals to compensate for low neutrophils.
  • You can maintain the number of white blood cells by consuming well-cooked chicken, turkey and seasonal fish.

4) Melon and Watermelon

  • Melon and watermelon, which are summer fruits, will preserve their neutrophil value thanks to the vitamins they contain.
  • Melon and watermelon, which are one of the thick-skinned fruits, are recommended to eliminate low neutrophils. You can consume it in season.

5) Butter

  • It is recommended to choose healthy fats to increase the level of neutrophils. Butter is one of these fats.
  • You can eat more naturally by using butter instead of margarine and oil. Thus, you can increase the neutrophil value.

6) Parsley

  • Parsley, one of the antioxidant vegetables, is very good against low neutrophils.
  • You can protect the neutrophil value by consuming parsley for breakfast and in salads. If you are experiencing low neutrophils, you should take care to consume parsley regularly.

7) Yogurt

  • Dairy products naturally treat low neutrophils.
  • Yogurt, which has the task of protecting against infection and microbes, eliminates the low level of neutrophils.
  • By choosing homemade yogurt, you can strengthen your immune system and prevent the decrease of white blood cells.

8) Green Tea

  • The place of herbal teas in the treatment of low neutrophils is important. Especially green tea, which purifies the body from harmful substances, is very effective in this regard.
  • You can regularly consume green tea to get rid of germs. In this way, you will increase your neutrophil value.

9) Fish

  • If you take omega fatty acids regularly, you can stay away from low neutrophils. Your immune system stays strong for a long time.
  • You can treat low neutrophil deficiency through diet by meeting the need for fish and fish oil regularly. Fish is a food that strengthens you.

10) Almond

  • You can cure low neutrophils by consuming foods containing vitamin E. Raw almonds contain plenty of vitamin E and protect your immune system.
  • In particular, low neutrophils caused by vitamin deficiency can be a situation that you can reduce by adding almonds to your diet.
  • People who consume almonds for breakfast and snacks will get rid of the problem of low neutrophils.

11) Cheese

  • We have indicated the place of dairy products in preserving the neutrophil value. Especially cheese is a very good choice to solve this problem.
  • By consuming natural cheese, you can prevent the decrease of white blood cells. Thanks to this healthy choice, your immune system will also be strengthened.

12) Spinach

  • Foods containing vitamin C and iron eliminate the problem of low neutrophils.
  • Spinach is one of these foods. When consuming spinach, care should be taken that it is cleaned very well.
  • You can increase the amount of white blood cells by preparing spinach dishes.

What Is Low Neutrophil (NEU), What Does It Mean?

In some cases, the neutrophil count may be very low. People with low neutrophils also have weak immune systems. People with low neutrophils are often at risk of getting sick.

So, how can you detect low neutrophils?

If you ask what diseases low neutrophil causes , we can say that your body will weaken in general because your fighters against all diseases will be reduced. Although the symptoms of low neutrophils differ from person to person, some general items can be counted.

If there are symptoms on the list; It can be said that your neutrophil value is low:

  • Recent intense vaginal discharge and itching
  • Pain and burning sensation when urinating
  • Abdominal pain and sore throat
  • swelling of the gums
  • Fatigue and sweating
  • fever due to infection
  • Sores in the mouth
  • Swelling on the skin

There are some factors that cause low neutrophils. If you learn these reasons, you can maintain your neutrophil level.

Here are the causes of low neutrophils:

  • Anemia and blood poisoning
  • Experiencing Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s, Lupus
  • Vitamin deficiency and nutritional deficiency
  • Lyme disease
  • Intensive use of epilepsy and psychiatric drugs
  • Experiencing bone marrow related diseases such as Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma
  • Receiving radiation and chemotherapy
  • Congenital bone marrow disorders
  • bone marrow failure

Treatment is recommended for people with low neutrophils. More serious problems may occur as the immune system of patients who are not treated will weaken.

The treatment methods that your doctor will recommend to you may be:

  • Antipyretic and antibiotic drugs are recommended for fever.
  • If there is a low level of neutrophils caused by drugs, the equivalent of the drugs is given.
  • Bone marrow stimulating treatments are used to produce white blood.
  • A healthy diet plan is drawn and foods that cause a decrease in the neutrophil value are prohibited.
  • Although the treatment of low neutrophils progresses with the aim of rapidly reaching the ideal level, it is essential to give importance to a healthy and balanced diet for a long-term healthy body.

Neutrophil Ratio – What Percent Should It Be?

Neutrophil values ​​are examined in variable numbers depending on age. Different neutrophil results are detected in newborn, young and adult individuals. Frequencies measured outside the ideal values ​​cause the problem of low or high neutrophils.

Both high and low neutrophil levels require treatment. Experts refer to the preservation of figures, which is ideal. Situations that threaten health may occur in its height and low.

So, what should the neutrophil value be? How is the low neutrophil level in the blood detected in the measurements? The range of normal neutrophil values ​​varies with age. We can express the age-related distribution of neutrophil ratios as follows.

  • Newborn: 6000-26,000 mcL
  • 1 week: 1000-10,000 mcL
  • 6 months: 1000-8500 mcL
  • In children: 1000-8000 mcL
  • Adults: 1500-8000 mcL

For the diagnosis of low neutrophils , a certain ratio must be determined. Measurements below the appropriate numbers are defined as low neutrophils and expressed as “Neutropenia” . Neutropenia is a condition that is at risk of being seen in every person.

Neutropenia is also examined at 3 different levels:

  • Mild neutropenia: 1000 – 1500 mcL
  • Moderate neutropenia: 500 – 1000 mcL
  • Severe neutropenia: Measurements below 500 mcL

When low neutrophils are observed in infants, there is no cause for concern because the neutrophil ratio quickly becomes ideal in infants with very rapid development.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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