What is Neural Itching? Nervous Itching Symptoms and Treatment

You may experience an itching sensation at some times during the day. This is quite normal and occurs as a result of natural processes in the body. In cases of long-term, frequently recurring, severe and disturbing itching, underlying medical causes should be investigated. One of these reasons is nervous itching. Nervous itching problem has a quality that can significantly negatively affect the daily life of the individual. Therefore, treatment with appropriate methods is necessary. However, in some cases, it may be difficult to understand that the itching is of nervous origin. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist physician, especially for long-lasting and recurring itching complaints. Thus, all factors that may cause itching can be systematically evaluated and the correct treatment approach can be applied.

What is Neural Itching?

Nervous itching is a medical term that covers both neuropathic and psychological itching. Nerve networks systematically distributed in every area of ​​the body communicate with the brain and each other. Therefore, the networks extending to the skin may be affected due to any problem involving the brain or different parts of the nervous system. As a result, an itching sensation may occur, which has a similar mechanism to the sensation of pain. This type of itching is called neuropathic pruritus. In psychogenic itching, chemical processes affecting the brain are reflected in the nerve networks under the skin. Psychogenic pruritus is a medical disorder, just like other causes of itching. Therefore, both neuropathic and psychogenic types of itching need to be treated appropriately. For this reason, it is important to accurately determine whether the itching is caused by the mentioned reasons. In general, the causes of itching are examined under several basic headings.

  • dermatological
  • Systematic
  • Neurological
  • Psychological
  • idiopathic

Dermatological pruritus complements the acute or chronic type of itching that occurs due to any disease affecting the skin tissue. Dermatological problems such as eczema and urticaria are among the causes of itching. In the systematic type, there is a complaint of itching caused by metabolic and other pathways as a result of any disease affecting the body. For example, severe itching may be observed due to systematic diseases such as cirrhosis involving the liver and bile ducts. Pruritus caused by pregnancy and medication use is also included in the group of itching of systematic origin. Neurological pruritus is a condition that involves the brain and peripheral nervous system. In the type that can be described as psychological or psychogenic, although the main complaint is itching, it is known that various psychiatric disorders are the main cause. Itching that does not fit any of these types mentioned and whose cause has not yet been explained despite all medical examinations is considered idiopathic.

How Does Neural Itching Happen?

There are specialized receptor cells under the skin that provide stimulus transmission. Each of these cells has a different function. Thus, signals such as vibration, pressure, temperature and pain can be transmitted to the central nervous system. The central nervous system, which includes the spinal cord and brain, processes incoming signals and creates appropriate responses to protect the body. Pain sensation may occur in problems affecting any part of this neural network. Pain sensation can be perceived as electric, burning or itching, depending on the main factor affecting it. The itching that occurs as a result of the mentioned mechanism is called neurogenic pruritus. Factors that cause neurogenic pruritus are as follows:

  • Notalgia paresthetica:It is a type of neuropathic pain that affects the back area and can cause severe itching.
  • Peripheral neuropathy:Due to inflammatory processes that occur in any part of the peripheral nervous system, which spreads throughout the body in the form of a network and is responsible for various functions, complaints of pain and itching affecting that area may be encountered.
  • Stroke:As a result of impaired brain circulation and insufficient oxygen intake, itching symptoms may be observed in various body areas depending on the damaged part.
  • Vitamin deficiency:Neuron damage may occur due to the lack of essential substances such as B12 and folic acid, which are necessary for the nervous system to function properly. As a result, complaints of pain and itching may occur.
  • Malignancy:Itching may occur due to damage caused by a tumor in the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system.
  • Multiple sclerosis:It is a disease observed in the sheath called myelin that surrounds the neurons in the central nervous system.

In addition to the above reasons, neural itching may also occur due to various psychiatric reasons. The main factors in this type, called psychogenic pruritus, can be summarized as follows:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder:Repetitive thoughts that disturb the person are defined as obsessions. Compulsions are some behavioral rituals that occur in response to these thoughts. The person repeats certain movements in order to relieve the obsessive thoughts that make him uneasy. In individuals with this disorder, the complaint of itching may also occur as a type of compulsion.
  • Depression:Defined as a type of mood disorder, depression is a state of sadness that significantly affects a person’s life for a long time. The background of depression lies in some chemical processes occurring in the brain. There are many studies showing that the hormone called serotonin remains at low levels in depression. Antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin levels are used for treatment purposes. The itching seen in depression actually has a similar purpose. The slight pain sensation that occurs with scratching triggers the production of serotonin in the brain. Due to this mechanism, itching is also observed in some cases of depression.
  • Somatoform disorders:Situations in which the symptom occurring in any part of the body cannot be explained by any organic reason, but is related to the psychological quality of the person, are described as somatoform disorders. In somatoform disorders, which cover a wide range of disorders, there is a medical problem that disturbs the person. It is not necessary for the problem in question to be detected during the examination. For example, in the condition called hypochondriasis, the individual has a serious fear of illness even though there are no symptoms. Itching is a common symptom among somatoform disorders.

What are the Symptoms of Neural Itching?

Some features of neurogenic pruritus, which causes nervous itching, are as follows:

  • burning sensation
  • Perception of skin as wet
  • Complaints defined as electric shock
  • Numbness in the affected area
  • Pain

The frequency and severity of complaints occurring in neuropathic pruritus may vary depending on the underlying cause and do not give an idea about the severity of the disease. For example, in diabetes-induced peripheral neuropathy, although disturbing itching may occur initially, sensation may not occur in more advanced stages due to serious nerve damage. As a result, it may be seen that the individual does not feel anything even in situations that are expected to cause extreme pain. Therefore, regardless of the severity, it is recommended to consult a specialist physician in case of long-term itching problems. Apart from neurogenic factors, the symptoms that can be observed with psychogenic pruritus, which is another cause of neural itching, are as follows.

  • Itching complaint that cannot be explained by any other medical reason
  • Psychiatric problems and emotional/thought processes trigger itching, affecting its severity, frequency and duration

How to Treat Nervous Itching?

Different treatment methods need to be applied for itching of nervous origin than for other causes. Treatment is based on the underlying disease causing the itching. The types of treatments frequently applied for nervous itching can be summarized as follows:

  • Creams containing local anesthetics such as lidocaine
  • Neurostimulation techniques
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • antidepressants
  • Some drugs that regulate the nervous system, such as gabapentin
  • botox treatment

In addition to the methods listed above, appropriate treatment of the underlying medical condition causing the itching is also necessary. For this purpose, a treatment program directed by specialist physicians in the branches of neurology, dermatology and psychiatry can be followed. Thus, all factors that cause itching can be considered in detail and a solution can be produced. The most correct approach to the treatment of nervous itching can be determined as a result of examinations and tests performed by the relevant doctor. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare institution as soon as possible for long-term and disturbing itching problems.


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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