What is MCT Oil? Is MCT Oil Healthy?


MCT oil is praised for its health benefits, but what is it? And is it healthy? Find out here.

Is MCT Oil Healthy?

Based on current scientific research, there is not yet enough evidence that MCT oil has health benefits. MCT oil from coconut fat is often used, which even has health disadvantages.

Coconut fat contains only a small amount of MCT oil, but mainly saturated fats. These fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What is MCT Oil?

If you look for what MCT oil is, you will find many websites with so-called health benefits. However, you will not find anything about MCT oil on the Nutrition Center’s website. What exactly is this oil?

MCT oil consists of MCT fatty acids. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, which means ‘medium-chain fat’.

To understand what exactly this means, let’s dive into chemistry. Are you paying attention? Fats consist of fatty acid chains, which can be short, medium or short.

Most food consists of long fatty acid chains. These fatty acids are called Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT). Coconut oil consists partly of MCTs.

In addition, special MCT oil and MCT margarine are made in factories. MCT can consist of different ratios of fatty acids, such as capric acid and caprylic acid.

MCTs behave differently in the body than LCTs. A big difference is that MCTs are more easily absorbed by the body.

This is because they are absorbed directly through the intestines without having to be emulsified (mixed with other substances) and split. They are also distributed directly through the vascular system via the liver.

LCTs must first be emulsified and cleaved. They are then processed into chylomicrons and absorbed into the blood via the lymphatic system. Chylomicrons are particles that transport fats in our body. Many other substances are also involved compared to MCTs.

Another characteristic of this oil is that it has a neutral odor and taste.

MCT oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids. It is more easily absorbed by the body than long chain fatty acids. It has a neutral odor and taste.

What is the Nutritional Value of MCT Oil?

Below you can read the nutritional values ​​of a tablespoon (13 grams) of MCT oil from a certain brand. The precise nutritional values ​​may differ slightly per type of brand.

  • Energy: 110 kcal
  • Fat: 12.2 g
    -Of which saturated fat: 12.2 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Salt: 0 g

What nutrients does MCT oil contain?

One tablespoon (13 grams) of MCT oil contains almost no nutrients. Other types of fats contribute to the intake of soluble vitamins and minerals.

MCT oil also contains no essential fatty acids. These are fatty acids that you must consume through food, because the body cannot produce these fatty acids itself.

The oil does contain 0.1 mg vitamin E. However, this is a negligibly small amount.

What would be the benefits of MCT Oil?

Various health benefits are claimed from MCT oil. A number of these benefits are listed below.

It contains fewer calories than other types of fat

MCT oil indeed contains slightly fewer calories than other types of fats, namely between 8 and 9 kcal per gram.

Other fats contain 9 calories per gram. According to proponents, it could contribute to weight loss. This reduces the risk of various weight-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

Imagine eating 70 grams of fat (average recommendation for a normal diet) per day. If you replace all fat intake with MCT oil of 8 kcal per 1 gram, this is a difference of 70 calories per day. This is not a very big difference, which will be decisive for losing a lot of weight.

Moreover, there are disadvantages if you replace all fats with MCT oil. Firstly, this is practically impossible with a normal diet and you therefore do not get any fat-soluble vitamins.

MCT oil has slightly fewer calories than other fats, but the difference is not big enough to lose much weight. It is also not convenient to replace all fats with them.

It would be good for your intestines

MCT oil is more easily absorbed by your intestines. This is one of the reasons why these fatty acids are said to be good for your intestines. There is little hard evidence to support this claim. Moreover, MCTs can even cause stomach and intestinal problems in some people.

Known side effects include diarrhea, flatulence, reflux, vomiting and abdominal pain. The complaints become worse with a higher intake of MCT oil, such as with the MCT diet. For this reason, the use of MCT oil is also slowly increased on medical advice.

MCT oil is more easily absorbed by your intestines, but there is little evidence that it is good for your intestines. Some people even suffer from stomach and intestinal problems.

It can quickly provide energy

MCTs are absorbed faster than other types of fat. This also allows it to be converted as ketones more quickly than other types of fat [5]. Ketones are substances that the body produces when fat is used as an energy source.

However, ketones can also be produced by eating fewer carbohydrates. This is the case with some variants of the low-carb diet, namely the ketogenic diet.

You do not need any special supplements for this diet. This is a better choice, because it allows you to (partly) learn a diet that you can maintain for a longer period of time.

Moreover, this means you do not have to spend extra costs (and time) on special supplements. That makes a difference, right?

MCTs are quickly absorbed and can provide rapid energy. But you can also get energy from ketones by following a low-carb diet, without additional supplements.

It could help against various diseases

There are studies suggesting that MCT may help against diseases such as epilepsy, autism and Alzheimer’s. However, these studies have been conducted in vitro (tubes), on rats and/or on small groups of people.

The results of these types of studies cannot be transferred 1-to-1 to people. Further research must show whether it can really help against certain diseases.

However, there are various studies in which the production of ketones reduces epilepsy attacks. However, producing ketones can also take place without the use of MCT oil. This can be done by following a strict, limited low-carb diet with natural foods.

Many studies are currently being conducted on the effect of MCT oil. For example, research is being conducted into the effects on candida (fungal infection), diabetes type II (diabetes), autism, metabolic syndrome, concentration problems, leaky gut syndrome and cholesterol.

These studies use a small amount of MCT oil, from 15 to 30 ml per day.

There are some studies that say MCT oil can help against diseases, but more research is needed. Ketones can also help, and you can get them without MCT oil.

It would provide a longer saturated effect

In a small study, MCT oil appears to slow gastric emptying. This means that a meal stays in your stomach longer, making you feel full for longer.

This effect applies to any type of fat, so it is not necessarily necessary to use MCT oil. Proteins can also provide a longer saturated effect. By combining natural food with proteins and fats you will benefit from this.

MCT oil can help you feel full for longer, but so can other fats and proteins. So it is not necessarily necessary to use MCT oil.

Is MCT Oil good for losing weight?

MCT oil often contains fewer calories than other types of fats. Then it could help you lose weight, right? You can read whether this is really the case in the article MCT oil and losing weight .

What are the disadvantages of MCT Oil?

Some people who want to ingest MCT oil choose to do so through coconut fat. Most MCT oil is extracted from coconut oil. You can also find many health benefits of coconut fat on the internet.

However, the opposite is true. Coconut fat has many more health disadvantages than health benefits. For example, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. You can read more about this in our article coconut oil and health.

Pure MCT oil also has many health disadvantages. For example, did you know that it consists entirely of saturated fats? This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. You can reduce the risk of this by eating mainly unsaturated fats.

There are also people who follow the MCT diet. This makes the risk of nutrient deficiencies very high. This means that MCT oil can even be dangerous.

Its use is also not practical, because you cannot eat many foods. Finally, it is difficult to consume enough calories, which can cause unwanted weight loss.

MCT oil has disadvantages, such as that it consists of saturated fats, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The MCT diet can also lead to nutritional deficiencies.

When not to use MCT Oil?

Would you still like to try MCT oil? Do not use it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Do you already suffer from delayed gastric emptying? Then avoid MCT oil to prevent complaints such as bloating, a feeling of pressure in the stomach and a distended abdomen.

When is the MCT diet healthy?

In some cases the special MCT diet is healthy. Follow this diet only on medical advice. The diet is recommended if there is a serious disturbance in the transport, absorption and/or digestion of fat.

It is also advised if the combustion of fatty acids in mitochondria (energy factories of cells) does not work properly.

A person may then eat limited foods containing LCTs. This is supplemented with MCT fats by MCT oil and MCT margarine. During the diet you can only eat lean products.

If someone follows this diet for more than 6 weeks, supplements should be used to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

What is the difference between MCT oil and coconut fat?

MCT oil is often made from coconut fat. The two types of fats have many differences. The biggest difference between these two fats is that MCT oil consists of 100% MCTs. Coconut oil contains only a small percentage of this. The rest of the fatty acids in coconut oil consist of long-chain triglycerides.

Another difference is that coconut oil tastes subtly like coconut. MCT oil has a neutral taste and odor. Another difference is the use. Coconut oil can be used at higher temperatures. MCT oil can be heated to approximately 177 degrees. In addition, MCT oil is often more expensive than coconut oil.

What the fats have in common is that they mainly consist of saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

MCT oil is made from coconut fat, but they are different. MCT oil consists of 100% MCTs, while coconut oil contains only a small part. MCT oil also tastes and smells neutral, while coconut oil tastes like coconut.

Can you cook with MCT oil?

This is certainly possible. This is also one of the ways that proponents of this oil use it. You can heat it up to 177 degrees Celsius without the oil smoking. It is used, for example, for frying, cooking or as shortening. However, other vegetable oils are a healthier choice and often a lot cheaper.

How much MCT Oil per day?

There are no guidelines for how much MCT oil you can use per day. Are you planning to use it anyway? Then we advise you not to use too much. With other types of oils you get important fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

If you regularly replace these vegetable oils with MCT oil, there is a good chance that you will develop deficiencies in these nutrients. This can cause many health disadvantages.


Based on current research, we do not find enough evidence that mct oil is healthy for you. We also recommend a diet with as many natural foods as possible.

MCT oil is not a natural food, but is extracted from coconut oil. Do you want to get MCT oil through coconut fat? There are also health disadvantages, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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