What is Kant? Lemon, Hot and Delicious!
Kant Drink: Economic, Quick Lemon Tea
Experts express the effect of drinking water on the immune system at every opportunity. Thanks to drinking water, organs work in perfect cooperation and keep the body fit at all times. While people who consume water feel more energetic; They also support cell regeneration.
You can drink the water flavored or plain. If you wish, you can adjust the temperature according to your own taste. It is recommended that you do not forget to drink water during the day and take water into your body frequently.
Let’s talk about the habit of drinking water from ancient times to the present day. Years ago, people used to remember to drink warm water every morning when they woke up. They made some additions to make the water they drink a little sweeter.
Thanks to some fruits added to start the day fit, he would start the day feeling better. We will talk about a drink known as “Kant”, which is a continuation of this tradition. Kant drink is actually a drink that you all know. Now it’s time to learn the answers to the question of what is Kant.
What is Kant?
- It is actually a kind of liquid found in its most natural form on the Kant beverage list.
- For those who say what Kant means, it is necessary to talk about the origin of this word. The word Kand means sugar in Arabic.
- Kant, known as sugar water, is a beverage recommended to be consumed hot.
- When consumed in ancient times, it was preferred with honey and lemon.
- Nowadays, those who wish to add sugar and start drinking.
- Kant drink, which is based on hot water, lemon juice, and honey, has many benefits for health.
- Thanks to this water, which is recommended to be drunk as soon as you wake up, you can get away from sleep and leave yourself to the rush of the day.
- Kant, which regulates blood circulation, also balances the body’s need for water and sugar.
- Kant, which can be consumed as a healthy alternative for those who do not drink any acidic or fruity drinks, becomes water that even children over the age of 1 can drink.
- Kant has been consumed frequently from past to present. Thanks to this beverage, which closes the need for oral in ancient times, many people drink it without additives.
What Are the Benefits of Kant Drink?
Those who want to drink Kant can evaluate the first hours of the day. This drink, which is recommended to be consumed after waking up and before breakfast, also has very positive properties. Now, you can take a look at the current effects of kant drink for health.
- Since one of the indispensable ingredients for Kant is lemon, this drink is especially recommended for those who want to detox.
- Kant, which you can sweeten with a little honey without adding sugar, is a miracle drink that works the intestines with the effect of lemon juice.
- It has the power to prevent the formation of acne.
- If you want to balance blood sugar; You can prepare and consume Kant in the morning.
- It is recommended to drink Kant for cleaning and preventing oral bacteria.
- Let’s say that those who suffer from headaches can relieve their headaches with a natural mixture. You can stay away from pain by drinking 1 glass of Kant in the morning and evening.
- If you are experiencing general body fatigue; you can consume kant to feel better.
- Thanks to kant, which has the feature of balancing stomach acids, stomach cramps and burning can be prevented.
- When you experience winter diseases, you can drink kant to make your body more vigorous.
- Thanks to kant sweetened with lemon and honey, cell renewal is accelerated. Therefore, if you have any tissue damage in your body; start drinking kant.
- Kant with honey will be very good for you to nourish the hair.
- You can protect yourself against diseases thanks to the blood that increases the body resistance and cleans the blood.
- Make sure to drink regularly.
How to Do Kant?
There are 2 different ingredients that give a sweet flavor to the Kant drink. One of these ingredients is honey; The other is granulated sugar. Now let’s talk about preparing a Kant.
- 1 glass of hot water
- fresh lemon
- Powdered sugar or honey
Preparation of:
- Do not forget to prepare this drink fresh every time you want to drink it.
- First, prepare 1 glass of hot water.
- Pour the hot water into the glass and wait for the initial temperature to pass.
- If you are going to use granulated sugar, pour 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar into the glass.
- If you are going to add honey instead of sugar; add 1 teaspoon of honey to the water and start mixing.
- When the honey or sugar dissolves in the hot water, squeeze the lemon juice over the hot water.
- There is no measure of lemon juice. If you like lemon, you can add up to 10 drops on average.
- When you are sure that the whole mixture is well mixed, take care to drink this water in a short time.
- Kant waiting for hours is not suitable for consumption. Lemon waiting in the water is recommended to be consumed fresh as it will give bitterness to the water.
- The Kant you have prepared for consumption outside or in the office environment is suitable for consumption in a thermos.