What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic nutrition uses various foods and combinations of nutrients to help people achieve optimal physical mental and spiritual health. In short, it is a form of nutrition that appeals to the whole mind, body and soul. The hallmark of a holistic diet is that it includes whole foods that are unprocessed, organic and locally grown. The focus is on including foods with the highest nutritional value in people’s diets and supporting the diet with vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids when necessary.

Who Can Eat Holistically?

  • Diabetics (Diabetes)
  • heart patients
  • Those with obesity problems
  • Arthritis
  • gout patients
  • lung patients
  • People suffering from stomach disorders
  • cancer patients

How Does Holistic Nutrition Help Lose Weight?

Water Consumption : Water consumption, one of the most important components of holistic nutrition, is on the lists of those who want to lose weight and those who want to eat healthy. Water consumption plays a role in reducing body weight by accelerating metabolism. It is recommended by nutritionists to drink 8 glasses of water a day for a healthy body. In addition to consuming water , it is very important to consume the right fluid source in holistic nutrition. As nutritionists say, attention should be paid to the amount of acidic drinks such as cola, soda, and caffeine-containing liquids such as tea and coffee, in holistic nutrition. Additional options include naturally sweetened plant-derived almond milk , coconut milk, and fresh vegetable and fruit juices that strengthen the body’s immune system.
Raw Food :
 Raw foods contain fewer calories because they do not undergo any processing . At the same time, since it is not processed, it preserves its nutritional value more than cooked food. Since it is a high-fiber diet, it plays a role in strengthening the immune system and weight loss.

Portion Control:
 Portion control has a very important place in order to lose weight correctly. Improper portion control may cause you to gain weight rather than lose weight. In addition, controlling your portions will not only help you lose weight, but will also help you protect yourself from insulin resistance, obesity-related diseases, diabetes, insulin resistance and heart diseases.

Organic and Local Nutrition : When
 choosing your food, be careful to choose fresh, daily and seasonal foods from which you know the source. Avoid herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones when purchasing food by choosing organic foods whenever possible.

Healthy Flour Choice :
 Choosing products made from whole wheat flour, which is included in the holistic nutrition list due to its fiber and fiber content, helps to lose weight as it slows down digestion and absorption and prevents rapid rise in blood sugar. It is also richer in vitamins and nutrients than products made from white flour. It provides satiety during the diet period.
Salt Consumption :
 Processed foods should be avoided. Salt intake should be reduced by keeping salt shakers away from the tables.

Not Consuming Refined Sugar :​​
Refined and artificial sweeteners may taste good, but they don’t have a positive effect on your health. On the contrary, it causes diseases such as obesity, tooth decay, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It may take time to give up instant addictions, but fresh seasonal fruits with high vitamin and fiber content can be consumed instead.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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