What is hirudotherapy and does it help?

Hirudotherapy is a method of alternative medicine that uses special medicinal leeches. They have three jaws, each with about a hundred small sharp teeth, which the worms use to pierce the skin.

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During the session, hirudotherapists place several leeches on a person. One individual can drink about 15 ml of blood. This will take her from 15 to 60 minutes.

Humanity has been familiar with this method of treatment for many thousands of years. For example, in Ancient Egypt, leeches were used for bloodletting, and the Romans in 130-201 AD used them to restore the balance of the so-called humors – special liquids that were previously believed to regulate human health.

During the session, several leeches are placed on a person at once. Photo: Name Julia Agin / Shutterstock

Despite the fact that hirudotherapy is considered a method of alternative medicine, the Russian Ministry of Health included the use of leeches in the list of medical services. And modern clinics periodically offer this procedure to patients. Moreover, in a variety of situations: to alleviate complications of diabetes , with tinnitus, acute and chronic otitis media, to reduce joint pain and treat exacerbations of endometriosis, to improve sleep and strengthen the immune system, or even to get rid of infertility. And it is precisely such a wide list of indications that casts doubt on the effectiveness of the procedure.

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Why is hirudotherapy considered beneficial?

The procedure is considered useful because during feeding the leech releases the secretion of its glands. It contains more than 20 different substances, including:

  • Hirudinis an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting and thus makes it more liquid and fluid.
  • Hyaluronidaseis an enzyme that has a resolving effect, accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions, and reduces bruises and scars . It is often used in plastic surgery to eliminate the unwanted consequences of surgery. In addition, hyaluronidase works as a local antibiotic, protecting wounds from pathogenic microbes.
  • Apyraseis a substance that actively dissolves blood clots (thrombi) that interfere with blood flow.
  • Histamine– has vasodilating properties.

Medicines have been created based on leech saliva to treat hypertension, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, skin diseases, and arthritis . But this does not mean that hirudotherapy will be as effective as drugs. During the procedure, it is impossible to control the dosage of substances from the worm secretion that will enter the human body.

Is it really possible to cure something with leeches?

A treatment method is considered effective if it is proven by studies conducted on large groups of people. However, some participants must receive a dummy medication. And doctors normally do not know which patients are taking placebo and which are using the method being tested. It is difficult to organize such an experiment with leeches. A person can see exactly whether a toothy worm bites him or not. Therefore, there are few high-quality studies of hirudotherapy.

Scientists have received the most significant evidence about the use of leeches in the field of plastic surgery. Hirudotherapy is used to help restore blood circulation after suturing of fingers, ears or lips. Worms suck out excess blood, which temporarily replaces the work of the veins. The procedure is repeated until the body creates new blood vessels that can independently ensure normal blood circulation.

This method in the field of reconstructive microsurgery has even been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Scientists also have limited data that hirudotherapy helps relieve knee pain in osteoarthritis. 264 patients participated in the experiment. Leeches helped them reduce their symptoms, but in combination with classical treatment. At the same time, the subjects experienced side effects. And the researchers themselves asked to treat the data obtained with caution.

During another experiment, scientists offered hirudotherapy to people with chronic periodontitis . In combination with conventional treatment, leeches helped reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums in patients:

  • with severe periodontitis – by 6%;
  • with a moderate course of the disease – by 24%;
  • with mild ones – by 2%.

There are several other cases where Russian doctors may suggest the use of medicinal leeches. But there is too little convincing evidence that such a “treatment” will be effective.

What is suggested to be treated with leeches? How it should work How things really are
Cardiovascular diseases It is hypothesized that saliva may temporarily improve blood flow, reduce inflammation of vessel walls, and help prevent deep vein thrombosis and ischemia. No one considers leeches to be the “gold standard” for treating the heart and blood vessels. And there is little evidence that their bites help people recover.
Peripheral neuropathy in diabetes mellitus In this condition, pain occurs even from a light touch. Over time, sensitivity decreases, and a person may no longer feel pain, cold and heat. And because of this, the risk of injury, necrosis and amputation increases. Leeches are designed to improve blood circulation in the affected area and return it to normal. Scientists conducted one experiment and noticed that leech saliva relieved pain in people with neuropathy more effectively than in those who took drugs that usually treat the condition. In addition, it has been noted that hirudotherapy restores sensitivity to those who have already lost it. True, there were few subjects – only 40. And this is too few to clearly declare the effectiveness of the method.
Infertility On the websites of some clinics they write that the saliva of leeches helps normalize the functioning of the ovaries, relieve inflammation of the pelvic organs, and in men, improves the function of the prostate gland. Scientists have not conducted research on this topic. Clinics offer the service without any scientific confirmation of the method.
Cancer In combination with chemotherapy, leeches supposedly speed up the absorption of cancer drugs by causing blood flow to speed up. In fact, the only study that showed any benefit from hirudotherapy during cancer treatment described how a patient with carcinoma was helped by leeches after a skin flap was implanted. That is, technically, leeches did not save you from cancer, but accelerated rehabilitation after surgery. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the benefits of worms in the treatment of oncology.

Can hirudotherapy cause harm?

The bite may continue to bleed for up to 10 hours after the leech has fallen off. This is due to the coagulant effect. Therefore, people who suffer from blood clotting problems may need medical care after the procedure, including a transfusion. The same goes for those taking blood thinners, even regular aspirin .

Some people are allergic to leech saliva. And sometimes even anaphylactic shock occurs. It requires emergency medical attention. Due to the condition, the throat swells, the tongue swells, it becomes difficult to breathe and swallow, the person may lose consciousness, and if nothing is done, even die.

During hirudotherapy, a person can become infected. Despite the fact that medicinal leeches are specially grown in laboratory conditions, their intestines contain bacteria.

This risk of infection is especially high when leeches are planted on intimate areas – in the vagina and on the inside of the thighs. These places have thin skin , which is easily damaged, and an environment comfortable for the growth of bacteria. This means that even with careful care after the procedure, the chances of infection increase. There is too little research on how leeches can affect health in this case to consider the method safe.

And one more thing: if you use leeches instead of modern evidence-based methods of therapy, you can waste time. This means that the condition may worsen, and you will have to be treated not only for the underlying disease, but also for its complications.

Who should definitely not try hirudotherapy?

Hirudotherapy is contraindicated in people:

  • with an allergy to leech saliva;
  • arterial insufficiency– a condition in which blood flow in the arteries is reduced;
  • weakened immune system.

Pregnant and lactating women are also better off not going to a hirudotherapy session. The effect of leeches on their health is still poorly understood, but so far it is believed that such treatment can cause anemia in them.

In addition, the procedure will not be performed on people who refuse a possible blood transfusion. And it may be necessary if complications arise.


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