What is Good for Flu in Babies? Flu Symptoms in Babies

Flu is often confused with the common cold (flu). Colds and flu are diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. However, flu is a viral disease caused by the influenza virus in autumn and winter that can affect other parts of the respiratory system, such as the lungs, as well as the upper respiratory tract. Flu can last longer and more severely than the common cold. What are the symptoms of flu in babies? What is good for flu in babies? How to prevent flu in babies? If you want to learn the answers to these questions, you can review the rest of the article.

What is Good for Flu in Babies?

For parents, the health of their children is more important than anything else. Babies cannot express their distress verbally. Therefore, it is important for parents to know their babies well and to carefully follow the changes occurring in their babies. When babies have the flu, they explain their problems to their parents in some way. In this case, it is necessary to take some precautions and help him. As in adults, the flu can be severe in babies. So what is good for the baby? Although there is no definitive answer to this question, some methods can be recommended to parents who say their baby has the flu:

  • Breastfed  babies are in the lucky group against flu, as well as other viral diseases. Breast milk strengthens the immune system of babies by producing natural antibodies against flu. If a breastfed baby gets flu, the first method that can be applied is to breastfeed the baby more frequently.
  • High fever can cause serious health problems, especially in babies. Therefore, when babies have the flu, it is important to measure their temperature every 3-4 hours.
  • Laying the baby down and letting him rest is another method that can help the baby recover faster.
  • Ensuring the baby breathes easily is one of the most important ways to comfort a baby with the flu. If the baby has nasal congestion, elevating the pillow, humidifying the air in the room with devices such as steam machines, and cleaning the baby’s nose using products with nasal decongestant properties will provide relief to the flu-stricken baby. However, since babies’ noses are very sensitive, it is important to be careful when using these products.
  • In addition, even if the baby has no appetite, feeding the baby frequently and with liquid foods is an effective method against the flu. For babies who switch to supplementary food, feeding the baby with soups with high vitamin value; It supports the immune system of the baby with flu.
  • Massaging the baby at intervals helps to accelerate the baby’s blood circulation and helps the baby relax.
  • Medicine should not be given to a baby with flu without being checked by a specialist doctor.

What are the symptoms of flu in babies?

The flu is often  confused with the common cold  , but the flu can be more painful and tiring than the common cold. Flu symptoms in babies can be listed as follows:

  • Sudden onset of fever, rising up to 38-39 degrees, is one of the most important symptoms of flu in babies. However, fever may not increase in every baby with flu.
  • Another symptom of flu in babies is that the baby looks tired; He/she experiences restlessness and cries for a long time due to muscle pain.
  • If the baby shows symptoms such as cold and shivering, it is necessary to suspect that the baby has the flu.
  • In some babies, flu can affect the digestive system in addition to the upper respiratory tract. In this case,  symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea  may occur in babies.
  • Another symptom of flu in babies is sore throat and dry cough. If the baby has wheezing while breathing in addition to cough, a specialist should be consulted without delay.
  • Another common symptom of flu in babies is runny nose and  nasal  congestion .

How Many Days Does Flu Last in Babies?

Parents whose babies have the flu wonder how long it will take for their babies to recover. A baby with flu starts to feel better within approximately 1 week, unless he or she experiences a more serious illness. In some cases, it may take several weeks for flu-related symptoms such as cough and fatigue to disappear completely.

How to Treat Flu in Babies?

In babies under 2 years old, flu can cause more serious complications and even fatal diseases such as pneumonia. When the baby has the flu, if there is wheezing, difficulty breathing in the chest, difficulty breathing, or persistent fever, drug treatment should be started without delay by getting help from a specialist doctor. However, not every baby with flu needs medication. In some cases, parents want to use antibiotic drugs immediately when their babies have flu. However, the use of antibiotics in viral diseases such as flu does not contribute positively to the treatment process of the disease. The use of antibiotics is unnecessary in diseases caused by viruses. If the baby develops flu-related diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia, then antibiotics may be required only as deemed appropriate by the doctor. In addition, since one of the most important symptoms of flu in babies is nasal congestion, some nasal drops can provide relief for babies with flu.

What to Do When Babies Have Flu?

When babies have the flu, first of all, the baby should be given rest and helped to feed even if he has no appetite. Especially babies with flu should be fed liquid foods such as soups made with chicken broth and bone broth; If the baby is breastfed, breastfeeding more often plays an important role in maintaining and healing the balance of the baby’s body. It is also recommended that mothers and fathers whose babies have the flu protect themselves from the flu by wearing a mask and paying attention to hygiene so that they can take better care of their babies.

How to Prevent Flu in Babies?

There are various ways to prevent flu in babies. The most effective way to prevent flu in babies is to give flu vaccination to babies over 6 months of age, if deemed appropriate by the physician. The period when flu is most common is the winter season. After vaccination, a certain period of time must pass for antibodies against influenza to form in the body. Therefore, unless the doctor states otherwise, the most suitable season for giving flu vaccination to babies is autumn. Not only the baby but also other individuals living at home should get the flu vaccine; It is very important to prevent the baby from getting the flu. In order for the baby not to catch the flu, people at home who show symptoms such as flu and cold should be careful to keep their distance from the baby, not to use common items and, if possible, use a mask. Another way to protect the baby from flu is to pay attention to hygiene. Hands should be washed before contacting the baby, and common areas in the house should be kept clean.

How is Flu Transmitted in Babies?

In general, viruses such as influenza virus are transmitted to healthy people through droplets spread by sick people in the environment. These droplets spread into the environment through coughing, sneezing and even talking. When sick people approach babies, these droplets can infect the baby and cause flu. For this reason, it is important for people with flu or those who show symptoms such as weakness and fatigue to use tissues when coughing or sneezing and to wear a mask next to the baby. Flu in babies usually does not have a serious course. It can be resolved within a few days with some methods that can be applied at home. However, in some cases, the flu   can also cause serious illnesses such as pneumonia  and  bronchitis . In this case, if your baby has a persistent high fever, long-lasting weakness, long-lasting muscle aches, and persistent cough, do not forget to get help from your doctor and have your baby checked at regular intervals. We wish you healthy days.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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