What is Espresso? How to Make and Drink? Types, Benefits

What is Espresso

Espresso coffee, which spread all over the world from Italy, is known as a type of coffee that is described as having a very intense aroma and mostly strong drink. Italian entrepreneur Luigi Bezzerra, who invented the espresso machine in 1901, founded a company in the city of Trieste in 1933, and thus, in 1935, the espresso machine was launched, which spread espresso coffee beyond the borders of Italy.

Preparing coffee in a very short time gives rise to the definition of “espresso” , which also means “made with pressure” in Italian . Espresso stands out with its fast preparation and intense taste; It can be diluted using water, milk or both. Drinking coffee diluted is generally preferred by people who do not like the intense coffee aroma.

Then we are starting the espresso lesson with all the details, are you ready?

What is espresso coffee?

What is Espresso Coffee?

Espresso coffee, which has an intense, strong and harsh taste profile, and whose full usage is ‘caffè espresso’ in its original language , means “fast” or “specially made”, in many parts of the world it is also called expresso , referring to the expression express, which corresponds to the word fast .

Espresso, which is obtained using a different method than other types of coffee, is obtained by passing water at a temperature of 90 degrees through high pressure in a very short time through roasted and finely ground coffee powder , thus transferring the color, taste and aroma of the coffee beans to the water.

In other words, espresso is not a feature specific to coffee beans or the feature of baking the beans, it is the extraction of the essence of coffee beans in a short time with high pressure with espresso machines .

A 30 ml cup of espresso prepared using 7 or 9 grams of coffee is served as one shot (single person). For a full espresso pleasure, you can warm the so-called espresso cup before serving. Espresso coffee is also the coffee most similar to Turkish coffee among Western coffee brewing methods . Espresso can be drunk alone or used as a base ingredient for different coffee drinks .

When ordering espresso, you may encounter two concepts such as shot or double . Espresso shot refers to 1 espresso brew, while espresso shot refers to 2 espresso brews. 1 shot of espresso has a volume of 25-30 ml, and 2 shots, that is, double espresso, has a volume of 50-60 ml. Double espresso has a more intense aroma.

Espresso lungo means “long espresso” in Italian. It has a longer brewing time than classic espresso; Therefore, it is easier to drink and softer. Espresso lungo brews longer, contains more water. It is the 50-60 ml volume version of a single espresso.

Features of Espresso Coffee

  • Intense Taste and Aroma: It has an intense taste because it is brewed in a short time and under high pressure.
  • Quick Brew: Brews in 25 to 30 seconds; Therefore it has a strong aroma.
  • Cream Layer: There is a light-colored foam cream layer on the espresso coffee. This creamy foam layer, which forms when coffee beans are brewed under high pressure, gives espresso a characteristic appearance.
  • Creating a Base for Different Beverages: Since espresso coffee has an intense and strong taste, it can be drunk alone or it creates a base for drinks such as americano, latte, cappuccino and macchiato.
What is espresso coffee?

How to Make Espresso?

Espresso , the strongest type of coffee, is known for its intense consistency . The difference between espresso and filter coffee is basically this dense consistency. Using less water in espresso compared to filter coffees means it has higher caffeine per milligram .


  • 7 to 9 grams of ground coffee beans
  • 30 to 40 ml (1 to 1.5 ounces) water
  • espresso glass


  • To make espresso at home, place 7 or 7.5 grams of ground coffee in the portafilter section of your home espresso machine and compress it.
  • Then wait for 30 milliliters of water to filter through the coffee into the cup.
  • As a result of this process, you can obtain a shot of filter coffee.

Another way to make espresso at home is to use an espresso pot :

  • Fill the teapot at the bottom of the espresso pot with water and place it on the stove.
  • Add your not too finely ground coffee to the espresso pot so that the metal filter is completely filled, close the bottom and top parts of the pot tightly and place it on the stove set to medium heat.
  • When the water starts to boil, it passes the coffee in the metal part and your coffee accumulates at the top of the teapot.
  • When you hear a boiling sound, you can remove the pot from the stove.
  • When the coffee finishes rising to the top of the pot, your coffee is ready.
how to make espresso coffee

How to Drink Espresso?

Espresso is classically consumed hot and served in a small espresso cup similar to the unique Turkish coffee. The types served with milk, milk cream, flavored syrup or ice cream are among the espresso-based coffee types. (Latte, macchiato, affogato etc.)

One of the most interesting information about drinking espresso is that this coffee is drunk standing. Because espresso represents a culture in Italy, thanks to its fast preparation feature, from which it takes its name. In Italy, espresso is considered a coffee that should be drunk quickly and quickly .

Another information about espresso is that there should be cream, that is, foam, on the coffee. The cream ensures that the aroma and flavors underneath do not disperse and remain in the cup until you drink it. In fact, the melting rate of the cream gives information about how long ago the espresso was prepared. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that espresso without cream is not freshly made.

how to make espresso coffee

What are the Espresso Coffee Types?

Espresso can be drunk alone or as a base for espresso-based coffee varieties. Espresso takes other names by adding water, cream or milk, adding milk to the cup, flavoring it with chocolate or enriching it with different flavors. Here is the list of these names:

  • Americano: Coffee prepared by filling 2/3 of a cup with hot water and adding espresso is called Americano. Americano is diluted compared to espresso and is easier to drink.
  • Macchiato: Macchiato, which means stained in Italian, is a type of coffee in which the harsh taste of espresso is softened with steamed milk and foam. Different syrups can also be added to macchiato.
  • Latte: Prepared by adding 1 shot of espresso, steamed milk and 1 cm of foam, latte is served in a glass glass. Latte can also be prepared using cold milk and ice. Cold latte is called iced latte.
  • Cappuccino: Cappuccino, which has twice as much milk foam as latte and is very similar to latte in taste, is also among the espresso types. Cappuccino can also be served with grated chocolate.
  • Flat White: Originating from Australia, flat white is also prepared with steamed milk, like cappuccino; However, foam is not added to flat white coffee.
  • Mocha: Another type of espresso is mocha. Mocha has a taste between cappuccino and hot chocolate and is made by adding milk and a spoonful of chocolate powder to a shot of espresso. Then 2 or 3 cm of foam is added to the glass and chocolate powder is sprinkled again.
  • White Chocolate Mocha: When white chocolate is used as chocolate, this type of coffee is called white chocolate mocha.
Espresso Based Coffee Contents Espresso Quantity
Espresso espresso only 25-30ml
Americano Espresso and hot water 30-60ml
Cappuccino Espresso, milk foam and milk 30ml
Latte Espresso and steamed milk 30-60ml
macchiato Espresso and milk foam 30ml
mocha Espresso, hot chocolate and milk 30-60ml
flat white Espresso and milk 30-60ml
how to drink espresso coffee

How Many Calories in Espresso?

Espresso, a finely ground and dark roasted coffee type unique to Italy, is one of the favorite drinks of coffee lovers. Espresso also attracts the attention of coffee lovers in terms of calories:

  • There are approximately 21 kcal in 100 grams of espresso .
  • 1 shot of espresso, which is approximately 29 grams, contains 6 kcal.
  • 75 grams of double espresso contains 16 kcal .
Coffee Type Amount Caloric Value (kcal)
Espresso (100 grams) 100 grams 21 kcal
Espresso (1 shot) Approximately 29 grams 6 kcal
Double Espresso About 75 grams 16 kcal


how many calories in espresso

What are the Benefits of Espresso?

Representing a culture in itself, espresso has many known benefits:

  • Strengthening memory is among the first benefits of espresso that come to mind. From the University of California, Dr. According to research conducted by Michael Yassa, 2 cups of espresso a day strengthens long memory and improves memory.
  • Espresso increases attention and concentration thanks to the caffeine it contains. Caffeine keeps the mind alert, reduces the feeling of fatigue and is thus effective in increasing attention.
  • Espresso may help with weight loss. Espresso, a low-calorie type of coffee, improves performance while exercising and allows you to lose weight.
  • Espresso reduces the risk of stroke. According to a study by Swedish researcher Susanna Larson, 1 cup of Espresso a day reduces the risk of stroke thanks to its antioxidant properties.
  • Espresso reduces the risk of diabetes. In a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health , drinking more than 1 cup of espresso a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 11% in both women and men.
espresso benefits

Espresso Harms and Side Effects

Espresso, which has many benefits, also has side effects. Side effects and harms are mostly related to the caffeine content in espresso.

  • The caffeine in espresso, which is often drunk for pleasure, can slow blood flow to the heart. Slowing blood flow can damage the heart.
  • Excessive consumption of espresso can have a stimulating effect, accelerating the heart rate .
  • Caffeine can affect the esophagus, causing heartburn or reflux .
  • The caffeine contained in espresso can stimulate hormones such as adrenaline that cause the body to tremble.
  • Adrenaline hormone can cause anxiety in some people.
  • Caffeine may cause the kidneys to produce more urine.

Frequently Asked Questions About Espresso

Are Espresso and Filter Coffee the Same?

No, espresso and filter coffee are two types of coffee that differ from each other in terms of the way they are prepared and the degree of coffee grinding.

Filter coffee can be brewed using the French press method or prepared by filtering the coffee through filter papers. They are soft-drinking coffees with less intensity. Filter coffee is large enough to fill a large coffee mug or cup. It has a long drinking period.

Espresso coffee is obtained by brewing very finely ground coffee beans under high pressure in an espresso coffee machine in a short time (25-30 seconds). It has an intense and bitter taste profile. Espresso coffee is served in very small coffee cups similar to Turkish coffee; because its aroma is strong enough. Espresso contains more caffeine than filter coffee. It has a short smoking time.

Is Espresso Coffee Bitter?

Yes, the espresso coffee flavor is intense and bitter. It is just like plain (unsweetened) Turkish coffee. If strong coffees seem intense and bitter to you, you can choose other types of coffee diluted with water or softened with milk, such as americano, latte, macchiato or filter coffee.

Can You Drink Espresso Plain?

Yes, espresso can be drunk in its simple and classical way of preparation. If you like intense and strong coffee taste, espresso coffee will appeal to you. The form diluted with water can be americano, and the forms prepared with milk can be latte, macchiato, mocha.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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