What is Colic Baby? What are the symptoms? What’s Good for You?

What is Colic Baby

Colic: Crying Seizures in Babies

In this article, we would like to provide you with the answer to the question of what colic baby means in detail. Because it is a condition that babies can experience frequently. This can be considered a short-term and temporary syndrome, not a disease. We focus on this issue that expectant mothers and fathers should be aware of and ensure that families are more conscious.

Why do babies cry all the time? What does colicky baby mean? How does a colicky baby sleep? Is my baby sick? We would like to present you our article filled with useful information to address your concerns such as. Sweet fussy parents, you can get over your baby’s crying crises and pains more quickly after reading this article.

Get medical support for the most accurate information and healthy results. The information contained in our content does not constitute a prescription.

colic baby

What is Colic Baby?

Let’s briefly answer the question of what is colic baby syndrome :

Colic is the crying crisis that babies experience at the most unexpected moments of the day without any reason. In order for a colic baby to be diagnosed, crying, insomnia, restlessness and convulsions must occur for at least 3 days a week, lasting approximately 3 hours a day. Colic syndrome occurs in babies younger than 3 or 4 months.

Babies who experience crying spells, usually in the second week after birth, continue these spells for a while. This condition is not a sign of a disease. Although colic is sometimes described as a baby disease, it is actually a kind of temporary syndrome.

1 in 5 babies can be described as a colicky baby. It is also defined as the baby whose digestive system has just completed expressing himself/herself by crying. When examined in detail, several factors that cause colic can be revealed.

Colic Baby Symptoms, How to Understand?

Crying spells, known as colic, are slightly different from normal crying. We would like to draw your attention to the following symptoms so that you can communicate with your baby. If you observe the signs in the list, your baby is most likely in colic pain and colic pain attack. Consult your doctor.

  • Every baby will definitely cry. However, if your baby cries continuously for more than 3 hours during the day, this is an important symptom.
  • If intense crying hours occur on average 3 days a week, it can be said that there are some situations in which your baby is restless.
  • If the baby who has crying spells pulls his legs towards his stomach and cries until he blushes, he may have this syndrome due to gas pain.
  • Colic babies make fists with their hands and move their arms and legs tensely while crying.
  • Convulsions occur along with crying; Because colicky babies contract and turn red when crying.
  • If your baby starts crying in the evening, while everything is fine during the day, and continues to cry until night time, you may suspect colic.
What does colicky baby mean?

What Causes Colic?

Colic may occur from time to time without any reason, and some digestive problems may also cause the baby to have colic. Factors that are effective in the formation of colic can be listed as follows:

  • The baby most likely has gas. Since the baby is uncomfortable due to gas, he may want to relieve the gas by crying.
  • Indigestion due to an underdeveloped digestive system can cause colic.
  • Insufficient or excessive sucking; Swallowing air along with milk while sucking is among the causes of colic.
  • The baby may have reflux at this time. Reflux also causes the baby to cry and pain in the stomach.
  • When there are too many people and stress around newborn babies, they may react to these people and cry for this reason. Multiple stimuli can cause a baby to cry.
  • Sometimes, the baby’s food allergy may also cause colic. It is said that the nutrients transferred through breast milk affect the baby. The baby may have expressed the allergy by crying.
What is colic baby?

When Does Colic Start and Increase?

Even after babies are born, their organs continue to develop. The newborn baby’s digestive system and immune system are very sensitive. It continues to improve day by day.

Pains and pains that usually start from the 2nd or 3rd week onwards cause colic crying in babies. If you wonder when this difficult and stressful process will end, you can wait for months 4-6. You may have to wait up to a month. This process may vary depending on the development of the baby, it is not definitive information.

Since there are developmental differences between babies, some babies may overcome this stressful period in their 4th month. Mothers and fathers, along with their babies, can sleep more comfortably. If there is an allergic condition and the mother notices it too late, colic days may disappear after 1 year.

How to put colicky baby to sleep

How to Treat Colic? How is it treated?

Some changes will be necessary for a definitive solution to colic pain, crying and colic pain. You can easily get over colic days by making changes to your breastfeeding, sleeping environment, clothes and interior. For this, you can listen to our advice:

Prevent Gas Formation

Since colic is caused by gas pain, you should give the baby a bottle that prevents gas formation. There are feeding bottles that control airflow. You can buy such feeding bottles from baby stores or pharmacies so that the baby sleeps more peacefully.

Breastfeed regularly

You should comply with breastfeeding hours regularly. If you breastfeed and give formula frequently, the baby may have difficulty digesting this heavy food. As a result of this situation, gas occurs and crying spells are imminent. If you are breastfeeding, you should stay away from foods that cause gas. You should pay attention to the fact that the foods transferred to the baby through milk are also acceptable for the baby. You can feed your baby every 2 hours. In addition, sucking relaxes the baby as it provides contact with the skin.

Action is a must

Moving babies will prevent any pain. Babies love and show interest in moving objects. For this reason, you can take the baby and walk him around the house when he has a crying fit. If the weather is nice, a short ride in the car may be good for both of you.

Take Advantage of Oscillation

Babies are in a safe, dimly lit environment in the womb and feel comfortable there for 9 months; that is, they safely match the light oscillatory movement state. After birth, the transitions of movements may seem too clear for them. The feeling of dissonance can also turn into restlessness. To prevent this, swinging cribs and walking with a springing motion on the lap can calm the baby. It is also known that some babies fall asleep more easily while driving in the car.

Stay Away from Stressful and Noisy Environments

Keeping babies away from stressful environments will be effective in every aspect. Babies who can feel emotions can get tense and cry in tense environments. To prevent this crying situation, it would be better for the baby to be in a quieter and more peaceful environment. Since air flow will be less in crowded environments, the baby may not like this environment.

First Massage Then Sleep

How to put a colicky baby to sleep? You should pay attention to your sleeping position. You can make sure that he sleeps in a position where he can breathe and move more easily. If you massage your baby with small movements before and after sleep, you can relieve gas and make it more enjoyable.

Colic Baby Sound, Music Can Be Turned on

The most enjoyable method recommended for colic treatment would be listening to music. Sweet and lullaby-like colic music will also soothe the baby’s soul. Since the baby’s attention will be focused on the music, you may have experienced crying crises for a while.

Sounds Matter

Babies are very sensitive to some sounds. As soon as he starts crying, you can stop crying with colic voice therapy. You can turn on the hair dryer and wait for a while. Since this sound is the same as the sound he heard in the womb, he will stop crying. It is known that rhythmic sounds relax babies. Especially colic baby music, also known as white noise, can be used.

Contact and Trust are Healing

One of the most important things to calm restless babies is to make them feel safe. For this reason, having the baby in the mother’s arms, especially in skin-to-skin contact, has a positive effect.

What is good for colic baby?

What is Good for Colic Baby?

Although some doctors recommend herbal teas to relieve colicky babies, some doctors emphasize that herbal tea should not be given. Under this heading, we will recommend you a few herbal teas. However, for the best step, you should still get approval from your doctor and proceed with the application. Our herbal treatment suggestions that will comfort your baby are as follows:

  • It is stated that fennel, chamomile and licorice tea relieve gas pain in babies. It is recommended that mothers consume these teas under medical supervision.
  • It is said that massages with chamomile oil relieve gas in babies. Doctor’s approval will definitely be required for vegetable oils.
  • It is also known that massages with olive oil relieve gas in babies. You must obtain doctor’s approval for all recommendations.
Will a colicky baby be smart?

What Should Parents of Colic Babies Pay Attention to?

  • You should not panic when your baby cries. This condition is not a serious disease but a temporary syndrome. First of all, we recommend that you remain calm and calm your baby as well.
  • Never compare your baby with other babies. Comparison can affect both families and the baby. There will definitely be differences between individuals and babies.
  • Pay attention to your health. Try to consume healthy foods. If you have a habit like smoking, try to quit as soon as possible.
  • You should definitely make your baby feel that you love him. When the baby feels safe, all problems will disappear.
  • If crying spells last longer than 3 hours during the day, see a doctor immediately. You should consider the possibility of a different problem other than colic.
colic baby sound

What should be done to prevent the baby from having colic?

During attacks, it may be good to take the baby to a quiet environment, have skin-to-skin contact with the mother, and relax him with movements similar to the springing motion of water in the mother’s womb. Light massages to the abdomen are also effective. Let us underline the importance of relaxing through skin-to-skin contact, especially if you are thinking about how to put a colicky baby to sleep.

How to Tell if a Baby Has Colic?

A colicky baby usually pulls his legs towards himself, stretches his back like a bow and clenches his hands into fists when crying. You can find more detailed information in the colic baby symptoms section of our article.

What to Do for a Colic Baby?

If you are wondering whether colic can be relieved with a definitive solution, the answer to this question will vary depending on each baby. Massage is an effective method to relax the baby. You can also benefit from the healing properties of plants. Linden and chamomile are among the most preferred plants. For the most accurate results, get medical support.

What Should Mothers of Colic Babies Not Eat?

Since colicky babies may also experience anxiety due to gas pain, breastfeeding mothers should stay away from gas-causing foods in milk.

Will a Colic Baby Be Intelligent?

Although there is information circulating among the public that a baby’s restless nature and crying a lot may be a sign of intelligence, there is no scientific evidence for this information.

What is colic baby?

Consult your doctor for the most accurate information and healthy practices. The information contained in our content does not constitute a prescription.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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