What is Ceviche? How is it done?
Ceviche: Fresh Fish from Peruvian Cuisine
If you ask what is ceviche, also known as ceviche, sebiche, seviche, it is a seafood dish. The first place of origin of this dish, which is served cold, is the Inca Republic, the region of Peru, famous for its legends.
This dish has spread to different countries over time and is now served in many restaurants in Mexico, Colombia and Latin America. We can say that the curiosity about ceviche has increased in our country after its preparation was shown in the Masterchef competition.
The ceviche dish is usually raw fish cured with lemon or citrus juice and flavored with seasonings such as cayenne pepper, onion, salt, and coriander.
You may be among those who are not used to the consumption of raw fish that enters our kitchen with sushi, but if you are prejudiced without trying it, it is an option to decide after trying the ceviche dish.
To give an example from our own food culture, just as raw meatballs are made from raw meat and can be very delicious, eating raw fish can also be delicious. Thinking like this can make it easier for you to try a new recipe.
What is Ceviche?
- As a fresh and raw fish, ceviche, which is a cold dish usually made from sea bass and salmon, is made ready for presentation by keeping it in acidic lemon and lime juice, which is called the method of cooking in acid.
- Tumbo fruit acid was used in Peru before lemon became common.
- The meal, which is very nutritious in terms of protein, is about 120 calories per serving in the type made with sea bass.
- Sometimes the dish can be made with only shrimp or different types of fish, and shrimp can be added to enrich the taste. In these cases, the amount of calories also varies, of course.
- If you are wondering what ceviche means and what is the meaning of the word, there is no definite answer. When evaluated in terms of Quechua, Siwichi means “fresh fish” and the pronunciation and origins of the two words are similar. It is assumed that the word siwichi derives from the Chibcha word viche, which means “soft”.
How to Make Ceviche
- Ceviche is a very easy dish to make. First of all, it is effortless because it is made with acid soaking instead of classical methods such as cooking on the stove, baking, grilling.
- In addition, after the seafood you will use is bought fresh and cleaned, you will not have much work to do.
- You can easily prepare ceviche at home, which is a dish that you don’t have to be afraid of because its name is unfamiliar to you.
- 2 slices of sea bass (approximately 4-5 cm thick and in the form of fillets with skin removed)
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1 lime juice
- 1 chili pepper
- 5-6 chives
- half red pepper
- Half capsicum
- Quarter red onion
- 1 pinch of parsley
- 1 mango
- 1 avocado
Sauce Ingredients
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- Salt and pepper as much as you want according to your taste
- Chop the cleaned sea bass into cubes.
- Mix lemon and lime juice in a deep bowl.
- Throw the sliced sea bass into the mixture and mix well.
- Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour.
- Strain the citrus juice from the fish you took out of the refrigerator.
- Chop the onion, mango, red pepper, capita pepper and avocado into small cubes.
- Finely chop the parsley and chives as well.
- Add the sea bass, the juice of half a lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper to the whole mixture and mix.
If you like different alternatives, you can try this recipe, which is a little different for our country and maybe interesting to our palate. The dish, which is actually easy to prepare because it does not require any cooking process, is more preferred, especially in hot months.