What is Armpit Botox?

It is possible to get rid of armpit sweating, which becomes very annoying especially in the summer months, with armpit botox. Although the armpit sweating problem is a condition that is seen regardless of summer or winter, it increases significantly with the heat of the summer months. Sweating problem significantly negatively affects a person’s business and social life. Armpit sweating may be caused by genetic, psychological or environmental causes. Sweating is a problem that can be experienced by everyone, men and women, no matter how clean and well-groomed they are. Armpit botox offers an effective solution to eliminate the sweating problem.

What Causes Underarm Sweating Problem?

The main cause of underarm sweating is the formation of sweat secretion as a result of stimulation of sweat glands by nerve transmission. When there is excessive stimulation in the sympathetic nervous system, there is an increase in sweat secretion. Therefore, the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system in situations of excitement, fear and stress causes increased sweating. Just as emotional states affect sweating, another condition that affects sweating is genetic structure. The person may have a genetic hormonal disorder or their thyroid gland may not be working as it should. These conditions also seriously affect sweating. Other possible causes of underarm sweating include medications used, menopausal status, hypoglycemia, gland diseases and being overweight. Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a condition seen in many people and negatively affects the person and those around him. The worst part is bromhidrosis, that is, the bad smell that occurs with sweating. Bromhidrosis is a problem that directly affects a person’s life, resulting from the breakdown of sweat secretion by bacteria. Since underarm botox prevents sweating, the situation that causes bacteria to break down is eliminated. This can also be given as an answer to the question “Does underarm botox prevent odor?”

What is Armpit Botox?

Armpit botox is a procedure preferred by many people because it takes a short time and is easy to apply. Armpit botox application can be safely applied to anyone who has completed their development, is over 18 years of age, and does not have any health problems. There are some cases where underarm botox cannot be applied. Examples of people in this situation include pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and people with neuromuscular diseases. You can find out whether underarm botox is suitable for you by consulting your doctor.

How is Underarm Botox Done?

In order for the anesthesia to take full effect, local anesthesia is applied approximately half an hour before the armpit botox procedure. After numbness is achieved in the armpit area, botox injection is applied to the previously determined areas with the help of fine-tipped needles. Botulinum toxin, or botox injection for short, is applied to designated points in small amounts but frequently. It is quite normal for slight redness to occur after injections applied at intervals of only a few mm. The procedure is performed by experts in the field and when botox is applied to the right points, armpit sweating is prevented.

What are the things to consider before armpit botox?

During the doctor’s examination before the armpit botox, information is obtained about the person’s current illnesses, medications used and special conditions. In order to avoid too much redness during the Botox procedure, it may be necessary to stop using blood thinners under the supervision of a physician in the week before the operation. It is also recommended not to consume herbal products. Before botox application, sweating points are drawn and the areas where botox injection will be applied are marked.

How Long Does Underarm Botox Procedure Take and When Does It Show Its Effect?

Armpit botox procedure takes approximately 10 minutes, excluding anesthesia time. After Botox application, sweating decreases within 3-4 days. The period after which armpit sweating is prevented is approximately 2 weeks. If the person still continues to sweat after this two-week period, another botox session is performed. There is no harm in applying additional sessions if necessary.

What should be taken into consideration after armpit botox?

Since no incision is made during the armpit botox procedure, the person can return to his normal life immediately. You can take a shower, swim in the pool or the sea 4-5 hours after underarm botox. Care should be taken to protect the armpit area from impacts only in the first week. During this one-week period, the person should stay away from places such as baths and saunas where the armpit area will be exposed to excessive heat; should not do excessive sports exercise.

Are the Effects of Underarm Botox Permanent?

As with all botox applications, the permanence period for armpit botox is approximately 6 months. Of course, this period may be longer or shorter depending on the biological structure of the person. Although in some cases this period may last longer than 6 months, the effect of botox is not permanent. After the effect wears off and sweating starts to occur again, the operation can be repeated if desired. There is no obstacle to its repetition. Those who are satisfied with the results and have armpit botox usually prefer to repeat this application every one year.

Is Underarm Botox a Painful Procedure?

Since local anesthesia is applied before the armpit botox procedure, there is no pain during the procedure. After the application, the person can return to his normal life within a few hours and does not feel any pain. Of course, this depends somewhat on the person’s pain threshold. Therefore, the healing process can be easily overcome by using the painkillers recommended by the doctor.

Does Underarm Botox Cause Side Effects?

Armpit botox, which is FDA approved, is a very safe application. During Botox injection, the tissues and glands in the armpit are not damaged. It simply reduces stimulation for sweating by blocking neural transmission. Since it is possible to eliminate toxins that would be eliminated through sweating in a different way, reducing sweating will not have a negative effect on the body. So the answer to the question “Is underarm botox harmful?” It can be given as it does not cause any harm other than temporary rashes.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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