What is anti-allergy medicine and the main types?

Antiallergic medicines work by controlling the body’s adverse reactions and preserving health. However, there are different types and mechanisms of action in this class of medications, factors that must be considered before safely starting any treatment. 1

In this post, we will explain why some people suffer from allergies and how the drugs used to control and relieve symptoms work.

Enjoy reading!

What is allergy?

Allergies are inappropriate reactions of the immune system to various substances, which, in most cases, are harmless.

They can be simple, causing mild symptoms, such as irritation and itching, or more serious, as is the case with anaphylaxis, which is the most severe and potentially fatal form of allergy. 1

In general, the reason for this inappropriate response from the body is the individual’s genetic hypersensitivity, which causes the body’s defense mechanisms to act inappropriately when in contact with elements that do not pose a risk or even threaten their well-being. 1

The main symptoms of allergies are 1 :

  • runny nose (runny nose);
  • nasal congestion;
  • narrowing of the airways;
  • skin rashes and irritations;
  • irritated and watery eyes;
  • sore and itchy throat ;

The most common types of allergic reactions are 1 :

  • seasonal allergy: caused by items more common in some seasons of the year, such as pollen, grass, cold and dry weather;
  • drug allergy: occurs after taking a medication;
  • food allergy: occurs when eating certain foods or products that use them as ingredients in the recipe, such as peanuts and shrimp, among others;
  • perennial allergies: occur due to factors present all year round, such as dust, animal hair and mold;
  • touch allergy: triggered by skin contact with allergenic substances, such as latex;
  • insect bite allergy: they occur after the bite of mosquitoes, bees, ants and other insects, causing local swelling, angioedema (swelling of the subcutaneous tissue in the face, throat, digestive tract and airways) or anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction).

What are the types of anti-allergy medicine?

Antiallergic medicines come in different formulas and dosages, each with its own method of application and mechanism of action aimed at specific causes and symptoms of the allergic reaction 1 . Discover the main ones!


Antihistamines are more common in the treatment of allergies, as they block the synthesis of histamine, a substance produced by the body to induce and control immune system reactions. 1

They can be found in tablets, liquids, nasal sprays, eye drops and skin creams. In most cases, this type of anti-allergy also causes drowsiness and is only effective for moderate symptoms, especially over-the-counter medications purchased without a prescription. 1

Nasal corticosteroids

Nasal corticosteroid sprays are more powerful and serve to reduce inflammation caused by an allergic reaction in the respiratory mucosa, from the nostrils to the back of the throat. 1 2

The use of these medications must be guided by a doctor, as they are strong and can have adverse effects if taken inappropriately.

Mast cell stabilizers

Mast cell stabilizers are used when common antihistamines prove ineffective in relieving allergic symptoms. 1 2

They work by blocking histamine and other substances that can inflame mast cells, which are innate cells that control the action of the immune system.  1 2

Only when stabilizers fail to treat the condition does the doctor usually recommend the use of corticosteroids. 1 2


Nasal congestion is the partial obstruction of the nostrils due to local inflammation, common in allergic reactions and respiratory infections. In general, they combine anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action, capable of relieving mild or moderate symptoms. 1

Decongestants can also have a fluidifying effect, to facilitate the removal of phlegm, in addition to reducing swelling and irritation in the nasal mucosa. 1

Leukotriene modifiers

Leukotrienes are chemical substances produced by the body to constrict the bronchi, that is, compress the endings of the airways to prevent damage to the respiratory system.  1 2

As this action can harm health and be caused by an inadequate response from the immune system, modifiers act to inhibit the synthesis and action of these organic elements.  1 2

In this way, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, which, in addition to treating allergies, are indicated to relieveasthma attacks. 1 2


Immunotherapy is a long-term treatment to desensitize the body and prevent allergic reactions, especially to substances that cannot be avoided by the patient. It works like a vaccine that exposes the patient to a reduced, inactive or controlled dose of the allergen. 3

Treatment of allergies with immunotherapy can be done via 3 :

  • oral;
  • sublingual;
  • sublingual spit (when the vaccine must be eliminated after being under the tongue for a certain period);
  • nasal;
  • bronchial (application of an aqueous solution or spray directly into the bronchi, with specific devices).

Epinephrine injections

Epinephrine injections are emergency measures to treat anaphylactic reactions, typically given into a muscle, bone or vein. It serves to interrupt the allergic condition and prevent obstruction of the airways, even temporarily. 1

Corticosteroid inhalers

Corticosteroid inhalers are most used in cases of asthma, but, depending on the case, they are also used in other forms of chronic allergies. They serve to prevent inflammation of the airways. 1 2

Popularly known as “asthma bombs”, the device is placed in the patient’s mouth, who must draw in air and press the button on the top to release the controlled dose of medication. 1 2

Anti-allergy eye drops

Anti-allergy eye drops are eye drops with a lubricating and antihistamine effect. In hypersensitivity reactions, the eyes can become red, irritated and very itchy, causing a type of conjunctivitis that can be treated with this type of medication. 1

How to treat allergic reactions?

Treating allergic reactions begins by identifying and avoiding the allergen, to combat the person’s exposure to the substance that causes hypersensitivity. In mild symptoms, common antihistamines are best indicated. After that, corticosteroids and mast cell stabilizers act when the previous ones prove to be ineffective. 1

As mentioned, allergen immunotherapy is a treatment that does not serve to alleviate symptoms. The objective is to expose the individual to small doses of the substance, in a controlled manner, to desensitize the body and condition the immune system’s response so that it is more adequate. 1

Generally, immunotherapy is applied only when the allergy-causing agent cannot be avoided. It is worth noting that this process can take three to five years to be completed successfully. 1

How to choose an anti-allergy medicine?

The choice of the appropriate anti-allergy medicine for the treatment must be made by the doctor treating the patient. This care is important to increase safety in the use of medications, especially to avoid adverse effects. 1

For example, many antihistamines can cause drowsiness, increasing the risk of accidents. Therefore, it is necessary for the patient to rest when using this type of medication. Likewise, some drugs of this type cause changes in heart rate and blood pressure, therefore requiring caution in people with comorbidities. 1

In the treatment of flu and colds, anti-flu medications, such as those from the Benegrip line , combine analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substances in their formula, as there are common symptoms between allergies and respiratory infections. 4

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers should take extra care and inform the doctor before using any anti-allergy, as it may contain substances harmful to the baby’s development. 1

Finally, we recommend that you seek emergency care if you feel your airways narrow, causing wheezing and difficulty breathing, in addition to the most common symptoms, such as runny nose , watery eyes, itchy throat, cough and skin irritation. 1

We hope you enjoyed the post and learned about treatment with anti-allergy medications. If you are interested, we have separated other relevant content on the topic:

  • What causes allergic cough? What is good to alleviate the symptom?
  • Is it the flu, allergies, cold or rhinitis? Discover the difference!

To the next!


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