What is Anger Management Disorder?

Anger in its shortest definition; It is the reaction of an individual to a situation that he does not like or does not want. Although the concept of anger connotes negative meanings, it is actually a natural emotion, like loving and being sad. In the difficult conditions of daily life, people may be exposed to many situations that make them angry. Conflicts with people you communicate with and family problems are among the factors that contribute to the formation of anger. As a result, showing anger at an acceptable level is a very human thing.

However, if anger is not proportional to the situation encountered and disrupts communication with the other person, then normal anger cannot be talked about. This is called anger management disorder. Anger control disorder is generally seen in people who constantly bottle up their anger and suppress their anger without realizing it. Constantly suppressed emotions recklessly take the individual captive at unexpected times. An anger problem should never be confused with a simple state of irritation. This problem, which prevents the individual from thinking clearly and makes him unable to control his thoughts and behaviors, sometimes causes great regret, even if it is short-term.

So what are the symptoms and causes of anger management disorder? How is it treated? How about learning the answers to questions like these?

What are the symptoms of Anger Management Disorder?

If you get angry occasionally and lose your calm, this does not mean that you have an anger problem or anger management disorder. To make an accurate diagnosis, mental health professionals look at emotions, behavior, and physical symptoms all at once. When evaluated from an emotional perspective, anger problems lead to constant irritability and anxiety disorders, and people who have tantrums generally cannot control themselves. They even have difficulty keeping their words and behavior under control. In some cases, the control mechanism is completely disabled.

A strong emotion such as anger also causes physical changes in the body. It causes symptoms in the body such as heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, headache, tingling in the hands and feet, sweating in the hands and chest tightness.

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Causes of Anger Management Disorder

Many interrelated issues come to the fore as causes of anger control disorder . Although the source of the anger problem varies from person to person, certain situations cause anger control disorder. As in the cause of many psychological problems, childhood experience and the attitude of the family are important in anger management. Children who grow up with constant pressure, violence and a judgmental attitude cannot experience their anger in a healthy way because they cannot express their emotions. Children who are subjected to physical violence by their families also perceive aggression and anger as a problem-solving method and develop behavior in this direction. Thus, the anger control mechanism is disrupted. However, traumatic experiences such as abuse, violence, and divorce in childhood also cause anger problems.

Diseases originating from the brain, such as epilepsy, can also cause anger problems. Seizures that occur in diseases such as epilepsy may appear as fainting in some people, while in others they may appear as tantrums . Especially people defined as epileptic characters have a tantrum in which they lose themselves.

Some hormones secreted in the human body have an effect on mood. For example, when the happiness hormone serotonin is not secreted at sufficient levels, it becomes difficult to control emotions and may cause anger. Therefore, physical disorders that disrupt the balance of hormones also contribute to anger problems.


It would not be an exaggeration to say that the greatest punishment that can be given to a person is to ignore him. The feeling of exclusion is a feeling that everyone experiences from time to time and makes a person feel very bad. But children who have been ignored or made fun of since childhood accumulate a great deal of anger inside them. They may have to give exaggerated reactions such as getting angry and angry to show themselves. Over time, these behaviors become habits and the anger problem becomes chronic. Whatever the reason , anger management disorder is a condition that negatively affects a person’s life, relationships and health.

How to Treat Anger Management?

If you lose your temper when you get angry and come to the point where you harm yourself or someone else, you need anger management treatment . Anger management treatment can take several forms. The intensity and severity of the situation determines the course of treatment. In some cases, psychotherapy will be sufficient. In other cases, medication as well as psychotherapy may be required.

The first condition for benefiting from treatment for mental health problems is willingness. It is very important not to interrupt the treatment and to use anger management medications regularly if they are prescribed. The aim of anger management disorder is not to completely eliminate anger, but to reduce anger to a reasonable and acceptable level. In anger management treatment, it is very beneficial for the individual’s close circle to support the treatment. This makes the process faster and easier.

What is Anger Management Test?

Anger management test shows the level of anger, control skills and results regarding the external reflection of anger. The results of the anger control test can give an idea to understand whether  the anger experienced is an anger control disorder .


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