What is a Work Disability Report? How to Buy?

An incapacity certificate is a report issued by a doctor to determine whether a person’s health condition affects their ability to work. This report confirms that the person should be absent from work for a certain period of time and allows the employer to accept this situation.

An incapacity report is generally obtained for reasons such as a health problem, accident or disability, and maternity. In this article, we will examine what you need to know about the incapacity report and incapacity benefit.

How to get a work disability report?

To obtain an incapacity report, it is generally necessary to follow these steps:

  • Applying to a doctor: First of all, you need to be examined by a doctor. Your doctor evaluates your health and determines how much your ability to work is affected.
  • Examination and tests: If your doctor deems it necessary, he may request additional examinations and tests. These tests will help you accurately assess your health status.
  • Request a report: When your doctor determines that your health condition affects your ability to work, you can request an incapacity report. This report is usually valid for a certain period of time and a re-evaluation is required at the end of this period.
  • Submit to employer: Once you receive the incapacity report, you must submit it to your employer. Your employer will evaluate your report according to workplace policies and take the necessary steps regarding your return to work.

Obtaining a disability report may also vary depending on the severity of the person’s health condition and the policies of the workplace. Therefore, it may be necessary to contact your doctor or your workplace’s human resources department.

What is incapacity benefit?

Incapacity payment is a type of financial support that a person can receive while they are unable to work, where their ability to do work is temporarily or permanently affected. This payment is generally valid in cases such as a work accident, serious health problem or post-operative recovery period. Disability benefits are provided to compensate for the loss of income and meet basic needs while a person is temporarily unable to work.

What are the situations in which Work Incapacity Payment is received?

Incapacity to work due to a serious health problem, temporary or permanent loss of ability to work as a result of accidents, maternity, and situations requiring surgery or treatment are among the situations in which incapacity payment is received.

After receiving the incapacity report, the person submits this report to his employer. The employer evaluates the report and organizes the person’s return to work process according to the policies of the workplace. This process is planned in accordance with the improvement of the person’s health condition and regaining the ability to work.

In case of a work accident, incapacity payment may be requested by workplace insurance. During this process, you must cooperate with your doctor to obtain an incapacity report and contact the insurance institution to provide the necessary documents.

When is disability payment received?

Incapacity payments are paid within a specified period after the approval of the incapacity report. Payments are made at regular intervals, usually monthly. However, this process may vary depending on the policies of the employer or insurance company and the severity of the disability. It is important to provide the necessary documents in full and complete to receive incapacity benefits.

How is disability payment calculated?

To explain how the benefit received by a person receiving an incapacity certificate is calculated, it is important to consider the following criteria:

  • The total of earnings subject to premium for the last three months in the last 12 months before the date of receipt of the report is taken into account. Premiums and bonuses earned during this period are also taken into account.
  • The total number of premium days in the last three months is determined.
  • The number of days reported is calculated. During this period, all days reported for work accidents and occupational diseases are included in the calculation, while in case of illness, the first two days are excluded from the calculation.
  • Daily income calculation is made by dividing the total earnings subject to premium for the last three months by the number of premium days in the last three months.
  • The report fee to be collected is half of the daily earnings for inpatient treatments and two-thirds of the daily earnings for outpatient treatments. That is, the result of the daily income calculated for inpatient treatment is divided by two, while the result of the daily income calculated for outpatient treatment is divided by three and multiplied by two.

You now have information about the disability report and disability payment. If you wish, Yapı Kredi offers to its individual loan users; You can examine the Loan Payment Assurance Insurance , which provides payment assurance by securing the loan debt in cases of loss of life, disability and unemployment  .

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