What is a sudden heart attack?

  • People who have had an acute heart attack There will be symptoms of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, especially when exercising or when lying down, tightness in the chest, coughing. There may be white or pink foam, swollen body, swollen legs and ankles. rapid weight gain You can exert less force. Some people may have an irregular heartbeat, palpitations, wheezing, or loss of consciousness.
  •  People at risk for sudden heart attack include people aged 65 years and over and have a history of heart attack in the family. Eating an unhealthy diet, smoking, using drugs or drugs drink alcohol Rarely move the body Have congenital heart and blood vessel disease Severe lung disease, infection
  • People with a family history of heart disease or other risks may consider heart genetic testing to assess their risk of heart disease to prevent sudden heart attacks.

What is a sudden heart attack?

acute heart attack Or acute heart failure (Acute heart failure) is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump oxygenated blood to the body according to the body’s needs. This causes insufficient oxygen to flow to various organs. And blood that cannot be pumped to the various organs has congestion back to the lungs. It causes various symptoms that are dangerous and may be severe and even fatal. Sudden heart attacks can occur in people with existing heart problems, such as ischemic heart disease. Or it occurs in people who have never had heart disease but have chronic diseases that affect the heart, such as diabetes , hyperthyroidism , etc.

Symptoms of acute heart attack

People who have had a sudden heart attack will have symptoms of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, especially when exerting themselves or when lying down, chest tightness, coughing, which may include white or pink foam, swollen body, and swollen legs and ankles. Rapid weight gain, fatigue, weakness, and decreased ability to exert effort. Some people may have an irregular heartbeat, palpitations, wheezing, or loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of a sudden heart attack that require immediate transport to the hospital

It is a symptom that shows a severe acute heart attack. Or it may be a symptom of other diseases that are also severe and life-threatening. Such symptoms such as

  • Chest pain
  • Fainting, losing consciousness, or feeling extremely tired
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat along with symptoms of shortness of breath, chest pain, or loss of consciousness
  • There is a sudden onset of shortness of breath. or is severe Coughing with pink foamy sputum
  • If any of the above symptoms appear, the patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. To receive examination and treatment by a medical expert

Diseases and medicines that can cause a heart attack

There are many physical diseases that can cause a sudden heart attack, such as kidney disease or chronic kidney failure. Pulmonary embolism, diabetes, high blood pressure hyperthyroidism sleep apnea Cerebral artery Viral infection affecting the heart or abnormalities related to the heart, such as arrhythmias myocardial ischemia Heart valve abnormalities, etc. Before having symptoms of an acute heart attack, there may be symptoms of the underlying disease.

Drugs or substances that can cause a sudden heart attack, such as various drugs and narcotics, especially cocaine, amphetamines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and diabetes medicine. High blood pressure, antibiotics, chemotherapy, certain antidepressants However, People who use these drugs as prescribed by their doctor should not be concerned. This is because if symptoms are followed up with the doctor regularly. The doctor will adjust the type and dosage of medication to suit each patient. To avoid possible side effects Stopping or reducing your medication on your own carries the risk of making the disease more severe and causing complications from the disease itself. If you are unsure or have concerns about using medicine. You should always consult with your doctor or pharmacist who prescribed the medicine.

Who is at risk for heart attack?

People with the following factors are at risk of having a sudden heart attack.

  • People aged 65 years and over
  • People with a family history of heart attack
  • People with a history of eating unhealthy foods, such as high-fat foods, smoking, or using drugs or substances. drink alcohol Rarely move the body
  • People with cardiovascular disease Severe lung disease, infection such as HIV or COVID-19 or people with other medical conditions that may cause a sudden heart attack

How to treat an acute heart attack

  • Medical treatment, such as medication to remove water and sodium from the body Giving medicine to make the heart work better Medication to reduce heart rate and increase cardiac contractions. Inserting a special device such as a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator It depends on the cause and symptoms of each patient.
  • Behavior modification treatment Doctors will advise patients to change their behavior as follows:
    • Reduce the intake of salty foods. Foods that are high in fat
    • Control your weight to be within normal limits.
    • quit smoking
    • Quit or reduce drinking alcohol.
    • Control other causes of risk such as blood pressure, heart rate. or blood concentration values ​​in people with chronic diseases
    • stress reduction
    • Promoting quality sleep

Treatment results and prognosis

The results of acute heart attack treatment depend on:

  • Cause and severity of acute heart attack
  • Length of time from when symptoms occur until seeing a doctor
  • The patient’s overall health condition and response to treatment.
  • Behavioral changes after treatment

In general, if the patient goes to see a doctor at the first stage of symptoms. and can behave Adjust your behavior according to your doctor’s advice. Often results in better treatment results. Patients who see a doctor when symptoms are already severe There may be a risk of death.

How to prevent a sudden heart attack

  • Improve behavior to reduce the risk factors mentioned above.
  • People with chronic diseases should follow their doctor’s advice and have regular follow-ups.
  • Regular health check
  • People with a family history of heart disease or other risks may consider heart disease genetic testing. To assess the risk of heart disease to prevent sudden heart attacks.

Sudden heart attack is a dangerous condition. Prevention, self-monitoring, and seeing a doctor when symptoms appear can help reduce the severity of the disease.


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