What happens when you drink sage daily?

What happens when you drink sage daily

When drinking sage daily for about three months, it gives the body various health, aesthetic and preventive benefits

One of the most important benefits that the body obtains when introducing sage herb into the diet is enhancing brain and memory functions, reducing the severity and symptoms of hot flashes after menopause and night sweats upon reaching menopause. Sage herb is an effective anti-inflammatory, and has a major role in regulating and managing sugar level in blood.

In addition, this herb treats type 2 diabetes, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and contributes to the management of heart disease. In addition, this herb protects against cancer as it fights free radicals. Some studies have also confirmed that sage promotes skin healing. In addition to reducing sore throat, tonsils, and cold sores.

What is sage?

Sage is a perennial tree whose leaves are distinguished by its sharp flavor and aromatic scent. It is one of the aromatic herbs such as basil and mint.

It is distinguished by its fluorescent green-gray leaves. It blooms in the summer with purple and blue flowers that attract bees.

It has different names, such as sage, sage, sage, valerian, and salmiya. This plant has many therapeutic and health benefits, as it contains a distinct set of purifying and strengthening properties. Sage grows in sandy soil that is high in alkalinity and needs large amounts of sunlight. It is abundant in Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean.

Sage is also found in Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean. It grows in sandy soil with a high alkalinity and needs a large amount of sunlight. In addition, it was used in the past for treatment and medicinal purposes, and is currently used in many medical and pharmaceutical preparations.

Benefits of sage

  • Reducing menopausal symptoms.
  • It is a rich source of antioxidants.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Supports skin health.
  • Promotes oral health.
  • Supports heart health.
  • Stimulates hair growth.

Eating sage on a regular basis gives the body many benefits. Below, these benefits are presented in detail:

Reducing menopausal symptoms: Sage is used as a natural herbal treatment for menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. This herb contains natural plant compounds that mimic the effect of estrogen in the body, helping to reduce menopausal symptoms.

It is a rich source of antioxidants: This means that it provides the body with molecules to fight free radicals that lead to ill health. One of the most prominent antioxidants found in sage is rosmarinic acid.

It has anti-inflammatory properties: Sage tea provides the body with anti-inflammatory compounds, in addition to lowering the level of inflammatory compounds, and is useful for treating inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and eczema.

Supports skin health: Sage has been used since ancient times in traditional medicine to treat skin diseases, and it plays a major role in maintaining healthy skin and slowing down the signs of aging due to its richness in camphor.

Promotes oral health: Many studies have confirmed that sage is a natural treatment for some diseases that affect the mouth and teeth. Sage tea is prescribed to help heal mouth wounds and soothe sore throat because of the antioxidants it contains.

Supports heart health: Sage tea helps lower cholesterol levels and thus supports heart health, reducing triglycerides, insulin resistance, and the size of adipose tissue.

Stimulates hair growth: Rinsing the hair and scalp with a mixture of sage tea and black tea or rosemary can stimulate hair growth, and blacken gray hair as an alternative to hair dye. It is possible that the tannins found in black tea or sage may temporarily dye gray hair.

Does sage tea balance hormones?

Yes, drinking sage tea regularly helps balance hormones in the body.

This is because it contains compounds similar to estrogen, and many health care providers believe that sage tea contributes significantly to hormonal balance.

In addition, the relaxing effects of sage tea on the nervous system contribute to reducing stress levels, which helps support hormonal balance.

There is no confirmation of the ideal and appropriate dose that a person should take to obtain these results, so it is necessary to consult a doctor or herbal health care providers about the effectiveness and safety of taking sage to regulate hormones, as it has unexpected side effects when combined with other medications.

Who should not drink sage?

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Hormone-sensitive conditions.
  • Surgery.

There are some people who should not drink sage, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, and when preparing to undergo surgery and other special cases. Below is the most important information in this regard:

Pregnancy: Eating sage during pregnancy may negatively affect the pregnant woman and the fetus, as some types of sage contain thujone, which may cause menstruation and miscarriage.

Breastfeeding: Thujone is also the reason why eating sage during breastfeeding is harmful to the negative cycle of milk production.

Hormone-sensitive conditions : such as people with breast cancer , uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, or uterine fibroids.

Surgery: You must stop using sage as a medicine at least two weeks before undergoing surgery, as this herb may affect blood sugar levels and interfere with blood sugar control before and after surgery.

Does sage tea help with weight loss?

Yes, sage tea can help with weight loss. 

Sage tea is not considered a magic recipe for getting rid of excess weight, but it has a major role in helping digestion and reducing inflammation, which supports weight management when associated with exercise and a healthy diet. Drinking sage regularly helps stop the increase in body mass index, because it fights Diabetes, blood pressure, heart and kidney disease, and some other medical conditions cause weight gain.

This herb also affects the digestion of fats in the body, because it contains enzymes that interfere with the activity of pancreatic enzymes, in addition to its ability to stop the indicator of high levels of triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, these herbs can be used within the diet plan if there is no condition. Medical conditions require stopping its use.

In order to ensure the health of the body , and more importantly, a healthcare professional must be consulted on how to use sage tea and use it in the field of weight loss.

How to prepare sage tea

Sage tea is prepared with the least possible time and effort through a set of easy and simple steps, which are as follows:

  • Bring about one or two teaspoons of sage leaves.
  • Heat the water to just below boiling.
  • Place the sage leaves in a cup or jug ​​and pour hot water over them.
  • The cup or jug ​​should be covered for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • After steeping, the tea must be filtered to remove the sage leaves.
  • The tea will be ready after these steps.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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