What Causes Vaginal Burning? How to Treat?

Vagina is a closed, flexible muscular canal that extends from the female genital area (vulva) to the uterus. It is an important part of reproductive and sexual health. In addition to allowing sexual pleasure to be felt, the vagina also makes pregnancy and birth possible. Vaginal health is part of overall health for women. Any problem occurring in the vagina may affect fertility, sexual intercourse and pleasure. These effects can indirectly damage people’s relationships, self-confidence, or increase their stress levels. For these reasons, vaginal health should be given as much importance and attention as other health problems.

What is Vaginal Burning?

Vaginal burning is an issue that every woman experiences at least once in her life. It can be seen at any age, from pre-puberty to post-menopause. Burning or itching in the vagina can be felt anywhere on the outside of the vagina, the vulva, the clitoris, or the inner parts of the vagina. Vaginal burning may be felt as hot, painful and throbbing. Similarly, a burning sensation may occur after intense itching. An uncomfortable sensation such as burning or itching in the vagina is not normal. If it continues, irritation or inflammation may occur. Vaginal burning may be felt more at night, depending on the cause.

Causes of Vaginal Burning

Burning, itching and white discharge in the vagina are common and usually not a cause for concern. However, these symptoms that do not go away for a long time may be a sign of any health condition. These symptoms, which can be felt anywhere in the vagina, may start suddenly and increase in intensity over time. Causes of vaginal burning may include:

  • Chemicals found in daily products can cause irritation and burning in the vagina, which is a sensitive structure. Examples include laundry detergent, panty liners, and clothing that causes tight underwear, such as pantyhose or tights.
  • In addition to products used for the vagina, products directly related to the vagina such as condoms and tampons can also irritate the vagina and cause burning.
  • It may be caused by infection. The most common infection in women is bacterial vaginosis. It occurs when the majority of a specific bacteria grows in the vagina. In addition to a burning sensation in the vagina, white discharge or odor after sexual intercourse may also be observed.
  • Vaginal yeast infection is a condition that almost 75% of women experience at least once. Vaginal yeast infection can cause a burning sensation, as well as pain, itching, swelling and rash during sexual intercourse.
  • Bacteria entering the urinary tract cause urinary tract infection (UTI). You may feel burning or pain while urinating. People experiencing urinary tract infection may experience a burning sensation, a constant urge to urinate but produce little or little urine, and strong-smelling urine.
  • Trichomoniasis, one of the sexually transmitted diseases, may also be one of the causes of vaginal burning. This disease, which is more common in women than men, may have symptoms such as irritation, itching, odor and discharge in the vagina, or it may not show any symptoms.
  • Gonorrhea is another sexually transmitted disease. It is common in young people between the ages of 15-24. Sexually transmitted diseases rarely show symptoms. Gonorrhea may also have no symptoms or may have symptoms such as burning, itching, and spotting outside of the menstrual period.
  • Chlamydia and genital herpes, which are sexually transmitted diseases, may also be the causes of a burning sensation in the vagina.
  • HPV, one of the most commonly known sexually transmitted diseases, can cause warts in the vagina. These warts can cause itching, swelling and burning in the vagina. Removing warts is one way to reduce symptoms. At the same time, the risk of infecting your partner is reduced.
  • Decreasing estrogen levels during menopause may be one of the reasons.

How is Vaginal Burning Diagnosed?

Vaginal burning may heal on its own in some cases. However, an intense burning or itching sensation may subsequently cause irritation or infection in the vagina, requiring a more difficult treatment process. Therefore, vaginal health should not be neglected. If you have symptoms such as vaginal burning, discharge and bad odor, it would be beneficial to make an appointment and be examined as soon as possible. Your doctor performs various examinations after listening to your symptoms and complaints. These may be through physical examination or tests. With a physical examination, your doctor may question the presence of lesions in the genital area or check discharge while assessing the degree of infection. Other tests are generally tests that require laboratory processing. For example, if your doctor suspects any sexually transmitted disease, he may request a blood test. Your doctor can diagnose you by taking into account the results of both the examination and the test. In most cases, your doctor will be able to prescribe a medication to improve the underlying condition. In other cases, your healthcare provider may work with you to develop a long-term treatment plan.

How to Treat Vaginal Burning?

Treatment of vaginal burning varies depending on its cause. Therefore, the first thing that is important in treatment is to find out the cause of the discomfort. Depending on the situation, your doctor may prescribe medication or prepare a long-term treatment plan to treat the underlying cause. Generally, vaginal burning is treated by:

  • Various antibiotic or antiparasitic medications for vaginal burning caused by sexually transmitted diseases
  • Using creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories, or oral medications for yeast infections
  • If caused by menopause, itching cream, estrogen cream, vaginal moisturizer
  • For other types of general itching, creams or lotions that reduce inflammation can be used.

FAQ: What is Good for Vaginal Burning?

Vaginal burning is a condition that can be relieved with medication. You should not use anything on the vagina, which is a sensitive structure, without consulting your doctor, and you should stay away from “natural” methods applied at home. Instead, you can take precautions against vaginal burning. To support your vaginal health, you can:

  • Do not choose scented hygiene products. It is best not to use products such as scented pads and toilet paper, as the scent is provided by various chemicals.
  • Keep your genital organ clean. Especially the external genital area should be cleaned regularly. You don’t need anything other than water and soap to clean it. Washing more than once a day is not recommended as it will increase dryness.
  • After using the toilet, be sure to clean from front to back.
  • Choose cotton panties instead of synthetic fabrics in your underwear.
  • Make sure your partner uses a condom to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • If you have symptoms, avoid sexual intercourse until they improve.

Is vaginal burning normal during pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes many changes in the body and vaginal discharge is one of them. Vaginal infection may be suspected when this discharge, which is usually odorless, is accompanied by symptoms such as itching and burning along with an unexpected odor. Once the cause of the symptoms is found, you can get rid of the burning sensation in a short time by applying appropriate treatment.

Is vaginal burning a sign of a sexually transmitted disease?

Vaginal burning, discharge and itching can be a condition that can be seen in every woman and go away on its own, or it can be caused by some various diseases. These diseases may be sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Are there any home remedies for vaginal burning?

Vagina is a structure that has its own PH value and this value must be maintained. Its wet and humid nature can easily cause bacteria formation and adversely affect vaginal health. Therefore, it is useful to be careful about the products you use for the vagina. If you feel any uncomfortable symptoms in your vagina, contacting your doctor and following his advice will be enough for your recovery.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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