What Causes Dry Skin? What is Good for Dry Skin?

The skin must be healthy in order to perform its normal function. Skin may lose its health for various reasons. Skin dryness is one of them. Dry skin is a condition that is manifested by flaking, itching and cracking and makes the person uncomfortable. Dryness and flaking of the skin may occur for various reasons. You may have dry skin by nature, or even if you have oily skin, your skin may become dry from time to time. Dry skin can occur on any part of the body. It occurs most often in the hands, arms and legs. While sometimes you can solve this problem by using a moisturizer, sometimes you need to see a doctor.

What Causes Dry Skin?

Causes of skin dryness include:

  • Weather:Temperature and humidity decrease during winter months. The skin tends to dry out during these months. Dry skin is common in cold weather.
  • Temperature:Stoves, fireplaces, electric stoves and radiators used to heat the environment dry the air and cause the skin to dry.
  • Hot baths and showers:Staying in hot water for a long time can dry out the skin. At the same time, heavily chlorinated pools also cause skin dryness.
  • Soap and detergents:Most products used for skin cleansing reduce the moisture in the skin.
  • Skin diseases:In skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
  • Age:The skin of older people tends to dry out more than younger people.
  • Hand washing:Dry hands occur in those who have to wash their hands frequently due to their profession.
  • Hot weather:Living in extremely hot weather
  • Dry skin during pregnancy:Pregnant women may experience dry skin during pregnancy. Hormonal changes and stretching of the abdominal skin can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and moisture. Accordingly, itchy, scaly and dry skin lesions may appear on the abdomen and thighs of pregnant women. To eliminate the problem, the skin must be constantly moisturized by using moisturizer.

Dryness in oily skin may also occur due to the reasons mentioned above.

Skin Diseases with Dry Skin

Diseases in this group are generally called dermatitis. The main types of dermatitis:

  • Contact dermatitis:Something that comes into contact with the skin causes a reaction and localized inflammation of the skin develops. The trigger for this event may be a hard substance, an irritating chemical or paint. As a result, the skin becomes dry, itchy and flaky.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis:There is a lot of oil production in the skin. It is especially seen on the scalp. It causes a red and scaly rash on the scalp. It is one of the causes of dry skin in babies.
  • Atopic dermatitis:This condition, known as eczema, has dry, itchy, red lesions. It is a chronic disease and is common in young children.
  • Psoriasis:This disease, the cause of which is unknown, can be seen anywhere in the body. The lesions are dry, red and scaly.

Additionally, dry skin is also common in hypothyroidism and diabetes.

Symptoms of Dry Skin

The main symptoms of skin dryness are:

  • Cracked and rough skin
  • Dry skin may cause itching.
  • Pink-red lesions
  • flaky skin

Extreme Skin Dryness

Extreme skin dryness is called Xerosis cutis. It is especially common in older adults. Normally, the skin needs moisture to be smooth. As we age, skin moisture decreases. Aged skin appears dry and rough as it loses moisture and oil. Extremely dry skin usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • Cleansing the skin by excessive scrubbing
  • Taking a shower with extremely hot water
  • bathing too often
  • Drying too much with a towel after bathing
  • Living in areas with low humidity
  • Living in areas with very harsh winters
  • Using central heating at home or work
  • Not drinking enough water and staying dehydrated
  • long-term sun exposure

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Dry Skin?

  • Vitamin D:Vitamin D is a vitamin that has many important functions in the body, including skin health. Vitamin D plays an important role in the formation of the skin barrier, skin cell growth and the skin immune system. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between low vitamin D levels and conditions that cause dry skin, such as eczema and psoriasis. It has been observed that skin disorders significantly improved in this group of patients given vitamin D. A study conducted on women showed that women with low vitamin D levels had drier skin than women with normal vitamin D levels.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is necessary for collagen production. Therefore, it is very important for skin health. Studies have shown that skin moisture increases in those given vitamin C supplements.
  • Vitamin A:Vitamin A is a vitamin that is essential for the health of skin, eyes, reproductive organs and the immune system. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative. Retinol stimulates the production of new skin cells. In retinol deficiency, the skin becomes extremely dry. Foods rich in vitamin A are salmon, liver, dairy products, eggs, shrimp, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and green vegetables.

Many creams used to treat dry skin may contain vitamin A. Since this vitamin may have toxic effects, it is recommended that it be used with close monitoring if prescribed.

What is Good for Dry Skin?

If you have dry skin, you can relax with the following measures you can take at home:

  • Do not use extremely hot water when taking a shower.
  • Instead of showering every day, take a bath every other day.
  • Keep your shower time less than 10 minutes.
  • Use moisturizing soap when bathing.
  • Apply moisturizer to your skin immediately after bathing.
  • Do not dry your skin by rubbing it hard with a towel.
  • Do not scratch or rub dry skin lesions.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Apply moisturizer as your skin dries.

How to Treat Dry Skin?

If you have a dry skin problem, you can use these simple recipes that can be made at home:

  • Coconut oil:Coconut oil has emollient properties. The saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil can moisturize and soften the skin.
  • Oatmeal cures: It is a traditional treatment that has been used for years. Oatmeal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin. It is especially beneficial for itchy skin. Mix oatmeal with some warm water, apply it to your skin and leave it on. Then wash it and apply moisturizer.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is good for dry and irritated skin. Stimulates skin growth. It is also beneficial for sunburnt and irritated skin.
  • Consume foods rich in antioxidants. You can help your body build healthy cells by minimizing the damage caused by toxins. Foods rich in antioxidants: Foods such as blueberries, tomatoes, carrots, beans, peas, lentils and salmon.
  • Wearing gloves:If you have to wash your hands frequently due to your profession or if detergents dry your skin too much, wearing gloves may be a solution.
  • Increase the humidity: If you are heating with central heating, take measures to increase the humidity of the environment. Also reduce the temperature of your home.
  • Use moisturizer:Moisturize your skin immediately after washing.
  • Don’t stay thirsty.
  • Be careful with your clothing choice: Do not wear clothes made of fabrics that irritate your skin.

Which Disease Is Dry Skin A Sign of?

Dry skin is common in diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, hypothyroidism, kidney diseases and diabetes. If your skin dryness does not go away with the mentioned measures, it is recommended that you consult a physician.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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