What Causes Burning in the Feet? Burning Foot Treatment

Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, commonly known as burning feet, is a symptom in which a person’s feet become uncomfortably hot and painful. Burning sensation in the feet is a disturbing symptom that can occur for many different reasons, most of which are caused by neuropathy. Burning feet can negatively impact people’s daily lives and often requires treatment.

What is Burning Foot?

Burning feet is an uncomfortable feeling of warmth and pain that is usually felt as a burning sensation in the sole of the foot. However, this condition can be seen not only on the sole of the foot, but sometimes as a burning sensation in the ankle, on the top of the foot, or in the entire leg. Burning feet is a condition in which heat increases in the foot area and causes pain. In addition to these symptoms, some patients may also experience symptoms such as tingling or numbness in the feet. Burning feet may occur with varying severity from person to person. During this condition, many people may experience increased sensitivity or hyperesthesia when touching the skin. Hyperesthesia is a condition in which the skin shows excessive sensitivity to external stimuli.

What Causes Burning in the Feet?

Burning feet is often caused by a condition called neuropathy. Neuropathy is a condition that involves damage to nerves or nerve cells, especially seen in diabetics with poor glycemic control. Damaged nerve fibers send a burning sensation signal to the brain, even though there is no wound on the body. This burning sensation may occur in people as tingling or numbness in their feet. However, there are different conditions that can cause a burning sensation in the feet. These situations:
• Neuropathy: One of the most common causes of burning sensation in the feet is peripheral neuropathy. The burning sensation of neuropathy can occur due to nerve damage caused by diabetes, alcohol, kidney disease and some medications. Neuropathy can cause a burning, paresthesia (tingling or numbness) feeling in the feet.
• Vascular Problems: Circulatory disorders, vascular occlusion or poor blood flow in the feet may cause a burning sensation in the feet. An instant burning sensation may occur in the feet due to nerve compression.
• Foot Fungus: Foot fungus can cause itching, burning and redness in the feet.
• Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: This condition may cause burning, tingling and pain in the feet as a result of compression of the nerves within the ankle.
• Foot Fatigue: Excessive load on the feet or choosing the wrong shoes can lead to foot fatigue and, as a result, a burning sensation.
• Raynaud’s Syndrome: Raynaud’s Syndrome manifests itself with narrowing of the vessels due to cold weather or stress. Narrowing of the veins can cause a burning sensation in the feet.
• Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the joints, which can cause a burning sensation in the feet.
• Neuromuscular (Nerve-Muscular) Problems: Neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis can cause a burning sensation in the feet. Additionally, dermatological nerve damage in humans can cause neuropathy.
• Vitamin Deficiency: Vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folate and malnutrition can also cause burning feet.
• Finding the underlying cause of burning feet is important to determine the treatment. However, in some cases, the cause of foot burning may not be found.

What are the symptoms of burning feet?

Burning sensation in the feet usually does not only occur as a burning sensation; other symptoms may also accompany the burning sensation. Common symptoms that occur when people experience burning feet:
• Heat or burning sensation, usually worse at night
• Burning or tingling in the feet
• Tingling or numbness
• Pain or tenderness
• Swelling or redness in the feet
• Flaking or flaking of the foot skin
• Sharp or stabbing pain
• Feeling of heaviness in the feet
• Dull pain in feet
Pain levels and durations observed in cases where this disorder occurs vary from person to person. While one patient may feel a constant burning sensation at a mild level, another patient may feel more severe pain intermittently. In addition, in some cases, while burning foot syndrome is not observed very severely during the day, the intensity of pain may increase even more at night. Increasing foot burning at night may also negatively affect patients’ sleep quality. Burning feet can reduce people’s quality of life.

What is Burning Foot at Night?

People may feel a burning sensation while listening at night after intense daily activities. The burning sensation may be more intense at night as a result of the damage caused to the foot by activities performed during the day. This syndrome, which increases its intensity at night, may affect the patient’s sleep quality. In case of burning feet while sleeping at night, soaking the feet in warm water, painkillers or analgesic creams can reduce the burning sensation in the feet.

What is the Diagnosis of Burning Foot?

Medical tests may be requested by a specialist doctor to determine the underlying cause of the burning sensation in the feet. These tests:
• Physical Examination: The doctor examines the feet, looking for swelling, redness, skin rash, or other symptoms.
• Blood Tests: Blood tests may be ordered to detect systemic problems such as diabetes or infection.
• Neurological Tests: Neurological examination and tests such as electromyography (EMG) can be used to evaluate nerve damage.
• Imaging Tests: Imaging tests such as Doppler ultrasound or angiography may be performed to detect atherosclerosis or other vascular problems.
• Fungus Test: If foot fungus is suspected, skin samples can be taken and examined under a microscope.

What are the Burning Foot Treatment Methods?

Since the causes of burning feet are very different, the treatment program is determined by a personalized examination under the supervision of a specialist doctor. For this reason, the treatment plans of a patient with burning feet due to neuropathy and a patient with burning feet due to vitamin deficiency may be different. While treatment in a syndrome based on neuropathy aims to prevent the progression of nerve damage, in a case caused by vitamin deficiency, treatment may be aimed at eliminating vitamin deficiency. However, in some patients, the exact cause of foot burning may not be determined. In patients with this condition, the aim is to reduce or eliminate the symptoms and increase the person’s quality of life. Treatment options may include:
• Treatment of Underlying Disease: Detection or treatment of underlying diseases such as diabetes, vascular diseases or rheumatoid arthritis can provide treatment for the burning sensation in the feet.
• Painkillers: Doctors may recommend painkillers to relieve symptoms.
• Nerve Medications: Antidepressants or anticonvulsant medications can be used to relieve the burning sensation due to nerve damage.
• Physical Therapy: Physical therapy may be recommended to increase blood circulation in the feet and reduce nerve damage.
• Shoes and Foot Care: Choosing the right shoes and foot care can help relax the feet and avoid fungal infections and reduce the risk of burning sensation.
• Healing Effect of Cold Water: Cold water baths can be taken to relieve swelling and pain caused by a burning sensation in the feet.
• Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements such as vitamin B12, folate, or alpha lipoic acid may relieve the burning sensation due to nerve damage.
Burning foot syndrome does not usually cause a serious health problem, but it can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. The pain and heat sensation caused by this syndrome cannot be measured clearly today. Laboratory tests may be required to determine the cause. After determining the person’s underlying disease, the doctor implements the treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Foot Burning

Burning sensation in the feet can negatively affect people’s daily activities today. Treatment requires determining the underlying cause of the burning sensation under the supervision of a doctor and planning accordingly.

What Diseases Can Burning Foot Be a Symptom of?
Burning feet is often seen as a symptom of diseases called neuropathy. In addition, diseases such as kidney diseases, diabetes, and vascular diseases can cause burning feet.

How Long Can Foot Burning Last?
The duration of foot burning may vary depending on the person’s general health condition, the type and symptoms of the underlying disease.

What Symptoms May Occur with Burning Foot?
In addition to the burning sensation of burning feet, common symptoms such as tingling, numbness, pain, tenderness, swelling, redness and flaking or flaking of the foot skin may be observed.

Does foot burning differ during the day or night?
Foot burning may be felt more at night than during the day. After activities during the day, the burning sensation may be more intense at night. This syndrome, which increases its intensity at night, may affect the patient’s sleep quality. In case of burning feet while sleeping at night, soaking the feet in warm water, painkillers or analgesic creams can reduce the burning sensation in the feet.
When Should You Consult a Doctor in Case of Burning Feet?
Burning feet is a neuropathic disorder and people should start treatment by consulting a doctor if they have persistent or severe foot burning problems.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Diabetic Neuropathy occurs when high blood sugar levels damage nerve fibers and can cause symptoms such as tingling, numbness, pain or numbness, usually in the feet and legs.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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