What are the Benefits of Water Consumption for Child Development?

This; It is a basic resource for the survival of all living things on earth. As it is known, 60% of the human body consists of water. Man uses the water in his body in cells and life functions. Daily water consumption is as important for children as for adults for the systematic functioning of the body and the development of bones and muscles. In this article, we examine the question of what are the benefits of water consumption on child development.

Benefits of Water for Child Development

There are many academic studies on the benefits of water consumption on child development. Many sources such as food science, nutrition and dietetics, and medical articles provide valuable data on this subject. Let’s look at the academic studies on the question: What are the benefits of water consumption on child development?

All research points to the need to pay attention to daily adequate water consumption. It is also important for children to consume water regularly so that their bodies can benefit from the effects of drinking water efficiently in their development. There are two rules to pay attention to:

  1. Your child must drink enough water
  2. Your child should make drinking enough water a daily habit. So, the habit of drinking enough water should be regular.

Awareness of these two items is important in terms of the benefits of water consumption on child development. So, what is the sufficient daily water consumption for children?

How Many Glasses of Water Should Children Drink a Day?

Consuming water has many benefits for child development. But adequate water intake is a concept or amount that varies depending on more than one factor. The amount of water an adult should drink daily varies depending on the following factors:

  • Different health conditions
  • Regular medications taken
  • Personalized metabolic characteristics
  • Environmental factors such as ambient temperature and humidity
  • Age
  • Gender

In other words, when looking for an answer to the question of what the benefits of water consumption are for child development, it is first necessary to know the required amount. As we mentioned above, the amount of water you need to drink varies depending on different factors. When it comes to children, factors can be evaluated through a narrower lens. It is possible to evaluate the amount of water consumption in children based on age.

Water Consumption in Children by Age Ranges

Water need in children; It may vary depending on gender, height, weight, age and performance during the day. But there is definitely a daily amount of water that every child should take. This amount regulates the fluid balance in children’s bodies.

The amount of water required to maintain a stable fluid balance in the body is calculated according to the nutritional status of the child during the day, that is, the calorie count. The daily water need of babies and children is twice that of adults. When viewed accordingly;

  • 6-12 months = 30ml – 100ml (most should be with breast milk),
  • 1-3 years = 1000 ml,
  • 2-3 years = 1200 ml,
  • 4-8 years = 1600 ml,
  • 9-13 years old girl = 1900 ml,
  • 9-13 years old male = 2100 ml,
  • Over 13 years old = 2300 ml

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Benefits of Water Consumption for Child Development

We talked about how much water children should drink according to their age range. So, what are the benefits of adequate water consumption on child development?

Firstly; In children, 80% of the body consists of water. The body needs water for the many functions it performs. Fulfilling these functions is also important for the healthy development of the child.

  • Protection of cell and tissue structures
  • Fulfillment of metabolic functions
  • Transporting the substances necessary for healthy nutrition to the cells
  • Removing toxins from the body out of the body
  • Regulation of body temperature

For the above physiological results, the amount of daily water consumption of children and its regularity are of great importance. On the other hand, when these physiological functions are fulfilled, the following results are possible.

  • have an appetite
  • be open to communication
  • Being vigorous and dynamic
  • Being adaptable and open to learning because it feels good
  • Feeling peaceful and good
  • Feeling less gas pain with balanced metabolic activities

Adequate water consumption in children is a must for a balanced and adequate diet. Therefore, it is very important to consume water at the right rate in child development. Of course, for this, the family must help the child acquire the habit of drinking water. So, what can families do to help their children gain the habit of drinking enough water?

What can you do to help children gain the habit of drinking water?

We learned the benefits of water consumption on child development. Let’s look at what families can do to gain the habit of drinking enough water.

1. Pay Attention to Your Water Consumption 

Families should set an example for their children in water consumption and thus inculcate the habit of drinking water. Water consumption is important in child development, and families should be role models for their children. Because children reflect what they see in their families.

2. Color the Water with Fruits  

For children who cannot consume enough water, you can get help from their favorite fruits or vegetables. For example; You can add some seasonal fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, apples or cucumbers to the water. Thus, children who smell and smell the fruits they like may be more willing to drink water.

3. Try Water Recipes

Preschool period is a complete discovery process. Children are very interested in experimenting during this period. You can use this experimental hobby to encourage drinking water. Children can prepare their own special water recipe in the kitchen. They can prepare their own special drink with fruits, vegetables, maybe a drop or two of fruit juice, grated lemon peels, and fun straws.

3. Access to Water Should Be Easy

You can encourage your child to drink water by keeping it in front of you in the room where you spend most of your time.

4. Teach the Importance of Water

Preschoolers are very eager to receive information from their parents. You can explain how important water is with a fun explanation. You can have a fun conversation about topics such as where water comes from, why it is necessary for our lives, and what happens if we drink enough water.

While doing this, do not dwell too much on “this will happen if you don’t drink water”. Because this may cause more anxiety. Your goal should be to teach and encourage, not to worry. While you’re at it, you can help them gain sustainability awareness by talking about the importance of protecting water resources.

You can find our Water SuCo – 600 ml product on our website.

5. Bottles with Special and Enjoyable Designs

Glass cups can be quite dangerous for children, especially at young ages. On the other hand, it is difficult to constantly control an open glass. During this period, you can choose a water bottle to use both at home and outside. You can order from mataramasu.co so that your child can make his/her own choice among SuCo water bottle models. With the guidance of SuCo, you can ensure that your child carries his water wherever he wants during the day with the bottle of his choice and drinks the amount of water he needs to consume daily.

What are the consequences of not consuming enough water in children?

We know what the benefits of water consumption are for child development. So, what are the consequences of children not consuming enough water?

  1. Weakness
  2. Constipation
  3. Anorexia or obesity
  4. metabolic problems
  5. Reluctance and inability to focus due to fatigue
  6. developmental problems
  7. skin problems

Knowing the benefits of water consumption on child development, it is important to encourage your child to drink enough water. For this purpose, you can examine SuCo water bottle models for both yourself and your children. You can both gain the habit of drinking more water and support sustainability with  SuCo water bottle models, produced with a mission that believes in the importance of gaining sustainable habits .


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