What are the Benefits of Chamomile Tea? What is Chamomile Tea Good for?

Chamomile tea, popular all over the world, is one of the oldest plant species that has been used for centuries and is known for its medicinal benefits. In addition to its positive effects on health, it is also widely used due to its safe consumption. Chamomile tea contains various types of compounds such as terpenoids and flavonoids. The benefits of chamomile tea are seen as a result of the effects of these compounds on the body through different mechanisms. Chamomile plant, known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and wound healing properties, has many different uses for cosmetic and medical purposes today. Chamomile tea is one of the most preferred forms thanks to its easy consumption. You can follow the rest of the article for detailed information about the effects of chamomile tea.

What are the benefits of chamomile tea?

Compounds called polyphenols, found in the flower part of the daisy plant, are effective in the body through various pathways. Apigenin, quercetin, patuletin and luteolin constitute the majority of polyphenols in chamomile. Each compound has its own unique properties. As a result of all these compounds being released by dissolving in water, it can be said that chamomile tea has many important health benefits. The benefits of chamomile tea are as follows:

  • Antioxidant Capacity: Free oxygen radicals released as a result of various activities in the body have harmful effects on cell DNA. Compounds such as quercetin found in chamomile tea protect cells against these radicals thanks to their antioxidant properties.
  • Antimicrobial Activity:  There are studies showing that the bioactive compounds contained in chamomile are protective against different types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microorganisms responsible for tuberculosis, herpes and polio diseases are some of the species that chamomile is effective against.
  • Anticoagulant Feature:  As a result of blood clots coalescing, vascular blockages called thrombosis occur. There are experimental studies showing that chamomile content significantly prevents clotting.
  • Anti-inflammatory Quality:  Inflammatory events occurring in the body are called inflammation. Chamomile is a plant that is beneficial against inflammation thanks to the active compounds it contains. Apigenin is a ingredient found in chamomile that has anti-inflammatory properties.

What is Chamomile Tea Good for?

There are many studies on the benefits of drinking chamomile tea. These studies indicate that chamomile tea may be beneficial in many diseases. The answer to the question of what chamomile tea is good for is as follows:

  • Heart Diseases:Flavonoid-type compounds in chamomile tea may protect against coronary heart disease if consumed regularly. There are also studies showing the effects of consuming chamomile tea in patients with heart diseases. In addition, the flavonoids in chamomile tea have effects on lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels are among the main risk factors for heart health.
  • Intestinal Infections and Diarrhea:Chamomile content may have therapeutic effects against diarrhea and the factors that cause diarrhea. Studies show that consuming chamomile tea in children with intestinal infections reduces the infection and diarrhea.
  • Anxiety: It is stated that chamomile tea has an anti-anxiety effect in individuals with mild or moderate general anxiety disorder.
  • Diabetes: There are studies showing that chamomile has healing properties against high sugar levels. Chamomile has potential effects that protect pancreatic cells independently of insulin.
  • Digestive System:Chamomile tea is a drink traditionally used for various digestive problems. Scientific research indicates that this tea has protective qualities against stomach ulcers. It shows the mentioned effect by reducing stomach acid secretion and preventing the spread of harmful microorganisms.
  • Osteoporosis:Osteoporosis, a metabolic disease, occurs as a result of decreased bone density. There are studies explaining that chamomile tea has protective properties against osteoporosis by preventing bone loss.
  • Immune System:Chamomile tea has healing potential in diseases such as colds, thanks to its unique antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. There are studies showing that this tea is beneficial for diseases such as cold, flu and sore throat.

Does Chamomile Tea Cause Menstruation?

Although the idea that chamomile tea has an expectorant effect is widespread in society, there is no comprehensive study on this subject. However, chamomile tea has hormone balancing properties. In this way, irregular menstrual periods can be improved. The main effects of chamomile tea are on menstrual cramps and excessive bleeding. Abnormal menstrual bleeding can be prevented by drinking chamomile tea regularly. Chamomile tea, which is consumed days before the menstrual period, also has benefits in terms of mood changes and abdominal tenderness.

Does Chamomile Tea Make You Sleepy?

One of the most important features of chamomile tea is its calming effect. Chamomile tea has unique properties that improve sleep quality, thanks to the compounds it contains. Insomnia is a disorder defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep. Chamomile is one of the herbal alternatives thought to be effective in the treatment of insomnia. Active substances such as apigenin found in chamomile trigger sleep by binding to specific areas in the brain.

How to Make Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile tea is prepared by brewing dried flower parts in boiling water. For tea, you can choose ready-made tea bags or dried flower forms. After steeping the chamomile in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, you should wait for it to cool down to a drinkable temperature. You can safely consume your tea if it is brewed sufficiently and then cooled.

How Many Cups of Chamomile Tea Should You Drink a Day?

There is no clear opinion on how much chamomile tea should be drunk. It is stated that 1 or 2 cups of chamomile tea daily is safe. However, there are studies showing that drinking 5 cups of chamomile tea is safe. You can get the most accurate information about how much chamomile tea you should consume by consulting a specialist physician.

When Should You Drink Chamomile Tea?

There are no specified time intervals for the consumption of chamomile tea. Different times may be preferred depending on the expected benefit. For example, it can be drunk before sleep to see its calming effects. For menstrual problems, chamomile tea consumed before the menstrual period or during bleeding time can be beneficial. In cases such as colds and intestinal infections, it can be consumed regularly until the complaints disappear. Chamomile tea, consumed because it protects against various health problems such as osteoporosis and heart diseases, can show its potential effects with regular use.

Side Effects of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a beverage considered safe for most people. However, some people may experience allergic problems. Allergic reactions are observed especially in individuals who are sensitive to other plant species from the daisy family. Although it is generally indicated for cosmetic products, it is known that chamomile content can cause irritation as a result of direct contact with the eyes. Therefore, it is important to avoid direct contact with the eyes when consuming chamomile tea.

Does Chamomile Tea Raise Blood Pressure?

Chamomile tea has blood pressure lowering properties. Thus, it is potentially protective against problems such as various heart diseases and stroke. Compounds such as quercetin and apigenin in chamomile are substances known to lower blood pressure levels. A study conducted in people with heart diseases states that blood pressure levels are more balanced in those who drink chamomile tea regularly.

Can Breastfeeding Mothers Drink Chamomile Tea?

There are no studies indicating that chamomile tea causes toxic effects on the body. However, there is no research indicating that drinking chamomile tea is safe for breastfeeding mothers. Some of the medications and supplements taken during breastfeeding may mix with breast milk and affect the baby’s health. Some compounds can change the milk formation in the mother. For this reason, breastfeeding mothers should consult a specialist physician for the best decision regarding chamomile tea consumption.

Can Chamomile Tea be Given to Babies?

Chamomile tea is a beverage generally considered safe. It has benefits against various health problems in children. However, there are no safety studies on giving chamomile tea to babies. Therefore, it is important to consult your pediatrician before giving your baby chamomile tea. When feeding the baby, the recommendations given by the pediatrician should be followed.

Who Should Not Drink Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile tea is a herbal alternative that has been shown to have benefits against various health problems and can be consumed safely. However, chamomile tea may interact when consumed with different herbal teas. At the same time, caution should be exercised in consuming other herbal teas, including chamomile tea, during medication use. However, some people need to be especially careful about drinking this tea. Individuals who are allergic to ragweed or chrysanthemum plants from the daisy family should avoid foods and cosmetics containing chamomile. Additionally, individuals with impaired liver or kidney function are also advised to be cautious about chamomile tea. It is recommended that people who use blood thinners (containing Coumadin and warfarin) for cardiovascular diseases should not use it. Breastfeeding mothers and babies are also advised to avoid this tea. In all other cases, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations. Hypoglycemic conditions, defined as a decrease in blood sugar due to chamomile tea, may be observed, especially in diabetic patients receiving insulin treatment. Similarly, blood pressure patients on certain treatment programs should avoid excessive use of chamomile tea due to the risk of hypotension. For the correct road map in the consumption of chamomile tea and all other teas, you should consult a specialist doctor.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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