Weight Loss Tips: That Really Helps You Lose Weight

weight loss tips
weight loss tips

There are many theories about weight loss tips and quite a few of them are absolute nonsense. We wanted to know how to do it right, so we asked five nutrition, fitness, and psychology experts for their best tips on how to get and stay slim.

Table of Contents

  • Weight loss tips of the nutritionist
  • Weight loss tips of sports doctor
  • Weight loss tips of nutrition psychologist
  • Weight loss tips of the diet expert
  • Weight loss tips of the fitness & life coach

You come across some sentences again and again: Eat a healthy and balanced diet, is one of them. But what exactly is behind this formula? What should you watch out for if you want to lose weight and maintain your ideal weight? How do you prevent the yo-yo effect, and which foods and drinks should you eat more often in order to get a little closer to your dream body? Foods Trend asked five experts about this!

Weight loss tips of Nutritionist 

Dr. Alexa Iwan has a doctorate in nutrition, cook, TV presenter, author, food and media coach and can be found wherever health is a topic. With her expertise, she provides important information and valuable weight loss tips on healthy eating.

Tip 1: You can only reach your ideal weight with patience

A dream figure in a few weeks? That does not work. Alexa Iwan repeatedly meets people who would like to lose pounds overnight. But sustainable weight loss is one thing above all: hard work that requires a few things to be considered.

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weight loss tips

Feast as you wish and still wear the little black dress in size 36? “Unfortunately, you have to say goodbye to this idea,” says Alexa Iwan. Losing weight and maintaining your weight – that only works if you follow certain rules. And an essential one is: only a long-term change in diet brings success. Radical cures often put the pounds that were believed lost back on the hips faster than you can tell. “Those who eat too little as part of a diet often do not even cover their basal metabolic rate- in other words, the amount of energy or kilocalories that our body needs in a resting state to function, ”explains Iwan. The result: the organism gets used to the lower energy supply and works on the back burner. “If you eat normally again after the diet, the infamous yo-yo effect inevitably arises: you have more pounds on your ribs than before the diet,” says Iwan. Her tip is accordingly: “Starving is taboo!”

It is also crucial that those who want to lose weight adjust their diet in small steps and do not make the mistake of only eating fruit and vegetables from now on. “Anyone who takes such a radical approach will not hold out,” says Iwan. Rather, she recommends thinking from week to week, changing eating habits over time and creating routines that do not cost too much to overcome. “For example, always eat a kiwi or an apple for breakfast in the morning during the first week. If you stick to it, your morning fruit snack will almost seem natural to you for the following week, and you won’t question this new eating habit, ”says Iwan. In the second week you can also choose either a portion of vegetables or a salad for every lunch. “In this way, you can achieve a balanced and healthy diet step by step, which also saves numerous calories. That is much more effective than radical diets, which you can’t stick to anyway and which you stop after two weeks without success, ”says Iwan. So plan for the long term, discuss your plans with the family, and take your time as you plan to lose weight.

Tip 2: The nutrients are crucial

Do you judge foods based on their calorie content? It’s over now! “It is a fallacy that foods that contain a lot of calories are inevitably unhealthy and that those that have hardly any calories are accordingly healthy,” says Alexa Iwan. It is much more important to focus on the respective nutrient content of the individual foods and to orientate your choice of food accordingly. “Everyone should be aware that a baked potato provides significantly more vitamins and minerals than a serving of French fries,” says Iwan.

If you make yourself aware of this comparison principle and follow this credo in 80 percent of the cases, you eat a lot healthier and save numerous calories in the long term, emphasizes the nutrition expert. This does not mean that low-nutrient meals are taboo from now on and forever. However, if you want to lose weight and maintain your weight, you should pay special attention to the nutritional content of the food and also carefully study the ingredient lists of finished products.

3rd Tip: Rely on fresh food!

Not new, but especially important: Process fresh food whenever possible. It basically doesn’t matter whether you choose broccoli, peas, apples or bananas decide. “Fortunately, in this country, we have the opportunity to choose from a variety of fresh and healthy foods,” emphasizes Alexa Iwan. This is exactly what you should take advantage of and, instead of industrially processed finished products, simply grab a wooden spoon yourself. “In an emergency, you can of course defrost a frozen pizza,” says Iwan. In principle, however, the following applies: the less the food is enriched with additives such as emulsifiers, colorings or stabilizers, the healthier and more figure-friendly they are.

4th Tip: Pay attention to the sugar content of drinks

The secret of beautiful skin and a great figure? Quite clearly: drink liters of water, that’s the favorite answer of numerous Hollywood stars, who all too like to be photographed with a bottle of H2O in their hands. “But honestly,” says Alexa Iwan, “who wants to drink only water all the time? Nobody! ”It is true that water contains no calories and is therefore ideal for quenching thirst. “For example, if you’ve just been doing sports and want to drink a lot, you should grab a water bottle,” advises Iwan.

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weight loss tips

Apart from that, it’s perfectly legitimate to have a spritzer or a low-sugar lemonade. “It is important that you understand these drinks as stimulants and that you consume them in moderation,” says Iwan. The same applies to light drinks. Every now and then there is nothing wrong with consumption. The expert: “However, since these are also artificial products, you shouldn’t drink too much of them.”

5th Tip: be careful with light products!

Those who want to lose weight like to use low-calorie foods. So it is hardly surprising that the food industry now offers a variety of light products, all of which should be good for the figure. However, caution is advised. “Some people actually benefit from the wide range and are excellent at handling light products. Others, on the other hand, take the lower-calorie diet as an opportunity to eat more often. In these cases, of course, you hardly save any calories, ”says Alexa Iwan.

In addition, many light products contain less fat than conventional products, but sugar is often added to them. “So you have to be extremely careful with these foods,” says Iwan, “I can only advise everyone to take a look at the ingredient lists when shopping and to put products back on the shelf if they contain too many additives.”

Weight loss tips of sports doctor

Johannes Martin Halle is an internist, cardiologist and sports medicine specialist and has been a full professor and professor for prevention and sports medicine at the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Munich since 2003. He heads one of the largest preventive and sports medicine outpatient clinics in Germany and is responsible for the field of prevention at the Technical University of Munich. As a specialist in the subject of “sport as therapy”, he deals with the question of how physical training can be integrated into the prevention and healing of diseases.

Tip 1: You can only lose weight sustainably with exercise

Movement plays a central role in losing weight. However, it’s not so much about the calorie balance. Because an improvement in body awareness and the development of muscles is what is ultimately decisive for long-term success.

In order to lose weight, you don’t have to do sports. If you simply eat significantly less than before, you will also lose pounds. However, this strategy is not advisable. “If you just go hungry, you not only lose fat, but above all a lot of muscle mass,” explains sports medicine specialist Prof. Martin Halle from the Technical University of Munich. “In addition, the basal metabolic rate gradually decreases with a pure starvation diet . So the amount of calories our body burns every day to function. But if you eat a little more at some point, the yo-yo effect is in principle already pre-programmed. To prevent this, you have to maintain the basal metabolic rate – and you can do that by building and maintaining your muscles. ”

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weight loss tips

But how much sport do you have to do to lose weight? “It’s not so much about how much, but much more about doing something at all,” says Halle. “In my opinion, the importance of exercise in losing weight is not primarily about burning calories. If you start to calculate and realize how much you have to struggle for a sandwich on your own, you immediately give up. It is basically about getting fit and developing a positive body feeling – that is simply decisive for the success of losing weight in combination with a balanced diet. ”Because those who exercise regularly can stick to the diet longer.

Sport acts as a motivator and creates a sense of achievement. “Losing weight is a question of discipline, and that’s what many people lack. At the beginning of a diet, you may get your sense of achievement through the first changes on the scales. But that wears off quickly, especially since the pounds naturally no longer fall off as quickly at some point. But if you move around and gradually become less and less out of breath, you get an important dose of happiness. And: It also motivates you to eat healthier. After all, you don’t want to ruin your successes immediately. ”

Whether you walk, jog, do yoga or go to the gym, is not important at the beginning. “The main thing is to get out, do something, get moving. This is the motto at the beginning. And if it’s ten minutes of strengthening exercises with the Theraband every morning. Everyone has this time, “the expert appeals to all those who are unfit for fitness, and promises:” Regular exercise increases the quality of life. And you can’t even outweigh this feeling in lost pounds. ”

2nd Tip: Rely on interval training!

Is intensive training more effective than longer, moderate training? “Yes. The higher the load, the more calories you burn, ”explains Halle. But the change in intensity is crucial. “Alternating between walking for five minutes and jogging for one minute is much more effective than just walking. This minimal increase in intensity results in a 10 to 15 beats higher pulse per minute. And thus to a load that is significantly more effective. The change also makes it easier to carry out the load longer than a higher load in one go, especially for those who are less trained. ”

And what about fat burning? Does it really only set in after 30 minutes? “No. This myth is probably based on a translation error. In English one speaks of ‘lipid metabolism’ – this does not mean the burning of fatty tissue but of other lipids. It actually only sets in after about half an hour but is completely irrelevant for losing weight. ”

Tip 3: One kilo a month is realistic

Once you have made the decision to play sports and lose weight, many are so motivated that they overwhelm themselves and set unrealistic goals. “Frustration is inevitable,” warns sports medicine specialist Halle. “Anyone who resolves to jog for half an hour three times a week and lose ten kilograms in three months will almost certainly give up at some point. It’s hard to keep up with as a beginner.

It is much more realistic and sustainable to aim for a weight loss of around one kilo per month and gradually integrate exercise into everyday life. ”Because you can also do too much sport. Halle: “Beginners in particular often overload themselves and train too intensively and too often. This irritates the body’s own inflammatory system and can cause real physical discomfort. ”

4th Tip: Train your head first – then your muscles

For beginners in particular, it is sometimes difficult to keep up the fitness program. “You first have to reprogram your thinking,” says Prof. Halle. “My advice: Try to move about five minutes each day at the beginning. Even if it sounds amazing – it’s easier to keep going than if you start with three longer units a week, for example.

And getting a little exercise every day also affects your diet. When I walk in the morning, I certainly don’t eat Nutella afterwards, but pay more attention to what I eat, ”explains Halle. “After a few weeks, exercise is so natural part of everyday life that you can easily switch to three somewhat longer sports units per week.”

Tip 5: Do not eat anything before or after exercise

Should I eat something before the training session or after training? This question does not only concern fitness beginners. “Both,” advises Halle. “Two hours before exercise you should avoid eating and sugary drinks. Otherwise the insulin level will skyrocket – and this will inhibit the mobilization of fat from the fatty tissue. In other words: You burn less fat, the weight loss effect is less. ”

But even after training, it is important not to grab a snack straight away. “After exercising, you should take a meal break of around 45 minutes,” explains the sports doctor. “Because while you are still sweating, there is a kind of afterburn effect in which the muscles burn sugar and fats from the blood. You should use this process if you want to lose weight. However, food would block the afterburn. ”

Weight loss tips of the nutrition psychologist

We firmly resolve to lose weight, start a lean life with motivation – but soon it was that with discipline. How you can really stick to a diet and change in diet is explained by the nutritional psychologist Prof. Dr. Christoph Klotter. The psychologist and nutrition expert Christoph Klotter is a professor for the field of nutritional science and has also been the vice president of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences since 2011. For years he has been concerned with the question of what influence the psyche has on our eating behavior.

Tip1: Plan your weight loss in great detail

“I will lose weight in 2021!” Many people made this resolution again at the beginning of the year. But most of them will fail with their plan. Because you have already made the first big mistake: “The statement is formulated far too vaguely,” explains Prof. Klotter. “If you want to lose weight seriously and in the long term, you have to plan it very specifically. For example: ‘If I go to brunch in 2021, I’ll only go to the buffet once.’ Or: ‘If there is cake in the office in 2021, I won’t eat any of it.’

In this way, you should play through all situations with foresight and come up with a battle plan. If necessary, from day to day – depending on what’s coming up. “You can only counter the limbic system with concrete plans,” says Klotter. “In this functional unit of our brain, emotions are processed – and our urges are controlled. Even reaching for food that you actually didn’t want to eat.”It is also important not to think in terms of weeks or months, but rather in years. “Promises like ‘To a bikini figure in four weeks’ are dubious,” says the nutrition psychologist. “Losing weight is not an exceptional situation that you experience for a while. A healthy weight loss takes time, you have to be aware of that. “

Many fail when there is too much pressure of expectation: If you ask too much of yourself and do without everything, you give up more quickly at the first hurdle. “Small crises are part of losing weight,” says the expert. “My tip: take setbacks into account in advance. Then you can also deal with them more easily. Losing weight is a lot about patience, forbearance with yourself, and not wanting to be a hero. Take small steps instead of wanting to make big leaps. ”This is called flexible control in technical terms. You allow yourself small slip-ups and make up for them elsewhere. “If you allow compensations and treat yourself to something in between, you better hold on.”

2nd Tip: Bring friends and family on board

If you want to lose weight, you should tell your family, friends and work colleagues about it from the start and announce a change. “Our environment sometimes sees changes as a threat to the existing system. For example, if a mother wants to lose weight, it could irritate the family. According to the motto: Will everything be different now? “, Explains Prof. Klotter the phenomenon. “Involve your environment, do active marketing for your desire for weight loss.”

And think in advance who could support you and when. Who can you call when you think about giving up? “Anyone who builds up a network can cope with difficult moments better. If possible, look for allies who have similar goals. ”Because losing weight works better as a couple or in a group than alone, as you build up and motivate each other. The psychologist explains: “Binding social obligations. Those who meet up for sport are not so easily tempted to stay seated on the sofa. So you have your inner weaker self under control a bit better. ”

Tip 3: Make your motivation clear

Why do you want to lose weight? What does this mean for you? Ask yourself these questions very consciously. Because: “We don’t change our habits if we don’t see any point in them. Anyone who wants to lose weight must get an immediate benefit from it. The personal motives for dieting should be very clear to you, otherwise, you give up. “

A benefit can be that physical pain is reduced, one becomes more flexible or gets a better body feeling. “Simply saying that you would like to weigh less is not enough,” emphasizes Professor Klotter. A list of pros and cons helps to clarify your own motives. “Write down what speaks for and against weight loss,” recommends the expert. “On the Contra page, you will then see directly where your personal traps are lurking (e.g. Contra: ‘I don’t feel like doing sports’). And can actively prevent stumbling into them. ”

Tip 4: Change your reward system

Perhaps you are also familiar with it: After a strenuous day at work, you come home and reach for the chocolate. “You deserve it!” The brain transmits – and we are only too happy to give in. “Our head is constantly asking for rewards,” says Prof. Klotter, “there is nothing you can do about that. The insidious thing is that food is our main positive reinforcer and the most convenient reward there is. “

If you want to lose weight, you should therefore consider which alternative reward systems you can find. “You have to replace the food with other nice things. Otherwise, you have no chance, ”warns the expert. “That could be half an hour’s rest on the sofa with your favorite music or an old hobby that you can revive. Think about what you enjoy! ”

Tip 5: Out of sight, out of mind

When temptations are not directly accessible, it is not easy to become weak. “Sweets shouldn’t be open on the table, they should be hidden in a cupboard. Also, reduce the availability of small sins. Instead of buying large quantities of chocolate, you should only buy a bar of chocolate that you really like and consciously enjoy a piece of it instead of eating a whole bar of a type that just tastes okay, ”advises the expert.

In addition, certain stimuli should be decoupled from one another: food and television do not belong together. “If you are distracted while eating, you eat a lot more than you actually want or have to. Better: make a nice ritual out of food, enjoy it, eat slowly. An absolute no-go for anyone who wants to lose weight is therefore also snacks that you eat on the go or at your desk. ”And even the selection of dishes can help you lose weight, says Klotter. Because: “On small plates, the portion looks bigger and you are full faster.”

Diet expert weight loss tips

You only had lunch an hour ago. But you just can’t get this delicious cake that your colleague brought along and that is actually just waiting to be tried by you. Because a little bit will be allowed – despite the diet. Or is it not? The Munich dietician Jessica Hoffmann knows scenes like this. The expert looks after numerous patients who are struggling with excess kilos and knows what is really necessary in order to lose weight sustainably and to achieve his ideal weight.

Tip1: Losing weight is primarily about being consistent

Losing weight is no picnic. Anyone who has ever dieted and fought pounds knows this. Whether Dukan, Paleo, or cabbage soup diet – almost everywhere the focus is on avoiding certain foods so that the calorie consumption is reduced in a targeted manner and the kilos tumble. “However, these diets do not guarantee long-term success,” says Jessica Hoffmann. “On the contrary. Most weight-loss methods even result in a few months after weight loss that you weigh significantly more than before the diet, ”emphasizes the weight-loss expert. For everyone who wants to work on their dream figure in the new year, this doesn’t sound very motivating.

Is there no fat-away formula that promises long-term success? “I’m not afraid,” says Hoffmann, “if a method existed that always works for everyone, one would not have to constantly invent new diets and weight loss strategies.” A bitter realization, but no cause for despair. Because a basic piece of advice helps effectively with losing weight and at least indirectly brings the desired weight within reach. “Follow a healthy lifestyle that can still be practiced in five years”, says Jessica Hoffmann, “this is the most effective way to reduce your weight sustainably and to maintain the desired weight.”

In practice, this means: Leave your hands on slimming programs that preach renunciation. “There’s no point in trying hard for a while, for example completely avoiding sweets or carbohydrates, and then falling back into old eating habits,” says Hoffmann. Her tip is: “Eat a healthy and balanced diet, prefer to eat foods with a high nutrient density and, above all, be consistent when it comes to nutrition. Because it doesn’t work without being consistent.” Losing weight, according to the dietitian, has a lot to do with mental strength: ” Get help and get support from a nutritionist. That will significantly increase your chances of losing weight.” In addition, with the help of a nutrition coach, you can learn

2nd Tip: Do not demonize fat and sugar

It lurks almost everywhere: The combination of sugar and fat ensures that chocolate, cakes and the like taste delicious. The problem: If we enjoy products that contain this mix of ingredients too often, it damages our figure. “However, if you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t rigorously eliminate sugar and fat from your menu,” says Jessica Hoffmann. Such bans are counterproductive and would unnecessarily increase demand. “It is better to consciously ask yourself the question: Do I want to eat a sweet snack with all the consequences or not”, says Hoffmann.

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weight loss tips

If you want to lose weight, you know very well that cakes or biscuits provide hardly any nutrients, but plenty of calories. In addition, one meal alone is never to blame for weight problems. Hoffmann: “Find out which fats are healthy and how high your energy requirements are. In a healthy lifestyle, there is room for all food – including sweets. ”

Tip 3: Eat regularly

” Food cravings are a common problem for those affected, “ says Jessica Hoffmann. Many try to eat extremely little and thereby develop an appetite that at some point can no longer be controlled. “For this reason, it is important to eat meals regularly and to prevent the desire to eat,” says Hoffmann. And further: “Whether you eat three or five times a day is mainly a question of type.”

With the help of a food diary and a conversation with a nutritionist, you can find out very quickly what type of meal you are. But one thing always applies: “Starving is taboo!”

4th tip: Always formulate goals positively

“Unfortunately, I am not allowed to eat chocolate cake, I have to lose weight!” Those who tackle the kilos with such an attitude will rarely be successful. Because this formulation makes it clear: You put yourself under pressure and focus on quick success. “It makes more sense to take your time and formulate goals positively,” says Jessica Hoffmann.

Changing one’s diet, exercising more and living healthier is not a plan that will succeed overnight. In addition, it is not very helpful to issue bans. Hoffmann: “Instead, try to see things in a positive way. Say I want to ‘instead of I have to’. You will see: In this way, you will develop greater confidence in yourself and your abilities. “

Tip 5: Be honest with yourself

Sometimes you just don’t want to look the truth in the eye. This also and maybe even especially with regard to the topic of weight loss. “I have many very overweight patients who tell me that they hardly eat anything and that they have heavy bones or that they simply have no time to exercise. Some even report that they eat a very healthy diet and eat almost only fruit and vegetables,” says Jessica Hoffmann.

A look at the scales usually reveals that the latter cannot be right. Therefore, the nutrition expert appeals to be honest with yourself – even if the truth is sometimes painful. “Admitting to yourself that you don’t eat healthily enough and exercise too little is a great challenge for many people,” says Hoffmann. But only in this way can you create a basis for customer success at all. “Only when you have made yourself aware and accepted that your own lifestyle is a weak point can you actively take action against it,” says the dietician.

Weight loss tips of the fitness & life coach

“Proper nutrition and sufficient exercise are not necessarily decisive for success when losing weight,” says Felix Klemme. Often the desire to lose weight conceals a general dissatisfaction with one’s own life and with the professional or private situation. “For this reason, you have to research precisely into the causes. You can only fight the pounds successfully if you research them,” emphasizes the qualified sports scientist, life coach and book author, who explains how the start to a healthier life works. And how to rediscover self-confidence that was believed to be lost.

Tip 1: These three sports will get you in shape

Strength training: Activating the muscles and thus also the metabolism – this is mainly achieved with the help of so-called high-intensity strength training. “My tip: work with your own body weight and complete exercises that train your speed and maximum strength,” says Felix Klemme. The training can be done outside or in the comfort of your own home. Membership in the gym is not necessary. “Anyone who already feels good about their body can be inspired by training videos on the Internet,” says Klemme. The fitness expert recommends that sport beginners book an hour with a personal coach and work out the basics of strength training.

Running: If you want to get in top shape, you should train your endurance as well as your muscles. And that works particularly well when running. “However, many beginners make the mistake of running too fast at the beginning. This means that they often fail to make the intended route and are demotivated as a result,” says Klemme. His advice: “Take it slow and gradually increase your training intensity and workload.” If you choose one and the same load over the long term, you are not stimulating your body enough. “Sprint a short distance every now and then, run up stairs and push your body to the limit,” says Klemme and adds: “Also, pay attention to your running technique and your core muscles. If the latter is too weak, back pain occurs. ”

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weight loss tips

Hiking: If you don’t like jogging or swimming, you can increase your activity level with another wonderful type of exercise: hiking. “Anyone who is on the move for at least two hours – whether on the beach, in the forest or in the mountains – has done a lot for their physical fitness,” says Felix Klemme. It is ideal to march at a brisk pace. “All you need is sturdy footwear that is adapted to the respective environment,” says Klemme. He himself had recently marched through the Rhineland in sports shoes for seven hours and enjoyed the fresh air and the beauty of nature very much. “I can only advise anyone who wants to do something about excess kilos to give this perhaps the gentlest form of fitness training a try.”

2nd Tip: Your own feelings are decisive

“Nowadays we try to explain, measure and control everything rationally – including our own weight,” says Klemme. But much more important than any value on the scales is to listen to oneself and question wishes. “You can only work effectively on weight problems, which are usually a result of dissatisfaction, if you solve private and professional difficulties,” emphasizes the life coach.

For this reason, Klemme encourages its clients to turn their lives upside down and be honest in all matters. The desire to finally lose weight often conceals another fundamental problem. “Only when you are happy and satisfied with yourself and your environment do you hold the key to customer success in your hands.”

Tip 3: Look for specific time slots for your sporting activities

Bringing work and family under one roof – and then doing sports? For many, this sounds like an impossible task. But exercise is an important part of any weight loss program. “That is why you should regularly look for a 20-minute time window and ideally do high-intensity strength training three times a week. This is an essential step to stimulate your muscles and metabolism, ”says sports scientist Klemme.

If you don’t have time during the week, you should keep the weekends free for sporting activities. Apart from that, the more you move around in everyday life, the better. “It’s the usual tips: take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride your bike, not the car, to work. And think about whether you really have to watch TV for two hours in the evening or rather do a little strength training, ”says Klemme. If you follow these rules, it is a wonderful basis for getting back in shape.

Tip 4: It doesn’t work without training

Powerplate, EMS devices (electrical muscle stimulation) & Co. promise little training effort and maximum success. But what is it about fitness equipment that can make unsightly dents disappear in no time and whip the muscles into shape? “Not much,” says Felix Klemme, “here training effects are promised, which unfortunately do not occur as quickly in reality as is often suggested.” In addition, training stimuli that are too high are often set so that long pauses for regeneration are necessary.

Tip 5: Train your whole body

“Pushups, sprints, squats – all of these exercises are ideal for exercising the whole body. And the latter is extremely important for your own fitness and vitality,” says Klemme:” Bodybuilders can concentrate on individual muscle groups. For mere mortals: You don’t just need fast legs, a flat stomach or muscular arms – everyday life usually demands the whole body.”That is why it is crucial to practice exercises that stress and challenge all parts of the organism.


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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