16 ways to reduce cellulite

ways to reduce cellulite

Looking for ways to reduce cellulite and achieve smoother skin? Discover 7 expert tips to help you combat cellulite effectively.

Cellulite or cellulite ( Cellulite ) or what is sometimes called ” orange peel skin ” is fat cells that have moved upward and accumulated under the skin. It has a rough, bumpy appearance, similar to the skin of an orange peel or kaffir lime skin. It is often found around the thighs, hips, upper arms, and abdomen. Some people have wavy patches because there is accumulated fat mixed with waste and water mixed in the sacs. Each lump of fat has a sticky shell covering it, which makes it look like a wavy shape of fat when viewed from the outside.

Cellulite is different from normal fat in the body that we can easily get rid of with exercise. But cellulite cannot be removed that easily. Because it requires both skin massage and exercise. and control food as well So you can get rid of cellulite effectively. Cellulite problems It’s not often found only in obese people. But some thin women also have cellulite. As for men, they have less fat than women. And most of it is muscle. Cellulite problems are therefore less common among women.

Except for some men who are very fat, they also have cellulite. More than 90 percent of women over the age of 20 often begin to experience symptoms of cellulite accumulation. Genetic factors and ethnicity are also a part. For example, European people have more cellulite than Asian people. What type is called having cellulite? You can try to check in a simple way by holding your hand to the abdomen and looking at it for about half an inch. Or turn your arm over and use the other hand to pull out the fat layer of your arm until it is tight. If you find that your skin looks similar to orange or kaffir lime skin. That’s ” cellulite ” if left untreated. Over time it will start to become more visible without having to touch or squeeze it.

Types of cellulite

Soft Cellulite is cellulite that is commonly found in women aged 20-30 years. It looks like a small lump. It’s a soft undulating pattern. The most common cause is genetics.

Hard Cellulite is cellulite that is commonly found in women aged 20-40 years. It looks like a small, hard lump. When squeezed, small hard lumps can clearly be seen. They are often found around the buttocks and hips.

Flaccid Cellulite is cellulite that is often found in women over 40 years of age who do not exercise often. which will look like a soft lump of fat There is sagging skin and soft muscles. It is most commonly found on the abdomen, waistline, arms, and chin.

Cellulite development Phase 1 : This is the phase where fibrosis begins to occur but not much. Still cannot be observed from standing or lying down. (It’s not like orange peel skin.) But when you try squeezing the flesh in that area, a dimple appears.

Phase 2 : Same as Phase 1, the dent cannot be seen yet. But when you try squeezing the flesh, you will find that there are more indentations than in the first period.

Phase 3 : Cellulite marks will begin to be clearly noticed while standing. without having to squeeze But while sleeping, the mark still cannot be seen.

Stage 4 : The entire skin can be seen having an orange peel appearance whether standing or lying down. Without having to squeeze and look at all In this stage, cellulite accumulates over a long period of time and is the most difficult to treat.

How to reduce cellulite

Exercise regularly

Exercise besides making the body hard. It also helps bring the body’s systems into balance. But good exercise should be brisk walking, swimming, cycling, jumping rope, aerobic dancing, and underwater exercise for 30-40 minutes or more at least 3 times a week. Exercise will help burn fat. Burn away body fat Help control weight to be within the appropriate range. Makes the muscles in various parts of the body stronger. But for people who don’t have time May you use your breaks or work time to your advantage. By going up and down on the stairs instead of taking the elevator, doing housework, etc.

Control your diet.

You should cut back on both extremely sweet and fatty foods, flour, ice cream, high-fat milk, extremely salty foods, and processed foods such as sausages, ham, and bacon, because these things will cause our body to accumulate more and more fat. and turn to controlling food each day Eat nutritious, low-fat foods. Drink at least 8 glasses of clean water a day (if you sweat a lot, you must drink more). This will help flush out toxins that are stuck in the tissues in the form of excess fat from the body. And it also removes cellulite. You should also reduce or stop drinking soda, coffee, alcohol and refrain from smoking. Because it will cause the body to lose balance. Because there are a lot of free radicals, they destroy cells and accumulate and become toxic. The body is difficult to excrete.

Oil massage :

Let us use massage oil mixed with essential oils to apply to the skin to make it smooth. It will help you massage more easily and not hold the skin down causing it to wrinkle. It also helps improve the circulation system and stimulate the efficiency of the body’s waste disposal system as well. By stimulating the lymphatic system that helps digest fat. Focus on massaging and squeezing only the areas where circulation is poor, such as the inner knees and thighs. In order to help dissolve fat and eliminate residual toxins.

Or you can use an oil that contains ginger and orange extracts. To help stimulate blood circulation and increase efficiency in eliminating waste in the body. Focus on massaging areas with cellulite. The massage method is not difficult at all. Just use the palm of your hand to massage in circular motion using the ridge of your hand to wrap around the cellulite area and repeat over and over.

Cellulite removal massage

cream Used in conjunction with massage This will help make cellulite appear lighter. Which there are many brands together. But the conditioner used should contain important ingredients extracted from nature as follows: Caffeine , which helps increase the metabolism rate in the body and accelerate the burning of fat. Therefore helps in weight loss, Cocoa (Activated Cocoa Bean Concentrate) is commonly used together with caffeine. Can help eliminate fat and inhibit the accumulation of remaining sugar in adipose tissue. Chitosan (Chitosan) can help eliminate fat. The positive charge of chitosan helps trap free fatty acids and negatively charged cholesterol. which will be excreted along with excess fat, Capsaicin extract (Capsaicin) is an extract obtained from chili peppers.

the ability to increase the level of enzymes in the liver. which involves breaking down fat Helping to accelerate metabolism Therefore helping to reduce body weight, Garcinia extract which has the ability to prevent the transformation of nutrients such as glucose into nutrients such as accumulated fat It also helps accelerate the breakdown of old fat that has accumulated, etc. However, it has not been clearly scientifically proven. Will these substances really be able to penetrate the skin cells to dissolve fat and reduce fat lumps?

Endermology massage

(Endermologie) is a massage to eliminate cellulite in specific areas using a vacuum machine. The head of this tool has a vacuum pipe in the middle. (It serves to suck up the desired area of ​​skin.) On the side are parallel rollers. (Acts as a massage to break up fat and increase blood circulation) which treatment with this type of device must be done 14 times in a row (approximately 2,000-5,000 baht each time). In the first 7 times, it must be done 2 times a week and It will be reduced to 1 time per week next time. or depends on the expert’s recommendation (Below is a picture before and after 15 sessions)
(Endermologie) is a massage to eliminate cellulite in specific areas using a vacuum machine. The head of this tool has a vacuum pipe in the middle.

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