Tips to cure foot odor with white vinegar and white wine

In housework, white wine is used a lot for cooking or cleaning utensils. White vinegar, in addition to its role as a spice, is also often used in cleaning tips. Their combination will bring great benefits in health care and personal hygiene. Try soaking your feet with white vinegar and white wine to solve a difficult problem that makes many people shy, which is foot odor.

Use white vinegar and white wine to treat foot odor

Vinegar and wine have useful properties that can help improve foot odor – a problem many people suffer from – at a low cost but with relatively high effectiveness. This is a simple, easy measure that anyone can do.

Soaking your feet with white vinegar and white wine helps solve foot odor. (Photo: Pinterest)

Wine and white vinegar both have very good disinfecting and cleaning abilities. When you combine these two ingredients to soak your feet, foot odor will be greatly reduced; The feeling of itching and discomfort also disappeared.

The method is quite simple: You just need to take a basin of warm water, add a little white wine and white vinegar to the basin and use it to soak your feet. Soaking your feet in warm water not only helps the body relax after a long, tiring day of work, but also helps clean your feet, kill bacteria, and prevent the formation of odors because vinegar and alcohol have disinfectant and deodorizing effects. .

With this method, just persistently do it for a while, you will see a clear change.

Tips to treat foot odor with natural ingredients

Many people suffer from foot odor, the tips below will “save” you.

There are many tips to treat foot odor with natural ingredients. (Photo: Saltoftheearthnatural)

– Mix 2 liters of warm water with a handful of salt, crush a few slices of ginger, drop in and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Do it every day before going to bed.

– Slice a white radish, boil with 1 liter of water and a little salt, let cool and then soak your feet for about 30 minutes, do this every day.

– Boil green tea leaves, let cool, then soak your feet. This tip is very effective if done every day. You can replace green tea leaves with fig leaves, do 2-3 times/day.

– Slice fresh lemon and apply to feet, leave for about 15 minutes, then rinse and pat dry.

– Grind alum into powder, rub on the soles of your feet for 10 minutes. Do it continuously every day.

– Roast the coffee grounds until dry, then put them in a clean bowl, let them cool down, then put your feet in and rub between your toes to help the coffee grounds absorb moisture and eliminate odors. Put coffee grounds in your shoes overnight to absorb moisture, then remove them.

– Sprinkle baking soda on the shoes and let dry until the next morning.

– Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to warm water and soak your feet to relax for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times per week.

– Roast salt until hot, put it in a cloth and apply it to the soles of your feet, leave it for 15-20 minutes. Should be applied every day for best results.

– Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them, then rub cinnamon powder evenly on your feet and put on your shoes as usual.


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