Tips for packing eggs with cooking oil bottles

Tips for packing eggs with cooking oil bottles

When you need to carry eggs far away, try packing them in cooking oil bottles, you will find this method extremely convenient and effective.

To ensure that eggs do not break during transportation, in addition to common methods such as using rice husks, paper or placing them in foam boxes, you can also use the trick of packing eggs with cooking oil bottles. This method helps you arrange many eggs while protecting them from impact during long-distance transportation.

Tips for packing eggs with cooking oil bottles

To apply this method safely and effectively, you should follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare and clean the oil bottle

You need to prepare an empty oil bottle of about 5 liters. This plastic bottle may have some grease left inside, so you need to wash it. This is very important to avoid soiling the eggs and causing them to slip and break during stacking and transportation. 

To clean the bottle, use warm water and a little dish soap to thoroughly wash both the inside and outside of the bottle. You can use a small brush or a long stick to scrub the hidden corners inside the bottle. After rinsing, let the bottle drain and dry completely before using.

Step 2: Create holes to arrange eggs

The outside of the oil bottle usually has a rectangular label. Use a knife or scissors to cut along the edge of the label to create a hole large enough to put your hand inside the bottle. Note, there is no need to cut the label paper completely in half, just cut enough to create a hole for the egg.

The steps for cutting stickers are as follows: Mark along the edge of the label paper with a pencil or marker to ensure straight and accurate cutting; Use a knife or scissors to cut along the marked line, being careful to avoid injury. After cutting, gently break the label paper from the cut position, creating a hole that makes it easy to put your hand inside.

Step 3: Put the eggs in the bottle

Once the oil bottle is clean and dry, you can start adding eggs from the cut position. When stacking eggs, it’s best to start from both ends of the oil bottle, so that the eggs stack in layers inside the bottle. Don’t be too hasty when adding the eggs, handle them gently to avoid breaking them. This arrangement not only helps hold more eggs but also holds them tighter and is less likely to break.

You should carefully place each egg into the bottle from bottom to top, using your fingers to gently push the egg into place. If there are gaps between the eggs, you can use soft paper or tissue paper to create a cushion, helping the eggs not collide with each other.

Step 4: Seal the oil bottle

After filling the oil bottle with eggs, we need to seal the hole cut in the bottle. Use transparent tape to seal the cut location. Try to apply multiple layers of tape to ensure it is secure and completely sealed. This will help protect the eggs from external factors and prevent them from falling out during transport.

Once the tape is applied, packaging the eggs with cooking oil bottles is complete. Under normal conditions, an empty 5-liter oil bottle can hold about 75 eggs. To ensure egg safety, stand the oil bottle upright and hold the bottle mouth. This way, carrying eggs will be very convenient. Whether you leave them in the car or take them with you on a walk, you won’t have to worry about the eggs being damaged due to collision.

Packing eggs with cooking oil bottles is a simple but effective method to protect eggs from breaking during transportation. This method not only helps you save space but also ensures that your eggs are always best protected. 

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