This organic syrup can save your garden

The use of lime sulfur emerged in the mid-nineteenth century and is based on the reaction between calcium oxide, popularly known as quicklime, and sulfur, creating a nutritious syrup with insecticidal properties. This is an organic alternative for those looking for poison-free cultivation. Who gives all the tips on this product is the specialist in organic agriculture Thiago Tadeu Campos.
Needs and uses
Organic production, when carried out in detail and paying attention to cultural practices, can offer productivity at the height of conventional agriculture, carried out with pesticides. Currently, it is possible to find several easily accessible organic compounds that fulfill the same role as chemically manipulated fertilizers and insecticides, with the main advantage of preserving the organicity of the food and the preservation of nutrients.
Among the biofertilizers available to the organic producer, we can mention the sulphur-calcium mixture: an easy-to-produce compound that fights different types of diseases that can affect plants.
How to use lime sulfur?
Lime sulfur can be used on most crops (except for cucurbits) and is advantageous both for its low production cost and the accessibility of its ingredients. Organic producers can take advantage of the nutrients in the syrup to treat soil deficiencies. In addition, it helps to protect the crop from thrips, mealybugs, rust, fungi, lichens, mosses and even insects and viruses.
Although it cannot be used when the plants are flowering and on seedlings, this syrup is recommended in the post-pruning process, accelerating the healing process of the trunks. When spraying the lime sulfur on the plants, it is important that the plant is reached as a whole, from the roots to its leaves, protecting its structure as much as possible.
How to make lime sulfur
To produce the lime sulfur, it is necessary to understand that its use should not be associated with the Bordeaux mixture and that, if it is necessary to use both compositions, an interval between 30 and 40 days between applications in the crop is recommended.
Another important factor about lime sulfur is its density, as it is through it that each crop will enjoy the benefits of the biofertilizer. Always consult the ideal density for your cultivation and dilute in the recommended amount of liters before spraying. Otherwise, the plants may end up burned or the effect may not be as satisfactory.
Ingredients and materials
– 2kg Sulfur Powder
– 1kg Virgin lime
– 10 liters of water
– 1 Baumé Areometer (°Bé)
– 2 Cans with a capacity of 20 liters
– 1 Mug 500ml
– 1 wooden shovel
– fine sieve
– Cloth strainer (organza or voile)
– 1 plastic bowl
Method of preparation
– Place quicklime in one of the cans and gradually add the 10 liters of slightly heated water. Bring to a boil;
– When boiling, add the sulfur and mark the liquid level on the can. Stir for about 1hr and add more boiling water as it evaporates to keep the liquid at the marked level;
– After 1hr of boiling the syrup will be thick and with a reddish hue. Let it cool down and measure the density of the liquid with the areometer. Ideally, it should be between 28°Bé and 32°Bé;
– Before storing the syrup, filter it using a sieve and strainer to eliminate solid residues and not harm the spraying equipment;
– Store in closed and sealed containers for up to 60 days and in dark and moisture-free places.
Heads up!
The entire production and application process of lime sulfur must be carried out with the help of safety and protection materials, such as gloves, protective glasses and overalls. Because it is a compound of high alkalinity and high corrosivity, it must be handled with care and deposited only in suitable places. After using the sprayer, it is important that it is thoroughly cleaned so that there are no traces of lime sulfur inside.
Before applying it to the plants, observe the dilution table and calculate the relationship between the temperature of the syrup, concentration and the number of liters needed to dilute. Winter apples and fruit trees, for example, obtain better results with the syrup with a density of 3.5°Bé and 4°Bé, whereas plants in a vegetative state should only be treated with lower densities, such as 0.5°Bé and 1°Be.
Bonus tips
Take advantage of cooler times of the day to spray the organic plantation, that way the liquid will not evaporate so easily and absorption will be more efficient. Sulfur lime replaces the use of nitrogen fertilizers and other pesticides.
The effects of lime sulfur have greater results when used preventively, especially when related to “pests”. However, it is possible to use lime sulfur to reduce the impact of some diseases and thus avoid the use of chemical compounds harmful to the crop. For smaller organic gardens, such as homemade gardens , it is possible to carry out the production process just by reducing the proportions. The result is healthier, more nutritious and disease-free plants.