
Soybean, which became widespread especially in the Far East and then spread all over the world, is one of the most beneficial legumes compared to other legumes, with the proteins it contains. Soybeans, which are used in many dishes such as soy milk and tofu, are known to be good for many diseases such as cancer, heart diseases and osteoporosis, thanks to the vitamin E and estrogen hormones they contain.

What are the benefits of soybeans?


-According to research, it has been proven that soybeans have cholesterol-lowering properties and reduce the risk of heart attack with this cholesterol-lowering feature.

-Soybeans also have a fat-lowering effect thanks to the Lecithin feature they contain.

-It has been proven as a result of scientific research that it reduces the formation of fat in the vessels and is good against cancer.

-Soybeans reduce the discomfort of women during menopause, thanks to the estrogen hormones they contain. Doctors recommend that women in menopause consume soybeans.

-One of the countless benefits of soybeans is the high calcium contained in soybeans, which is beneficial to bone health. Soybeans, which contain twice as much calcium as milk, which is known to be good for bone health, contain vitamins C, B1, B2, E and K.

Harms of soybeans

Although soybeans have many benefits, they can also be harmful if consumed excessively. Excessive consumption of soybeans, especially in women receiving estrogen therapy, can lead to breast cancer and heart diseases. If consumed excessively, the harms of soybeans include vitamin D deficiency, indigestion, thyroid diseases and infertility.

How to cook soybeans?

Soybeans must be soaked in water for at least 12 hours to soften before cooking. The reason why it is kept for so long is to purify the soybeans from gas-forming substances. For this, it is recommended to soak your soybeans overnight.

Where do soybeans grow?

Soybeans, which are mostly grown in the Far East worldwide, are produced in Turkey by the Mediterranean Region, accounting for 92%. Adana (Çukurova Region), Hatay and İçel surroundings are the places where soybeans are mostly grown in Turkey. In the world, its production is mostly done in China and Japan

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