Soursop: benefits and health properties present in this fruit


Soursop pulp and juice are consumed especially in tropical countries. In addition to its pleasant flavor, it also offers multiple benefits for the body.

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its guidelines for healthy eating, recommends prioritizing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, highlighting the high nutritional value of these foods.

One of the most popular fruits in tropical countries is the soursop, whose name varies in each region. For example, some of the denominations that have been given are: catuche or catoche, masasamba, corosol, chachiman, huana huana, graviola, Brazilian custard apple, cohosol, araticú, sapote agrio, pehne, annona from Mexico and annona from India.

In general, the soursop is consumed in juice or directly the pulp. Likewise, it is usually an ideal companion for various types of desserts . According to the wellness portal Mejor con salud, “soursop is a fibrous, sweet and sour and very aromatic tropical fruit, which contains several vitamins (C, B1 and B2) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, copper and iron). Although it also stands out for its fiber content”.

In this sense, the soursop has gained fame as a fruit with extensive nutritional value, since its pulp is also a good source of flavonoids and polyphenols, which is why its frequent consumption has been associated with multiple health benefits.

Benefits of soursop consumption

Since the soursop is a rather fibrous fruit, drinking its juice or consuming its pulp allows a feeling of satiety . This effect is useful for those who seek to calm the anxiety of eating all the time and, in this way, advance with a better prognosis in the process of losing weight.

The fructose and carbohydrate content present in soursop make it an ideal fruit to increase energy reserves. Therefore, its consumption is especially recommended for the mornings or before exercising.

Another benefit associated with the regular consumption of soursop has to do with the cardiovascular system. “ Fruits, due to their nutritional value, are highly recommended foods to maintain good heart health and, above all, to maintain a healthy heart as well as normal and stable blood pressure, thanks to their vitamins, minerals and antioxidants”, exposes the aforementioned portal .

On the other hand, the valuable vitamin C content in soursop contributes to strengthening the immune system, increasing the person’s defenses against common health problems such as colds or flu.

Intestinal transit is another body process that would benefit from the consumption of soursop. This relationship is given from the fiber content present in the fruit, which is why it is ideal for combating constipation.

Benefits of soursop to prevent osteoporosis

Another quality that is attributed to the soursop is its ability to delay aging, a belief that is given from its antioxidant properties. In addition, this fruit helps prevent osteoporosis due to its nutritional components, such as phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

In this sense, soursop becomes one of the foods that cannot be absent in a healthy diet.

  • Rich in vitamin C: For every 100 grams of this fruit, a total of 20 milligrams of vitamin C is consumed. The body needs a total of 60 milligrams daily, which is equivalent to about 300 grams of soursop.
  • Avoid hemorrhoids and relieve pain: Health specialists say that soursop juice drinks are also good for curing hemorrhoids, waist pain, and helping regulate appetite.
  • Decreases insomnia: This is due to the fact that soursop has elements in its composition that promote relaxation and drowsiness.
  • Keeps the body hydrated: The content of the soursop, specifically the pulp, is mostly water, which keeps the body hydrated during the day, providing energy, which helps the body function properly.
  • Prevents bacterial infections: Soursop has been part of natural medicine for a long time, since if it is applied to a wound or cut, it allows faster healing and prevents infections.

How to consume soursop?

Regarding its consumption, the first thing to do is check its maturity by touch; if it is soft it is time to enjoy it. The next step is to cut it in half and then use a spoon to eat its pulp.

It is also worth noting that this fruit is very versatile, so it can be used to prepare juices, smoothies, yogurt and even ice cream.

However, the consumption of soursop is not recommended for pregnant women, people with mumps or mouth sores, since the acidity of the fruit could cause pain. It is also not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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