Should you use food wrap in the microwave?

Should you use food wrap in the microwave?

Using food wrap to preserve stored food is a “treasure” of housewives, so should we use food wrap in the microwave?

Today, food wrap is an indispensable item in the kitchens of Vietnamese families. It not only helps food to be preserved better but also saves time and effort for housewives. 

Should you use food wrap in the microwave?

In fact, many housewives often use food wrap in the microwave when they need to cover it tightly to heat or cook food without causing dehydration. Is this method safe?

According to household appliance experts, food wrap can be used in the microwave, but not all types can be used and it depends on the material of the product. Users should pay attention to the symbols on the wrapper box to know if the product can be put in the microwave, because different wrappers will have different uses.

Currently, the wrapping film on the market is divided into two types, the regular type is mainly used to preserve food, wrap food stored in the refrigerator; The second type is microwave wrap, which can be used in the microwave.

Common types of wrapping films are PE and PVC wrapping films, used to wrap vegetables, fruits, and leftovers. These two types of membranes cannot withstand high temperatures and can only be used to preserve food in the refrigerator, helping to keep fruits and vegetables longer. Especially with PVC coating, if you put it in the microwave, toxins can precipitate, causing harm to your health.

PMP and PVDC coatings can be used in microwaves. Both types of membranes can withstand high temperatures, ranging from 140 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius. The product is often clearly marked by the manufacturer as “Can be used in microwaves” on the label outside the package. packaging. Compared to regular wrap, the two types of wrap used in microwave ovens are much more expensive.

To know whether or not you should use food wrap in the microwave, pay attention to the symbol on the box or product packaging.

Be careful when using food wrap in the microwave

When reheating greasy food, to ensure the food does not splash onto the oven wall, you should use plastic wrap to cover the box/bowl instead of using a lid. However, the minimum distance between the film and the food surface is 2.5 cm to ensure the film does not break when the food in the bowl reaches high temperatures.

In addition, after wrapping the food, you should use a toothpick to gently poke a few holes on the surface of the wrap before putting it in the oven to evaporate the water and avoid breaking the wrap.

Mistake when using food wrap

Because food wrap has many advantages such as low price, compactness, convenience… so the demand for use is increasing day by day. To reduce the risks when using, you should note:

Do not cover greasy foods

You should not use food wrap to cover cooked foods, hot foods and foods containing oil because after contact with them, the chemical ingredients in the wrap will easily react with the food, causing many side effects. harmful to health.

In addition, do not use to wrap foods in acidic, alkaline or high temperature environments. These toxic substances leak into food and will affect the endocrine system, causing premature development in girls and affecting reproduction in boys.

Do not wrap close to food

The wrapping film needs to be at least 2.5cm away from the food because if wrapped directly, harmful substances in the wrapping film can leach into the food, causing immeasurable harm to health. Therefore, you should put food in a glass box and then wrap it with food film.

In addition, do not use film to wrap carrots, cucumbers, and cowpeas because it will greatly reduce the vitamin C content of these tubers and fruits.

Do not use if there is a strange odor

After purchasing and using, you need to store the wrap in a place with average temperature. Temperatures that are too high or too low can easily cause the wrapper to deteriorate and produce toxins. In particular, you should not use wrapping film that shows signs of mold, sunburn, or strange odors.

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