Should honey be mixed with cold water or hot water?

Should honey be mixed with cold water or hot water?

A cup of honey water every day is a method of purifying and supplementing vitamins and minerals that many people use, so should you mix honey with cold water or hot water?

1. Should honey be mixed with cold or hot water?
2. Benefits of drinking warm water mixed with honey 
Supports weight loss
Reduces cough and sore throat
Purify the body
Improve digestive system
Increases resistance
Soothes allergy symptoms
3. When is the best time to drink warm water mixed with honey?
In the morning on an empty stomach
At night before going to bed
Before or after meals

Honey has a rich nutritional composition, in addition to energy, it also provides vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, helping to improve health and strengthen immunity.

Should honey be mixed with cold water or hot water?

Regularly using a certain amount of honey every day will help the body stay healthy, stimulate the immune system to function better, and improve the digestive system. People with colds, coughs, sore throats… can drink honey water to soothe the throat mucosa, reduce coughs, and eliminate phlegm. However, whether honey should be mixed with hot or cold water for the best results is something that makes many people wonder.

Sharing on Vnexpress newspaper , Dr. Nguyen Anh Duy Tung, Nutrihome nutrition clinic, recommends mixing honey with warm water, water temperature is about 30-40 degrees Celsius. Warm water promotes salivation, helps lubricate the throat, relieves pain quickly. Heat and humidity also help thin mucus, helping to reduce nasal congestion symptoms common with sore throat.

Dr. Tung notes: Do not mix honey with water that is too hot, do not boil honey water because it will cause the honey to change its taste, and some ingredients will also change when heated above 60 degrees Celsius. Vitamins and minerals in honey Bees exposed to high temperatures are often destroyed, losing their beneficial effects on health.

You should also not mix honey with water that is too cold. Ice will make it harder for honey to dissolve, not giving the desired effect. Cold foods are usually not recommended for people with sore throat or pharyngitis.

In addition, you should buy quality honey and preserve it well so that it does not produce substances harmful to your health.

Benefits of drinking warm water mixed with honey

According to Dr. Nguyen Thuong Hanh, Bac Ninh Provincial General Hospital, the habit of drinking warm water mixed with honey has some benefits as follows:

Supports weight loss

Warm honey water helps with weight loss. Many people think that honey containing sugar will cause weight gain, but in fact the amount of honey mixed into a glass of water is very small, while a glass of water creates a feeling of fullness, prevents cravings, and cuts down on drinking sugary soft drinks. many calories. Therefore, persistently drinking a glass of honey water every morning combined with a reasonable diet, you can lose weight effectively.

In addition, the sugar in honey is natural sugar, which is healthier than refined sugar.

Reduces cough and sore throat

You should drink warm water mixed with honey every morning in the fall and winter because this type of water both protects your throat and keeps your body warm.

Honey is a natural medicine to treat colds and respiratory infections.

A cup of warm honey every morning will help you reduce the pain and discomfort of sore throat. Honey has the effect of warming the throat and soothing pain. In addition, honey water is also effective in treating coughs.

Purify the body

The habit of drinking warm honey water every morning will help the body eliminate toxins that have accumulated over time, leading to the risk of disease. Users can increase the effectiveness of warm honey water by adding a few drops of lemon juice. Lemons contain citric acid, which helps maximize enzyme function and in turn stimulates and detoxifies the liver.

Improve digestive system

Honey has antiseptic and antiseptic properties, helps reduce acid levels in the stomach, thereby overcoming gastric reflux. At the same time, it also provides great support for the digestive system, stimulating these organs to function effectively.

Increases resistance

Honey contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, including phenolics and flavonoids, which help reduce damage to cells and tissues in the body. In addition, honey also has antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to prevent diseases and reduce the risk of infection.

Studies also show that honey has the ability to strengthen the immune system by stimulating the activity of immune cells. This enhances the ability to fight diseases and infections.

Soothes allergy symptoms

Honey can help relieve some mild allergy symptoms such as rashes, swelling and itching caused by allergens. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce mild allergy symptoms.

In addition, honey also contains a number of ingredients that have the ability to reduce cell damage.

When is the best time to drink warm water mixed with honey?

Warm water mixed with honey works best if used at the following times:

In the morning on an empty stomach

You should mix honey with warm water and use it in the morning on an empty stomach to clean the stomach and eliminate waste, stimulate the body to create new blood cells, restore, fight bacteria and promote regeneration. collagen.

Honey also quickly provides energy to the body, helping you eliminate the feeling of fatigue and hunger that often appears in the early morning.

At night before going to bed

Drinking honey mixed with warm water 30–60 minutes before bed every day can help you sleep better. Honey helps the brain relax, reduce stress and promote easier sleep.

Before or after meals

Drinking honey after meals helps you digest easily and promotes the excretion of stomach acid, avoiding indigestion and bloating.

About 30 minutes before meals, a glass of honey water can inhibit gastric acid secretion, thereby reducing stomach mucosa irritation.

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