Sesame Oil Benefits, What Does It Do? How is it applied to the skin and hair?

Sesame Oil Benefits
  • Sesame, whose homeland is Africa, is a plant belonging to the Pedaliaceae family, which has been cultivated for many years. Sesame is an annual herb with a height ranging from 5 centimeters to 250 centimeters.
  • Sesame, which has white or pink flowers, has capsule-like fruits.
  • Sudan, Venezuela, India, China and Mexico are the leading countries producing sesame seeds in the world. The plant, which is produced in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara countries in our country, is mostly grown in Şanlıurfa.
  • Half of the sesame obtained from the fruits in the capsule is oil.
  • Sesame oil is used as a frying oil in India, while it is used as a flavor enhancer in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Japan, China, and Korea.
  • Sesame oil, which is generally used in cooking, is also important for making tahini.
  • Sesame oil, which has a matte yellow color, shows incredible effects when applied externally to the hair and skin.

The benefits of sesame oil, accompanied by information you have never heard before, have been compiled for you in this article. Skin care and nutritional properties of sesame oil What good, face, hair mask and preparing food in the kitchen How to use sesame oil all these questions await you in the subtitle!

What Are the Benefits of Sesame Oil?

  • Sesame oil, which has antioxidant vitamins and minerals, strengthens the body’s immune system and has a protective effect against diseases.
  • Vegetable oil, which supports the treatment of anemia due to the iron contained in it, is good for balancing cholesterol.
  • Sesame oil, which is used in the treatment of burns and wounds on the skin, helps cell regeneration due to its vitamin E content.
  • Sesame oil, which has a protective effect against the harmful rays of the sun, is also used as a sunscreen.
  • Sesame oil, which has an antibacterial effect, is very effective as a pain reliever.
  • Sesame oil, which is applied to the teeth before brushing, is used for teeth whitening.
  • After 1 tablespoon of sesame oil taken into the mouth is kept in the mouth for about 10 minutes, the teeth are brushed with warm water.
  • It helps regulate blood sugar, and because of this feature, sesame oil also plays an active role in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Sesame oil, which is rich in zinc, prevents the formation of acne and makes the skin look smooth.
  • Sesame oil was also handled by Ender Saraç. Saraç, who recommends the use of sesame oil for knee pain, says that when used regularly, it is good for knee pain.
  • Relief of breathing is another feature known among the benefits of sesame oil.
  • You can massage with sesame oil for your headaches and especially migraine attacks; It will relieve the pain.
  • It calms nervous problems such as mood disorders and sudden aggression.
  • Sesame oil can be used for sleep disorder.

What Does Sesame Oil Do?

  • Sesame oil, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially sesamin and sesamol, minimizes the risk of heart attack by protecting cardiovascular health.
  • It also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis due to its positive effect on cholesterol.
  • Sesame oil, a rich source of calcium, zinc and copper, is important for healthy bone and tooth development.
  • Sesame oil, which helps to prevent the risk of osteoporosis, protects the body against bone weakness that occurs with advancing age.
  • Sesame oil is mixed with sage oil and massaged from the nape to the coccyx, and when applied regularly twice a day, in the morning and evening, it is good for herniated disc.
  • It is effective in eliminating weakness, fatigue and reluctance caused by depression, stress and anxiety.
  • Sesame oil, which prevents insomnia due to its relaxing effect, also helps to overcome the problem of snoring.
  • Thanks to the omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids in its content, it strengthens the memory and prevents forgetfulness.
  • Sesame oil, which plays an important role in the regulation of sexual life , increases sexual performance.
  • Sesame oil is also effective in beard growth and strengthening.
  • In addition to using sesame oil as a mask or massage oil, you can also add it to your meals.
  • You can add sesame oil to your vegetable, meat, chicken, fish dishes and even salad dressings.
  • As you are used to tahini, its unique appetizing aroma will also increase the quality of taste in your kitchen.

How to Use Sesame Oil for Hair Care?

  • When the scalp is massaged using sesame oil, it accelerates blood circulation and supports better nutrition of hair follicles.
  • Hair grows faster and healthier.
  • In addition to preventing hair breakage, sesame oil, which prevents the formation of fungus on the roots of the hair, takes care of the hair and makes it look shiny and lively.
  • In addition, it prevents premature graying of hair and supports the preservation of its original color for many years.
  • In addition to its positive effects in hair care, sesame oil also plays an important role in eyelash growth and strengthening.
  • In addition, if sesame oil is used regularly in cases of eyebrow loss, it provides eyebrow formation.
  • Sesame oil, rich in vitamin E and calcium, is a source of nutrients for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows from root to tip.
  • If you have been feeling dry in your hair lately, you can massage your scalp with sesame oil before showering.
  • It will also be good for dandruff problem.

2 Different Sesame Oil Masks for Hair

Nourishing Almond and Sesame Oil Mask

  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and 2 tablespoons of almond oil are mixed in a glass bowl and applied by massaging the scalp.
  • Wrap the hair with a clean towel and wait for about 40 minutes.
  • You can apply this process regularly once a week if the wear on your hair is intense.
  • Almond oil and sesame oil will contribute to the growth of your hair much faster than normal.

Anti-Exfoliation Ginger and Sesame Oil Mask

  • Another sesame oil mask is prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice.
  • Prepared ginger sesame oil is applied to the scalp by massaging and washed with shampoo after waiting for 40 minutes.
  • Ginger has a warming effect on your scalp, don’t worry, it’s a natural feature of ginger.
  • Ginger sesame oil mask is a natural method for hair loss.

Can Sesame Oil Be Used On The Face? What are the Benefits to the Skin?

  • Sesame oil, which contains a high amount of zinc, is very beneficial for skin health. Yes, it is applied to the skin.
  • Vegetable oil, which increases the elasticity of the skin, delays the effects of aging and makes the skin more elastic.
  • Sesame oil, which plays an important role in reducing wrinkles on the skin, ensures that the toxins in the skin are removed from the body.
  • In fact, sesame oil, which is effective in the treatment of fungi on the skin, is mixed with black cumin and walnut grass, and when applied to the skin, it makes the skin lively.
  • Sesame oil containing palmitic acid, citric acid and linoleic acid moisturizes the skin and prevents it from drying out.
  • These antioxidant fatty acids have a therapeutic effect on skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema.
  • It has a softening and nourishing effect against irritation and drying of the skin in cold winter months.
  • Does sesame oil cause hair growth on the skin? If you are applying a sesame oil mask to your skin, you should also consider the possibility that it can nourish the hair follicles.

Can You Drink Sesame Oil?

  • Sesame oil, which helps to treat many diseases externally, is consumed by adding 1 teaspoon to 1 tea glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
  • May cause harmful effects in children younger than 10 years.
  • Sesame oil, which increases bowel movements due to its high fiber content, prevents constipation.
  • It increases the metabolic rate due to the antioxidants it contains.
  • Slimming can be achieved with regularly used sesame oil.
  • Sesame oil, which prevents the formation of insulin resistance by regulating blood sugar, helps to weaken those who have difficulty in losing weight due to insulin resistance.
  • It facilitates the removal of excess water accumulated in the body and prevents the formation of edema.
  • Sesame oil applied to the sides and inside of the nose helps prevent the problem of snoring .
  • Vegetable oil, which stands out with its benefits to the body, can cause some problems in excessive consumption, as in all other herbal products.
  • Sesame oil, like other oils, is a calorie food. Excessive consumption of sesame oil, which contains about 9 calories per gram, can cause weight gain.
  • Those who have an allergic body should consult a doctor before consuming sesame oil and consume it after making the necessary analyzes.
  • Likewise, it is beneficial for those who have chronic diseases, those who use drugs constantly, and mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding , to consult a doctor before using sesame oil.
  • Sesame oil harms occur when excessive consumption is concerned.

How Is Sesame Oil Made?

  • Sesame oil can be made in four different ways as raw, refined, extra and fried, and thanks to its durability compared to other oils, it can be preserved for a long time without spoiling.
  • Sesame oil is obtained by cold pressing method.
  • The collected sesame seeds are separated into seeds after drying.
  • In ancient times, the separation of seeds was done by hand whipping.
  • Today, seed separation is carried out with modern agricultural tools.
  • The seeds obtained by this process are subjected to the pressing process by being raw or roasted.
  • The resulting sesame oil is filtered twice. Sesame oil, which is ready for use, is classified as valuable oils due to the vitamins and minerals it contains.
  • With the applications made to sesame oil, changes in its density and aroma can be achieved.
  • After the oil obtained from the sesame plant, the remaining pulp is given to the animals as pulp.
  • Sesame feed, which has a high nutritional value, plays an important role in the protection of animal health.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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