secret to frying food without oil splashing

Fried fish, fried chicken, sauteed meat… are very delicious but many people are afraid to cook because oil splashes during the frying process. The following tips will help you solve this problem.

For many people, fried foods always have great appeal. However, buying pre-fried food is still considered a solution for some families to avoid the trouble of frying oil splashing around the kitchen table.

If you know the secrets to frying food without oil splashing, you will no longer be afraid. In any case, making your own is still safer because you can control the quality of cooking oil as well as the temperature, avoid using frying oil over and over again, or letting the temperature get too high, causing fire and creating toxic substances. toxic.

Secrets to frying food without oil splashing

Oil splashing during frying not only stains the kitchen table and floor but can also cause burns. That’s why many people are afraid to make fried foods. Please save the tips below for frying food without oil splashing and try it next time.

Use a high-walled non-stick pan

The high-walled non-stick pan is the perfect choice for fried dishes because it not only helps you easily flip and limit food burning during the frying process, but also effectively prevents oil splashes. You should choose a non-stick pan with a wall height of at least 5cm.

Let food drain before frying

Water and cooking oil do not dissolve together. Therefore, if you drop wet food into a pan of hot oil, the cooking oil will splash. One of the things you must remember to fry food without splashing oil is to drain the food completely before frying. You can also use paper to absorb all the water before frying.

The secret to frying food without splashing oil will help you avoid being afraid of making fried foods. (Illustration photo: Istock)

Use fine salt

You pour oil into the pan, wait for the oil to be very hot, then sprinkle a little salt in, then fry the food normally. This is a simple but effective secret to frying food without splashing oil. In addition, salt also helps remove toxins in cooking oil.

Sauteed with ginger 

Ginger – a spice that is easy to find and readily available in the kitchen – also helps reduce grease splashes effectively. Wash and dry the ginger root, cut a few thin slices. Put the pan on the stove, wait for the pan to be hot, then add a few slices of ginger, use chopsticks to move the ginger pieces across the surface of the pan. After doing this continuously for a few minutes, take the ginger out and fry and cook as usual.

Use lemon

Another secret to frying food without splashing oil is to cut a lemon slice and rub it on the bottom of the pan before adding grease.

Use flour 

Fried chicken and fried fish will be crispier, more evenly browned, and less oil will splash out if you marinate them with a little flour, because flour helps absorb water and dry the food surface.

After marinating the food with flour, you should shake it well and fry it immediately. You should shake off or brush off excess flour to avoid burning the oil when frying.

Use a screen instead of a lid

Instead of temporarily using a pot cover to shield the grease from making the food crispy, you can buy a screen to cover the pan when frying food, both limiting oil splashes and keeping the food crispy. .

Do not overfill the oil or fry too much food at once 

Do not fill the pan with oil more than halfway because it will easily spill out when you add food. You should also not be greedy to fill the pan with food when frying because the cooking oil will swell and easily splash or spill out.

Set the right temperature 

You need to let the oil get hot before frying the food, then reduce the heat and keep it at a stable temperature so the food is cooked evenly and crispy. Don’t let the heat get too high because the food’s skin will quickly burn and the inside may not be cooked; If the heat is too low, the dish will not be crispy and will be soaked in too much grease.

The best frying temperature is about 350 degrees F to 375 degrees F (equivalent to 177 – 191 degrees C).


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