Rhinitis: discover the 7 main causes

Most people are familiar with the allergic version of the disease, but the truth is that there are different types of rhinitis. In addition to reactions that cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, the condition can be caused by hormonal changes, viruses, bacteria, tissue hypersensitivity or due to the abuse of medication. 1

Since knowing the underlying cause of the condition is essential for effective treatment, in this post we will explain each variant in detail. Check out a list of the main symptoms and what is good for treating rhinitis, whether to avoid aggravating factors or to relieve acute episodes more easily.

Enjoy reading!

What is rhinitis?

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The blood vessels that supply the tissue dilate as a response of the immune system to a trigger or aggressive agent, causing swelling, redness, itching and discharge. The symptoms can be very uncomfortable, as they make breathing difficult and can be worsened by poor air quality. 1

In large urban centers, pollution is one of the main triggers of allergic reactions, such as classic rhinitis. However, as mentioned, the disease can be caused by other agents, not just allergens and irritants. 1

What are the types of rhinitis?

The types of rhinitis can be grouped into two main categories. One of them is allergies, caused by adverse reactions to particles such as pollen, dust, mites, chemicals and animal hair. On the other hand, non-allergic rhinitis has more diverse subvariants, with different causes for inflammation of the nostril mucosa. 1

Below we will briefly explain each class and the subtypes in each case. Check out!

Allergic rhinitis

Allergies are caused by an inadequate immune response to a harmless agent. Those who suffer from these reactions have a genetic predisposition that causes hypersensitivity to allergens, such as dust, pollen, mites and hair. This condition can manifest itself in different ways, one of which is rhinitis, when the irritation reaches the nasal mucosa. 1

Non-allergic rhinitis

On the other hand, there are non-allergic variations of rhinitis. They are 1 :

  • infectious rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • medicinal rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • rinite hormonal.

Infectious Rhinitis

Viral and bacterial infections are among the causes of rhinitis. In this case, the pathogens invade the cells of the nasal mucosa and provoke an inflammatory reaction from the immune system, which can generate a runny nose , congestion, cough and, in rare cases, fever. 1

Vasomotor Rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is similar to allergic rhinitis. However, instead of being caused by hypersensitivity, the mucosa suffers from chronic inflammation caused by environmental triggers, such as changes in temperature and a drop in air humidity. 1

Drug-induced rhinitis

The use of decongestant sprays is used to relieve nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and other respiratory problems. However, the abuse of these drugs often causes a rebound effect, known as rhinitis drug.

In this situation, the medication loses its effectiveness and the inflammation becomes more resistant to treatment, prolonging the acute crisis. 1

Atrophic Rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis mainly affects older people. Over the years, the skin and mucous membranes lose their elasticity and natural resistance. When it reaches the nasal mucosa, the process leaves the tissue dry, sensitive and covered in crusts, favoring irritation.  1

Rinite hormonal

Hormonal changes that affect estrogen production in women’s bodies can affect vascular health and cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. Triggers of hormonal rhinitis include :

  • menstruation;
  • menopause;
  • gestation;

Furthermore, endocrine changes in the thyroid can cause similar symptoms. 1

What is good for rhinitis?

Rhinitis can be treated with anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids and nasal decongestants, which are remedies to mitigate triggers and alleviate the classic symptoms of this type of irritation. In general, acute conditions are easier to care for.  two

It is very important to follow medical advice, respecting the dosage and frequency of medication consumption, especially spray decongestants. As mentioned, inappropriate use of drugs can trigger or worsen rhinitis attacks.  1

Other tips for what is good for rhinitis include 1 :

  • keep the environment clean and ventilated;
  • use air humidifiers to moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • avoid perfumes, cleaning products and cosmetics with strong smells;
  • avoid decorative objects, clothes and furniture that accumulate dust;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • avoid air-conditioned environments when possible.

What is the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis?

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa, while sinusitis mainly affects the paranasal sinuses. Symptoms such as a runny nose and blocked nose can occur in both, but sinusitis is characterized by the sensation of pain and pressure in the face, especially around the nostrils and near the cheekbones. 2

What does a person with rhinitis look like?

In general, a person with rhinitis has a runny, blocked and itchy nose, which can also cause sneezing and eye irritation. On rare occasions, inflammation also causes headache, cough, dryness and bleeding in the mucous membrane, loss of smell and low-grade fever . 1

How long does a rhinitis attack last?

A bout of rhinitis can come and go for a period of 7 to 10 days, and is classified as acute rhinitis. On the other hand, when the episodes persist for a longer period of time, the condition becomes chronic. In some cases, this type of rhinitis can last more than three months. 1


Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that is caused by many different factors, from allergies and infections to climate change and hormonal changes. The classic symptoms are common in most of them, such as runny nose, nasal congestion and post-nasal discharge. Benegrip Multi  combats cold and flu symptoms, with a powerful* analgesic and decongestant effect, without making you drowsy.

Regarding treatment, the options to alleviate the condition are corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories and decongestants. The latter deserve special attention, after all, their excessive use can have a rebound effect and, instead of helping, worsen the symptoms.

Finally, depending on the cause of the inflammation, it is necessary to take measures to resolve the problem from that source.


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