Red Plums: What Vitamins Do Red Plums Contain?

Red Plums

When plums are mentioned, many people immediately remember hot summer days and the wonderful taste it leaves in their mouths. Of course, there are dozens of different types of this fruit, which is difficult to find a person who doesn’t like. Red plum, which is rich in vitamins as well as taste, is the favorite of many people. We have compiled for you the benefits of red plum, which is frequently used in desserts, drinks or compotes.

Red plums, which wink out with all their charm from market stalls or supermarket shelves, are among the fruits that must be consumed. Let’s take a look at the benefits of red plums, which you can consume both fresh and dried and often drinkable, and what vitamins they contain.

What Vitamins Do Red Plums Contain?

Red plum, which many dietitians advise you to consume, is a fruit that is softer than other plum types and attracts attention with the vitamins it contains. Red plum, which draws attention with its taste of a mixture of sour and sweet and fascinates with its color, draws attention with its 2000-year-old history.

Red plum, known to originate from the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus, ripens in 3 different periods and is known by different names. While the first ripening ones are called “life plums”, the next ripening period is called “Italian plums or Japanese plums”.

Red plums that ripen as the last post attract attention with the name “European plum” and are usually offered for sale in August. Red plum, which is known with different names and ripening stages in our country, is generally encountered under the names “damson plum, soul plum, priest plum or sweet uryani plum”.

When we look at its content, the first thing that stands out is that it contains plenty of vitamin A. In fact, red plums alone provide 8% of the amount of vitamin A a person needs on a daily basis. Red plum, which also contains plenty of vitamin C, is also known for its fibrous structure. Red plum, known for its positive effects on body health, should be consumed regularly in summer and winter.

What are the Benefits of Red Plum?

The benefits of red plum, which adorns fruit plates and is considered an indispensable part of the summer months, are endless. Let’s immediately list the benefits of red plum, which you can consume directly or benefit from its juice, and in which areas it benefits the body.

  • Stops the Effects of Aging

Research on red plums shows that it contains plenty of anti-aging effects. Thanks to phytoflavonoids and other vitamins, red plum accelerates the regeneration of connective tissue and fights against the effects of aging. It has the feature of preventing the formation of wrinkles.

  • Effective in Weight Loss and Fitness

Fibrous vegetables and fruits are at the top of most diet lists. If you are on a diet during the spring and summer periods, you can definitely consume red plums. This plum, which is also good for indigestion and constipation, triggers the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, it is a fruit that is very low in calories.

  • Supports Iron Absorption

Red plums, which can be consumed together with fruits and vegetables with high iron content, enable blood-producing cells to work faster. Since it supports iron absorption, it prevents serious problems such as anemia.

  • Affects Intestinal Health

Red plums prevent problems such as bloating and gas and also support intestinal health. You can ensure regular functioning of your intestines by consuming red plums regularly.

  • Affects Reproductive Functions

Red plum, which contains a lot of vitamin A, is very beneficial for eye health and supports reproductive functions. It also has positive effects on bone health.

  • Fights Cancer Cells

Red plum, which supports heart health and reduces the risk of acceleration, is also known to fight bad diseases such as breast, pancreas and stomach cancer.

How many calories are in Red Plum?

Red Plum consists of 79.14% carbohydrates, 1.15% protein and 3.75% fat. How many calories are in Red Plum? Can Red Plum be eaten on a diet? What are the nutritional values ​​of Red Plum? What is the carbohydrate value of Red Plum? Questions like these are among the most popular questions about this food. 1 (Large) Red Plum is 24.30 calories. Red Plum contains 4.94 Carbohydrates (g), 0.07 Protein (g), 0.23 fat (g), 0.99 fiber (g), 1.35 Sodium (mg), 63.00 potassium (mg) It contains 3.60 Calcium (mg), 135.00 Vitamin A (ui), 2.16 Vitamin C (mg), 0.05 and Iron. Red Plum calories and nutritional values…


Carbohydrate (g)


Protein (g)


Fat (g)


fiber (g)


Cholesterol (mg)


Sodium (mg)


Potassium (mg)


Calcium (mg)


Vitamin A (ui)


Vitamin C (mg)




How to Make Red Plum Juice?

Red plum juice, which is often recommended for those who do not like to consume fruit, can offer you the same benefits that plums provide. This plum juice, usually prepared using sugar, is also called compote or compote. If you are on a diet or do not consume sugar, you can use additional sweeteners instead, or you can make it sugar-free. The recipe for red plum juice, which you can drink cold with meals or to cool off, is as follows:


  • 1 kilo of red plums,
  • 3 cups of granulated sugar,
  • 3 liters of water,
  • 1 cinnamon stick,
  • Some cloves,

Put all the ingredients in a large pot and boil over medium heat. You can check the softening level of the plums by stirring occasionally. As all the plums begin to soften and fall apart, turn off the heat and cool all the plum juice. After this process, you can drink it as it is or drink it cold by straining it through a strainer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many calories are in 2 purple plums?

When 1 plum is examined in terms of calories, it is seen that it is approximately 16 calories (kcal). The nutritional values ​​of 1 damson plum are listed as 0.08 g of fat, 0.2 g of fat and 4.10 g of carbohydrates.

How many calories are in 1 large plum?

One serving of green plums (100 grams) contains 47 calories. One medium-sized green plum (20 grams) contains 9.5 calories, and one large green plum (40 grams) contains 19 calories.

How many red plums should be eaten on a diet?

Red plum is a food rich in vitamins A and C and fiber. 2 red plums can be consumed instead of 1 portion of fruit.

Can red plums be eaten on a diet?

Red plums should be included in diet lists as they are very rich in fiber and help regulate blood sugar.

What are the benefits of plum during pregnancy?

The benefits of plum, which is rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium, also make the pregnancy period easier. The citric acid contained in plums prevents the negative effects of lactic acid, which causes fatigue. Thus, it helps prevent fatigue by providing energy during pregnancy. One of the benefits of plums during pregnancy is strengthening the nervous system.

How much green plum should be eaten per day?

Eating one portion a day is enough to benefit from the benefits of green plums. One serving consists of 10 or 12 medium-sized plums.

Does plum relieve edema?

Plum helps relieve edema thanks to its potassium content. The diet and exercises that are taken into consideration during the edema relief period also help to speed up the process.

Do plums burn fat?

Plum helps accelerate metabolism thanks to its rich fiber content and vitamins. Thanks to this feature, it affects the fat burning process. One of the benefits of plum, which directly affects metabolism, is that it helps meet energy needs and stay fit throughout the day.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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