Red Meat: When and how much to eat?


Red meat, therefore beef, horse or lamb, should be included in the diet without exaggerating. The recommended amount to consume may vary based on dietary guidelines and individual needs. However, organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) provide some general guidance on the amount of red meat that can be included in a balanced diet.

Is red meat bad for you? In itself, certainly not. It depends on how much you consume it. Despite boasting excellent nutritional properties, in fact, it contains a lot of cholesterol and triglycerides. Over the years, therefore, many studies conducted over time have shown that excessive consumption of red meat , especially when processed, leads to an increased risk of developing pathologies, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems and some forms of cancer. On the other hand, it is a source of proteins with high biological value , which contains essential amino acids, as well as mineral salts, vitamins and iron.

What are the types of red meat?

There are different types of red meat, derived from various animals. Some of the most common types:

  1. Bovine: (veal, veal, beef, ox and cows) this is one of the most consumed in the world. Varieties include cuts such as steak, tenderloin, ground beef, and other cuts derived from different parts;
  2. pork: among the various cuts there are ribs, ham, shoulder and sausage;
  3. horse and foal: recommended no more than once a week, low in fat and rich in iron;
  4. lamb, sheep and goat: both lamb and goat meat are often considered red meat;
  5. Venison and other wild meats: Some people include venison, bison, wild boar, and other wild meats in the category.

It is important to note that the red color of meat is influenced by the presence of myoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen to the muscles.

Is red meat bad for you?

In some stages of life, such as growth, the nutrients provided by meat are very important. But already a few years ago, in 2015, IARC, the WHO’s International Agency for Cancer Research, had defined red meat as probably carcinogenic and processed meat such as sausages and cured meats as certainly carcinogenic . He had, therefore, indicated the maximum quantities to be consumed weekly: approximately 300g of red meat , in portions of approximately 90g each and therefore 3 and a half times a week, and a maximum of a 50g portion of cured meats and sausages .

The concept of excessive consumption was then also taken up by the American Harvard Medical School . In one publication, some authors took into consideration the correct average weekly consumption of red meat both in Europe and in North America. The right number? 2 to 4 servings per week .

How much to eat per week?

And now we come to us, helping ourselves with the food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. If at the base, in fact, there are many portions of vegetables, fruit and cereals with which to compose the main meals, daily consumption also includes milk and derivatives (preferably low-fat), as well as 3-4 portions of oil olive and 1-2 servings of nuts. For meat you have to go higher, towards the tip: poultry is around 1-2 portions every seven days and red meat even higher, with less than 2 portions per week .

What is the best red meat?

Kobe beef is a trademark registered and registered in Japan by the Kobe Meat Promotion, Distribution and Marketing Association  , capital of Hyogo Prefecture. Distinguished precisely by the size and  size of the coat , which is black in colour, it belongs to the Tajima breed and is also known as wagyu . Kobe beef meat is considered the best in the world: the velvety, almost buttery flavor is cited as its characteristics . Despite the notable quantity of marbled fat  (which even exceeds 20 percent), from a nutritional point of view there is a high component of  polyunsaturated fats which do not contribute to the increase in cholesterol (the intake is lower than the red meats we are used to). get used to it). Therefore it does not represent an obstacle to our nutrition. More problematic may be its cost , which can even reach the price of 1000 euros per kilo.

What is lean red meat?

The most consumed lean red meats are rump, silverside, walnut and beef rump; veal, especially the fillet; all horse cuts; defatted leg and loin of pork. They all represent an excellent source of proteins with high biological value, B complex vitamins, bio-available iron, phosphorus, provitamins and amino acids.

What red meat should you eat on a diet?

Red meat is a fundamental component in slimming diets, as its inclusion in a healthy and balanced lifestyle can help you lose weight, thanks to its high protein content and satiating power. The recommended cuts are all those of the horse/foal , and of the beef , fillet ,  rump  and  walnut , because they are lower in fat than the others. Furthermore, among the cured meats, bresaola should be highlighted , rich in proteins and almost fat-free.


In conclusion, red meat represents an essential nutritional source. However, it is essential to take into account the recommendations of the health authorities. Numerous studies have in fact highlighted that its consumption, particularly the processed one, can be associated with health risks, such as cardiovascular diseases and some forms of cancer. The guidelines recommend limiting your intake and opting for lean cuts. Additionally, supplementing your diet with a variety of protein sources, including plant-based alternatives, can help ensure optimal well-being.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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