Psychological Problems Developing After the Earthquake and Ways to Overcome

While reactions during and after an earthquake may vary from person to person, the common emotion we all have is fear. Immediately after the earthquake, the person may experience symptoms such as feeling extremely frightened, not knowing what to do, not being able to feel their emotions, not being able to react, and not being able to fully perceive the environment or situation. The fear of death that suddenly affects the person can create a feeling of helplessness and panic.

Psychological problems seen in people rescued from the rubble after the earthquake

First of all, it is very normal to have symptoms of stress within the first 48 hours. The psychiatric equivalent of symptoms lasting at least 2 days and at most 4 weeks is acute stress reaction and is considered as normal reactions to an abnormal event. When symptoms persist for more than 1 month, it can be said that it turns into a post-traumatic stress reaction. First of all, this is the situation that we are worried about and that may cause other psychiatric symptoms. Depressive symptoms may accompany this condition in the future. Especially untreated post-traumatic stress reaction may be accompanied by depressive symptoms. In post-traumatic stress reaction, panic-level anxiety symptoms or, conversely, dissociative symptoms may be observed.

Dissociative symptoms:
  There may be an inability to remember the event process, or severe numbness and emotional dullness may be observed.
Avoidance plans:  There may be behaviors to avoid situations, images, and places that remind you of the event.
Irritability:  There is an alert mood, ready to be stimulated at any moment.

The most common psychological and physical problems after the earthquake


  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – persistent fear, anxiety, and flashbacks about the traumatic event.
  • Depression – feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.
  • Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) – similar to PTSD, but with symptoms appearing in the first days after the traumatic event.
  • Anxiety disorders – extreme worry, panic attacks and phobias.
  • Grief and loss – feelings of sadness and loss associated with the death or injury of a loved one.
  • Substance abuse – increased substance use as a coping mechanism.
  • Physical symptoms – headaches, stomach problems, and fatigue related to stress and trauma.

What should be done to get rid of this phobia?

As much as possible, the individual should be enabled to describe the traumatic memory he/she experienced along with his/her emotions. The individual should be encouraged and accompanied to transfer with a supportive approach. However, one should not behave in a coercive manner by not asking curious questions. The more transfer can be achieved, the easier it will be to confront the process and the phobic situation will be avoided. In this way, we can both prevent traumatic stress and reduce possible fear material during the encounter process. 

How should psychological support be provided to earthquake victims?

In the current period, our priority should be psychological first aid. First of all, primary needs must be met. In other words, vital needs must be met. A safety zone should be created that allows people’s natural healing processes. Not everyone may need or want psychological first aid. In this case, it is very important to be available to people who do not want help, but only when they ask for support, without forcing them.

Active listening: The person should be listened to without judgment and allowed to express his/her feelings and thoughts about the earthquake.
Validation of emotions: Experiences and emotions must be acknowledged as valid and important.
Reassure : They should be reassured that they are not alone and that help is available.
Supporting self-care: They should be supported to take care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally through things like sleep, exercise and healthy nutrition.
Connecting with resources:  Share information about available resources, such as mental health professionals, support groups, and helplines, when needed.
Providing a safe space: A safe and supportive environment should be created where they can speak and be heard.
Avoid giving advice: Instead, ask what they need and provide support without judgment.
Respecting coping mechanisms: Everyone copes with trauma differently. Coping mechanisms must be respected.

When should earthquake victims get support?

It is important to remember that there are different reactions to traumatic events and there is no one “right” way. Since psychological problems can affect a person’s daily life and recovery, professional help should be sought from a mental health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist in cases where your person’s functionality is impaired. Psychological support helps individuals process their experiences, cope with stress and emotional distress, and prevent long-term mental health problems.

How should one approach traumas?

In disasters, it is very important that needs and interventions are met at the right time and with the right content. Trying to give more than the needs of individuals who have experienced and survived a disaster prematurely, although well-intentioned, may do more harm than good. We are currently in the acute phase. During this period, the priority is to provide the most basic vital needs of the survivors, establish bonds and try to recreate the sense of security. In some cases, trauma may heal spontaneously. The person’s symptoms may subside within 1 month. The person becomes involved in life and may return to his old life. It should be noted that this process is unique for each individual.

How can those indirectly exposed to trauma protect their mental health?

Try to maintain your daily routines: You should try to return to daily routines as soon as possible. Activities that you enjoy doing and that make you feel good should be continued.
Talk about your feelings : Talking about the traumatic event and how it affected you can help you process the experience and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
Take care of yourself: Maintaining physical health through exercise, sleep and a balanced diet can help reduce the impact of stress and trauma.
Connect with others: Spending time with friends, family, or a support group can provide a sense of community and help you feel less isolated.
Engage in activities you enjoy: Pursuing hobbies and other activities you enjoy can distract you and help you feel more positive.
Apply stress management techniques: Our heart speeds up when we breathe and slows down when we breathe out. Prolonging the breathing rate while exhaling (such as blowing, whistling) slows the heart rate. In this way, we can convey the message to our brain that we are safe.
Avoid substance abuse: Substance abuse, such as alcohol and drug use, can increase symptoms of stress and trauma and should be avoided.

How should we react to what we see on TV and social media even though we are not in the disaster area?

These days, most of us experience similar emotions at the same time. Shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, anger, grief… We may cry from time to time, we have difficulty focusing on our daily lives, perhaps we sometimes forget what is going on and engage in behaviors and reactions that come with daily life. At this stage, everything is normal, most of us experience it like a wavy sea. 

Situations that we can control in events that are beyond our control, such as disasters, are:
Regulating the news flow:  To protect your mental health, move away from the pages and news sources you follow for a while. Edit the news flow.
Not neglecting basic needs:  Try to sleep, eat regularly and maintain personal care.
Seeking support:  Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or getting support from a professional helps process emotions. Provides a sense of comfort and support.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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