Protein Bread | Make your own Protein Bread
You are healthy with protein bread!
This bread contains even fewer carbohydrates than low-carb bread. In addition, the protein content is a lot higher than in other bread.
Do you have a healthy and active lifestyle or do you watch your diet, then protein bread is very suitable for you. You can read how healthy it is in this article.
Low-carb bread has a reduced carbohydrate content.
Officially, this bread should contain 30% less carbohydrates than regular bread. Protein bread contains even less, often 8 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of bread.
Protein stands for proteins and protein bread is therefore rich in proteins. It contains about 23 grams per 100 grams, compared to 11 grams in normal brown bread.
What is in protein-rich bread: the ingredients
Know what you eat and pay close attention to the ingredients. Protein bread often consists of whole grain rye flour, wheat protein and linseed. Depending on the product, coarse soy flour, wheat bran and apple cider vinegar are added.
You can see that the ingredients are very different from regular (brown or white) bread.
Does this bread fit in a diet?
When dieting, you pay close attention to the amount of energy you ingest. A low-carbohydrate diet mainly means eating fewer fast carbohydrates. With such a diet you can sometimes lose up to 2 kilos per week. Protein bread does not contain fast but slow carbohydrates. This bread has an energy value of about 240 kcal per 100 grams. This is approximately equal to the nutritional values of normal bread.
Protein-rich bread at AH or Lidl
High-protein bread is available in all supermarkets these days. However, there are some differences in nutritional values.
If we put the protein bread from Lidl next to the protein-rich bread from AH, the following stands out:
Numbers are per 100 grams:
LIDL: 247 calories
AH: 300 calories
LIDL: 14 grams of carbohydrates , of which 3.5 grams are sugars
AH: 37 grams of carbohydrates , of which 7 grams of sugars
LIDL: Proteins 23 grams
AH: Proteins 15 grams
So you can say that Lidl’s protein bread seems to be the healthier choice; fewer calories, fewer carbohydrates and more protein.
Major differences in an apparently comparable product.
About proteins
Proteins ensure the recovery of your muscles after exercise and are important building blocks of your body. Proteins are therefore indispensable for making your muscles stronger.
Protein bread is therefore also widely used by athletes and not just strength athletes.
Other products that contain a lot of proteins are for example:
Number of proteins per 100 grams:
- fish; gourmet 22 grams / mackerel 24 grams
- steak 23 grams
- chicken breast 31 grams
- eggs 12 grams
- low-fat cottage cheese 9 grams
- 30+ cheese 29 grams
- peanut butter 25 grams
- nuts (average) 20 grams
However, there is an important difference: normal bread, and white bread in particular, contains a lot of fast carbohydrates. These are not good for health and certainly not good for the line. Protein bread is therefore a good and responsible choice.
Protein and weight loss
Proteins are therefore essential building blocks for your body. As soon as you start losing weight or start following a diet, it is important to continue to get enough nutrients. In many diets the emphasis is on fewer calories and a shortage of important nutrients is lurking.
Sufficient protein prevents muscle mass from being broken down in addition to fat. They digest more slowly than carbohydrates, which ensures a feeling of fullness for longer. Very nice if you are trying to cut down on all kinds of unhealthy eating habits!
Make your own protein bread
Protein bread is not widely available. Making your own is not only fun, you also determine the ingredients yourself. This way you can add extra nuts or seeds or adjust the composition. Below are two different recipes for protein bread or low-carb bread.
Almond coconut bread
You need this:
- 5 eggs
- 190 grams almond flour
- 2 tablespoons coconut flour
- 60 grams coconut oil
- 30 grams of linseed flour
- 5 tsp baking soda
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Preparation method
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
- Mix all the flour and baking powder well
- Mix in the coconut oil, eggs and apple cider vinegar
- Pour the batter into a baking dish and let it bake in the oven for 30 minutes
Protein bread with Greek yogurt
You need this:
- 6 eggs
- 75 grams of sunflower seeds
- 75 grams of linseed
- 100 grams sesame seeds
- 75 grams unsalted butter
- 250 grams of Greek yogurt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 5 tsp salt
Preparation method
- Preheat the oven to 175 degrees
- Grind the sunflower seeds, linseed and sesame seeds fine
- Melt the butter in a pan (low heat)
- Mix all ingredients into the melted butter
- Grease a baking pan and put the dough in it.
- Bake the bread brown for 40 minutes
- Cover the bread with baking paper or aluminum foil and leave it in the oven for another 40 minutes
Always store homemade and freshly baked bread in aluminum foil or a bread bag. Do this immediately when it comes out of the oven: this way the protein bread does not dry out.