Probiotic Foods: The Secret to Strong Immunity in Winter!
The springs of our noses are relaxed in the winter months. Well, if we want to be protected from diseases, what should we do if we want our energy not to decrease in winter? You can find the easy way of this in the rest of our article.
We come across the word ‘probiotic’ on television, on the internet and in many places. What is probiotic, what are its benefits, how should it be consumed, can anyone consume it, how is probiotic nutrition?
Let’s first answer these questions in our minds and then look at how we can easily access probiotics:
What is Probiotic?
- Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that live in our intestines.
- These microorganisms act as a shield of the body.
- Most people have a low number of these microorganisms in their guts and are more vulnerable to disease.
- In fact, did you know that one of the biggest reasons for the occurrence of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating) and making you feel tired is the lack of probiotics?
What Are Probiotic Foods?
- If we list what are probiotic foods, these friendly bacteria are found in fermented products such as yogurt, kefir, ayran, cheese, pickles (especially sauerkraut). We should include at least 2 glasses of these groups in our daily diet.
- Let’s underline this point, there are no separate varieties such as probiotic cabbage and probiotic buttermilk, these foods and beverages contain probiotics if they are produced naturally.
- Homemade yogurts are high in probiotics. However, those who do not have the opportunity to make it at home should also look at the content of the yogurt they buy. It is important that the yogurt is slightly watery and that this water does not spill.
- So, probiotics are naturally present in yogurt, but the yogurt we are talking about is homemade yogurt. Most grocery store yogurts do not contain probiotics. For those who cannot find probiotic yogurt yeast, experts say that reliable probiotics that can be bought from pharmacies can be added to market yogurts.
What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?
- The most important benefit is that it helps to regulate the digestive system and strengthens the immune system. The stronger our immunity, the more resistant we are to diseases. Especially in the winter months, we should not miss our protection from our diet.
- There is another benefit that will make women happy! Studies have shown that probiotics help weight loss when consumed daily. Those who want to slim down from the waist should definitely care about probiotics!
- It has been determined that probiotics, which are important for all age groups, reduce the risk of diabetes and break insulin resistance.
- Probiotics are also very important for the baby. Already, breast milk is the first source of probiotics for the baby, thanks to breast milk, beneficial bacteria increase easily in babies.
- The benefits of breast milk are endless and the probiotic effect is one of them.
- Those who are allergic to lactose in gluten-containing foods, eggs, soy, milk and dairy products naturally cannot benefit from the probiotics in these products.
- For this reason, we need to pay attention to what is in food while consuming food in order to protect against the risk of probiotic allergy indirectly, although not directly.
How to Consume Probiotics?
- Probiotics can be easily consumed for people of all ages (if you are not allergic).
- If you are going to buy kefir ready-made, be careful not to have fruit or added sugar! If you can’t drink plain, you can prepare mixtures with a blender by mixing kefir and fruit yourself at home.
- The best way is to take probiotics naturally; however, in some cases this may not be possible.
- In this case, you may need to use probiotic tablets. When using supplements, you should definitely get expert opinion because not every type of probiotic is used for every ailment or disease prevention.
- The answer of the experts to the question of whether the probiotic should be taken on an empty stomach or on a full stomach is to take it on a full stomach.
- When we are hungry, probiotic bacteria can live more comfortably in stomach acid and be productive for our health and digestive system.
- When we eat, the ph amount will rise in the stomach, and the probability of the beneficial probiotics to survive increases.