Periwinkle: Violet Death Flower


Periwinkle, for which songs and poems have been written, is the common name of garden plant species from the Apocynaceae family. This flower, which is very interesting with its appearance and story, wraps your garden with its sweet smell. Periwinkle, which is an adjective for the eyes of beautiful women, has often been mentioned with its fatal beauty.

Periwinkle is a hardy flower. It is grown abundantly at home, on the balcony and in the garden. It has purple, lilac and blue flowers. This flower is known for its spreading property. Periwinkle can also grow spontaneously in nature when climatic conditions are provided.

If you want to grow this flower in your garden and on your balcony, you can learn about how to grow Periwinkle in pots and how to grow it step by step from this article.

Periwinkle Story and Meaning

  • There are three types of periwinkle stories that have been told. In these stories, we will witness the likeness of the periwinkle to the eye and its association with death.
  • According to the first story, the Periwinkle was hung around the neck of death row prisoners in the Middle Ages.
  • The reason for this is to see this beautiful flower for the last time before they die. That’s why it was known as the flower of execution.
  • According to the second story, the Italians put this flower in their baby graves. For this reason, it is called the flower of death.
  • Another story told is about the eyes of the woman who was executed by Black David. The woman’s eyes looked like a blue-flowered ivy and were quite expressive, like a periwinkle flower. When the woman died, Black David planted the Periwinkle on her grave. Since then, this flower has been used for expressive eyes.
  • The meaning of periwinkle emerged from the narratives of these three stories. It means death, beauty and impressive eye.

What is Periwinkle Other Name and What Are Its Species?

Periwinkle has species that grow naturally in Europe, the Caucasus and Turkey. Their names vary according to the species. In this title, we sought answers to the questions of what is the other name of periwinkle and what are its types. Here are the names and types of periwinkle by size:

  • Another name for Periwinkle is Vinca.
  • Little Periwinkle (Vinca minor) grows in Turkey.
  • Central Periwinkle (Vinca difformis)
  • Great Periwinkle (Vinca major) grows in Turkey.
  • Herbaceous Periwinkle (Vinca herbacea) grows in Turkey.

Periwinkle Properties

If we give some botanical information about Periwinkle, Periwinkle features are as follows:

  • Its leaves do not fall in summer and winter.
  • It has purple, lilac and blue flowers. However, it also has white flowers.
  • It is a 5-part flowering and ground cover plant.
  • It is not difficult to propagate this flower. It forms flowers by releasing its roots on its own.
  • Its shoots can reach a height of 15 cm.
  • Its green leaves can reach 4 cm in length.
  • Its leaves and flowers survive without shedding when the right conditions are met.
  • It is resistant to excessive precipitation, air pollution and ground water.

How to Care for Periwinkle?

  • Periwinkle is very easy to care for. Because it is a perennial and durable plant.
  • Before blooming in the spring, last year’s spoiled and dried creepers should be pruned.
  • Fertilizer should be given once a month from spring to autumn.
  • It requires regular watering in the summer season.
  • Periwinkle should be planted at intervals of 30-45 cm.
  • The most important period for the development of this flower is March.

How to Grow Periwinkle at Home?

Periwinkle; It can be grown in the garden and on the balcony. There are some tricks to growing this flower, which attracts attention with its color and appearance, at home. You can learn about irrigation, how to choose soil and when to plant Periwinkle seeds from this article.


  • Periwinkle seeds can be planted indoors at any time. However, it will still grow healthier when planted in spring and autumn.
  • The appropriate ambient temperature should be about 20-25 degrees for the seeds to germinate.
  • Before planting the seed, it should be kept at room temperature.
  • You need to throw 2-3 seeds into the seed pits.
  • Seeds should not be buried too deep in the soil. It can be buried up to 1 cm below.


  • You should adjust the periwinkle watering frequency according to the weather change. It should be watered more often in hot weather.
  • While watering, you should give the water directly to the soil. In this way, the flowers will not be damaged.
  • You should make sure that the soil is constantly moist. You should adjust the irrigation scheme accordingly.
  • It is beneficial to irrigate the seedling soil with spray when it is newly planted.
  • When watering, pay attention to watering so as not to disturb the soil structure.

Soil and Pot Selection

  • It will be useful to choose perforated pots to ensure watering balance.
  • When filling the pot with soil, you should fill one-quarter of the way.
  • The soil should be rich in nutrients.
  • It shows its development in all kinds of soils as long as it is not extremely acidic and calcareous soil.
  • If you choose a sandy soil, it will require regular watering.


  • Periwinkle does not like direct sunlight. For this reason, you should keep it away from environments that receive sunlight at a right angle.
  • Although this flower does not like sunlight, it likes bright areas.
  • It likes a temperate climate, but it is also a cold-resistant plant.
  • This plant thrives in moist environments. The kitchen can be a suitable setting for periwinkle.
  • If you want to grow it on the balcony, you should protect it from strong winds and storms.

What Are the Benefits of Periwinkle?

Periwinkle has many benefits like other plants grown in nature. But before using it, it is useful to consult your doctor. Some of its well-known benefits include:

  • Thanks to its antioxidant structure, it protects against microbes and increases body resistance.
  • It has appetizing properties.
  • It is good for sleep problems with its relaxing and stress-reducing effect.
  • It regulates blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • It is known to be good for toothaches.
  • It is good for circulatory system problems.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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