Pear: properties, benefits and nutritional value

The pear is undoubtedly a fruit and a superfood from all points of view, it does not contain fat, it is full of water, nutrients, vitamins and minerals and it is capable of providing fiber , antioxidants and flavonoids in wonderful quantities so that you can achieve a health of first level and an immune system capable of reacting against diseases and against harmful free radicals . A fruit that you must definitely include in your diet and regular diet and enjoy all the benefits it can offer you.
Pear Properties
The pear maintains a large number of properties of high benefit to the human being and among the most outstanding stand out:
- It is anti-inflammatory : With its regular intake, pear is an ideal ally to counteract the effects of many chronic inflammatory diseases (arthritis, gout, rheumatism), which effectively works as an improver of the quality of life of many people who suffer from these ailments.
- Cellular rejuvenation : Capable of waging a tough battle against free radicals and against cell death and aging, in this way you can maintain a much healthier standard of living.
- Instant energy : Through its contributions of fructose in the form of simple sugars , pears provide you with the necessary energy to maintain your daily productivity, in addition to a healthy way and without unbalancing your glycemic index.
- Diuretic and detoxifying : Capable of eliminating the accumulation of toxins (uric acid) as well as avoiding dangerous fluid retention through the action of potassium and its vasodilator effect. All this through the soluble fibers and the insoluble fibers that they manage to offer you.
- Eliminates anemia : Through its large doses of iron and copper, pears help directly in increasing the production of red blood cells , as well as promoting the absorption of iron from other foods. Achieving an instant anti-anemic effect.
Pear Benefits
The benefits of this healthy and sweet fruit are of incalculable value both for food and to prevent and cure many ailments or diseases, its action providing vitamins and minerals make it a perfect candidate to achieve healthy development and a correct contribution of nutrients to the body, promoting development and growth in children and adolescents and a healthy life in adults and the elderly.
Like a delicious peach salad, pears allow their offered antioxidants to achieve a rejuvenating effect on the entire body, with the skin and eyes being effectively the most benefited by this protective system against the effect of premature aging and against the action of external elements and free radicals, which obviously also makes it possible to fight against the appearance of various types of cancer that are caused by the process of cellular degeneration.
It also allows its offered antioxidants to achieve a rejuvenating effect on the entire body, effectively being the skin and eyesight the most benefited by this protective system against the effect of premature aging and against the action of external elements and free radicals. which obviously also allows to fight against the appearance of various types of cancers that are caused by the process of cellular degeneration.
Learn about the nutritional value of pear as a superfood fruit
Pears are a rich source of energy for the body, below you can take a look at their nutritional table and get an idea of what they can provide you as a healthy food, remember that these figures are based on the contributions per 100 grams of fruit consumed in its raw state.
- Energy (Kcal) 57
- Vitamin C (mg) 4.3
- Calcium (mg) 9.0
- Proteins (g) 0.4
- Total fat (g) 0.1
- Total dietary fiber (g) 3.1
- Sodium (mg) 1.0
- Potassium (mg) 116.0
- Vitamin A (µRE) 1.0
- Vitamin E (mg TE) 0.1
- Folic acid (µg) 7.0
- Iron (mg) 0.2
- Carbohydrates (g) 12.1
Free of fat and free of sodium, they are ideal for keeping you hydrated , with full energy and capable of providing the highest mechanisms so that you can enjoy enviable health . Remember that you should not discard your skin, since that is indeed where many of its properties.