Obesity: the development of disease, causes and effects to body


The steady increase in weight leads to obesity. Obesity of the first degree can be dealt with on your own, observing the diet and increasing physical activity. With obesity of II and III degrees, metabolism is disturbed, concomitant diseases appear, certain psychological changes occur (self-esteem decreases, psychological defense mechanisms are activated, changes in behavior appear). It is no longer possible to achieve weight loss on your own, since there is not enough patience and willpower for any diet. Patients complain that they cannot tolerate hunger, although we are not talking about hunger as such – a reduction in calorie content and nutritional volume is proposed. Obesity: how to deal with it?

Causes of overeating and obesity

Here again the similarity of food and alcohol addiction can be traced, since one of the manifestations of the latter is anosognosia – a complete denial of the fact of the existence of the disease and, accordingly, the need for treatment. The formation of anosognosia is associated with the repression of feelings of guilt – the desire to calm oneself, to avoid unpleasant, depressing thoughts and memories.

Usually people find many reasons for overeating, gradually convincing themselves that it is associated with objective external circumstances beyond their control. But this is not the only reason for anosognosia. People not only do not identify themselves with patients with obesity and are offended if others do it for them – they often display unshakable confidence that the danger of the disease does not threaten them at all. The need for food becomes for such people the dominant and meaningful motive of behavior. Anything related to food does not cause negative emotional reactions or associations in them, since, from their point of view, the eating style cannot cause negative consequences (for example, negative changes in the family or at work, the appearance of concomitant diseases, shortness of breath, wheezing etc.).


We have already said that it is not so easy to set up patients for treatment. Despite the fact that they recognize their weight as being overweight and agree that they need to get rid of it, the treatment of obesity is quite difficult. First, they consider hunger to be “unbearable.” Secondly, “get tired of the diet.” Thirdly, and it is easy to accept the fact that weight loss cannot be realized quickly and without any effort on their part. And finally, fourth, they are intimidated by changes in eating behavior and lifestyle.

Communities of fat men are being created to “defend” against everyone who allegedly attacks them. In these communities, they “support their right to be fat”, exchange compliments, talk about the right to choose, about the beauty of fatties and fat men, about their love of life and good character, about the fact that artists from past centuries loved to depict a full body (at the same time they do not distinguish between “full body” and “obesity”). They see problems directly related to weight as standing at a distant distance. This is confusing for many obese people.


In order to avoid the appearance of “extra pounds”, you need to learn how to quickly respond to weight gain.

For a modern person who has the knowledge of proper nutrition and understands that weight gain begins when food intake does not correspond to energy expenditure, this will not be difficult.

Controlling your own weight is as normal a hygiene procedure as washing and brushing your teeth every day.

A person who is prone to overweight or obese should especially carefully compose a diet and control his eating behavior, and quickly respond to weight gain.

Alcohol and obesity

Excessive alcohol consumption is undoubtedly the most common, though not the only, cause of weight gain.

Once it reaches the stomach, alcohol begins to stimulate the secretion of acid, which breaks down fats and proteins, stimulating the digestion process and inducing appetite. Even mild intoxication reduces control over food intake, so obesity from alcohol occurs.

A person who regularly drinks alcohol gains weight rather quickly.

If alcohol dependence develops, then over time the appetite and need for food fall, and patients gradually become exhausted.

Why is wine (especially red) considered healthy? Firstly, I mean only good, real wine. Secondly, we are talking about nothing more than a glass of wine drunk during lunch. Wine stimulates the activity of the stomach: it can help restore normal acidity, which is especially important for people over 45, since at this age the acid content in gastric juice begins to gradually decrease. However, a person who seeks to “relax”, “rest”, that is, to achieve intoxication, when “fun and no problems,” or “turned off and no problems,” drinks more than one glass of wine, and therefore the theory about the “usefulness” of this drink becomes just a cover.


On November 17, 1991, a series of discussion programs about healthy eating began on the CBS American television channel. It has been suggested that wine helps reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. France was cited as an example, since a lot of wine is consumed in this country and there is a fairly low percentage of heart attacks. I must say that this example is not particularly successful, since in France at least 25% of the population is overweight and almost one in twentieth is obese.

After all, any alcoholic drink is a high-calorie product, which, moreover, is very easily absorbed into the blood and very quickly absorbed (for example, a glass of beer (200 ml) contains about 53.2 kcal, in a glass of table wine (90 ml) – 57, 4 kcal, in a glass of fortified wine (60 ml) – 61.6 ml, and in a glass of vodka or cognac (30 ml) – 64.4 kcal).

Nevertheless, the sensational statement made on the CBS served as the starting point for discussions over the course of several years. From a “dangerous drug”, wine in a short time turned for Americans into a medicine against heart attacks. The discussion also covered the European public and attracted the attention of scientists and politicians. It has been officially announced that people living in wine-growing regions consider wine consumption to be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

The heated discussion of the “French paradox” suggested that red wine is a kind of panacea for diseases of the coronary vessels of the heart and, therefore, against heart attack. Gradually, people began to perceive this thesis as the ultimate truth, although rigorous scientific evidence of this theory has not yet appeared. The existence of the “French paradox” is probably more influenced by factors such as food quality and a healthy lifestyle.

As far as claims about the benefits of wine are concerned, this may be true when it comes to very good wine, drunk in reasonable quantities (no more than one glass during lunch).

The constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, can thus lead to overweight, so no doubt alcohol contributes to obesity.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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