Muscle weakness: which diseases cause the symptom? How to treat?

Muscle weakness is characterized by loss of strength and mobility for no apparent reason. The condition appears suddenly and is linked to problems with the nervous system, which is very worrying. Therefore, you need to be careful if you experience this discomfort frequently. 1

In practice, it is a variation of fatigue, a feeling of exhaustion with the need to rest immediately. This scenario can occur after practicing intense physical activity or when recovering from the flu, when you are unwell and have low energy. two

The difference is that weakness is a more serious and worrying version, which can be caused by neurological diseases, anemia, vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, tumors and cancer. 1

In this post we will explain what the symptoms of muscle weakness are, when the condition is a cause for concern, what the possible causes are and the most common treatments. Keep reading!

What is muscle weakness?

Muscle weakness is the partial or total loss of strength in muscles. No matter how hard they try, the person cannot move normally. This is because the body does not follow the brain’s impulses, becoming slow without support, especially in the arms and legs. 1

In general, the term is not used when the condition occurs after exercise or a possible injury that causes stiffness and stiffness . In these situations, it is more common to treat the condition as fatigue or tension. 1

The difference is the intensity of the discomfort and the absence of an apparent cause. In other words, when discomfort appears out of nowhere, without having played any sport or experienced a debilitating situation, the type that causes stress and insomnia. two

In this case, the problem may be with the metabolism, the nervous system or the connection between it and the muscles. 1

What are the symptoms of muscle weakness?

Symptoms of muscle weakness include loss of mobility, difficulty performing tasks that require physical effort, tremors, cramps, difficulty supporting body weight, problems breathing, chewing, speaking or swallowing, among other problems. 1

It is also important to note that the loss of strength can affect isolated muscles or interconnected muscle groups, which causes even greater discomfort. As you can imagine, the symptoms impact several areas of your life.  1

See more on the topic below.

Difficulty performing daily activities

It is very difficult or even impossible to carry out everyday tasks when you have muscle weakness. Any physical or mental activity becomes challenging, as the body does not respond to brain stimuli as it should. 1

Decreased muscle strength

In some cases, the loss of muscle strength is partial, causing weakness in moving the body. This way you maintain range, but lose agility, reflex and precision. In these situations the impact is limited, but it is capable of significantly changing the routine. 1

Slow or restricted movements

When the symptom is caused by problems sending impulses from the brain to the muscles, you may feel slow and restricted movements, as if the body received commands from the nervous system late. 1

Difficulty lifting objects

Making any physical effort in this situation is a challenge. It is common to experience difficulty lifting objects when an episode of muscle weakness appears. Even light items such as cutlery, glasses and the like can be difficult to handle. 1

Rapid fatigue when doing activities

Muscle weakness can cause sudden fatigue when doing simple activities, such as going from one room to another. In other words, the condition does not need to limit movement to affect your routine. 1

Difficulty climbing stairs

A symptom of muscle weakness that mainly affects the elderly is difficulty climbing stairs. In these cases, the muscle is unable to support and lift the body’s weight, greatly restricting locomotion. 1


In some situations, due to reduced muscle strength and difficulty supporting one’s own body weight, muscle weakness causes tremors and involuntary reflexes, which also indicates neurological problems.  1

Muscle cramps

Continuing on the topic covered in the last topic, weakness can cause muscle cramps, sudden and uncontrollable contractions of the muscle, a painful and uncomfortable problem that can also occur in isolation, without loss of strength, with causes very similar to this condition. 3

What diseases can cause muscle weakness?

Muscle weakness can be caused by several diseases, among which we can highlight 1 :

  • muscle atrophy or wasting;
  • serious nerve damage;
  • low potassium levels (hypokalemia);
  • anemia;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol or corticosteroids;
  • neurological injuries;
  • herniated discs;
  • spinal breaks;
  • compression of the spinal cord, as in cases of cancer;
  • brain tumors;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • deficiency of electrolyte minerals such as magnesium and calcium;
  • seizure disorders;
  • serious respiratory infections, such as the flu;
  • chronic infections;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • heart, kidney or liver failure.

To increase the chances of receiving a proper diagnosis, it is important to tell your doctor which muscles are weak,when the symptoms started and how recurring the condition is, that is, whether it is continuous or keeps coming and going. 1

At this point, the clinician must assess how the symptoms are evolving and what impact it has on routine. In general, the main warning signs are 1 :

  • worsening of symptoms;
  • difficulty breathing, chewing, speaking or swallowing;
  • difficulty lifting and supporting the head;
  • problems or loss of the ability to move.

In addition to describing the symptoms, the doctor may order MRI exams, computed tomography, puncture, electromyography, blood counts and electrolyte measurement, among others. 1

Conclusion: how to treat muscle weakness?

Given this scenario, the question that remains is the following: how to treat muscle weakness? 1

As it is a symptom with many nuances and possible causes, it is important to highlight that treatment is based on the diagnosis. Certain health conditions are more serious and worrying, so it is essential to seek medical attention if you notice a recurring or severe condition. 1

In emergency cases, when weakness starts suddenly and impairs breathing capacity, help can be provided with oxygen masks and artificial ventilation. 1

When the muscles show wear or loss of tissue, the treatment of muscle weakness may include physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions, to regain strength and motor coordination. 1

If the cause of muscle weakness is the flu, you can alleviate symptoms with Benegrip , which has a range of effective flu medicines to control fever, headaches, body aches, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Meet the Benegrip Family !


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