Mold allergy: prevention

Molds and their spores are ubiquitous, therefore contact with them and the development of possible allergies cannot be completely avoided. During evolution, humans have adapted quite well to living with fungi, which is why allergic reactions to fungal spores are usually only mild. Under normal circumstances, fungal spores are immediately killed by white blood cells and neutralized by phagocytes . Any health risk depends on the concentration of spores, the type of mold and the sensitivity of a particular person.

How can the burden of mold spores be minimized ?

You can reduce the burden of mold spores by taking a number of measures, which should be followed especially by people with a proven mold allergy . These measures include:

  • Ventilation: Living spaces, especially damp rooms, should be ventilated frequently. It is best to ventilate three to four times a day for five to ten minutes. Open the windows completely, if possible two windows facing each other. Windows that are permanently open, so-called “ventilating”, do not allow for effective air exchange.
  • The optimum humidity is between 40 and 60 percent (you can check the humidity with a hygrometer).
  • It is necessary to prevent the formation of moisture (condensation) on the walls and windows.
  • Continuously remove all found deposits of mold , pay attention to the formation of stains behind furniture and paneling. Furniture should be placed at least five centimeters from the wall to allow air to circulate. If necessary, professional remediation (drying) should be carried out.
  • Fan : Moist air from the bathroom helps exhaust the installed fan. After showering and bathing, wipe off residual moisture and ventilate the bathroom.
  • Paint additives: Use anti-fungal paints or anti-fungal paint additives when painting walls.
  • Potted plants (especially hydroponic ones) should be limited overall, and at least completely removed from the bedroom. The soil in the pots should be filled with quartz sand. The door to the conservatory should remain closed.
  • Aquariums: An aquarium also increases humidity, so it is not recommended for people with mold allergies .
  • Humidifiers and air conditioners can spread mold spores in large quantities, so allergy sufferers should avoid using them if possible. In any case (even for non-allergic people), it is necessary to replace filters in air conditioners regularly.
  • Do not dry laundry in living areas.
  • People with allergies should avoid working in the garden , such as raking leaves, or leave it to someone else.
  • Certain professional groups , such as farmers, food workers, bakers, etc., should wear protective masks during certain activities.
  • Special hygiene must be observed in the kitchen. Food must be carefully stored in a dry place. With fruit – especially if it has been stored or fallen – the risk of mold can be greatly reduced by washing it thoroughly. Damaged parts should be cut out, food residues should be disposed of as quickly as possible. Store bio-waste outside residential premises.
  • Allergic reactions can also occur when eating foods that are infected with mold or are made from ingredients containing mold or yeast (e.g. mold cheese, beer, etc.). People with severe allergies should be especially careful in these cases.

Note: Allergies to mold spores must be distinguished from mycoses – infectious diseases caused by molds or yeasts. Fungal diseases usually start in the respiratory tract , from where the fungi can infect other organs . Colonization of the body by fungi is very rare, but if it happens, it is a life-threatening condition . People with weakened immunity (e.g. after chemotherapy , after transplantation or patients with HIV ), elderly people with serious chronic diseases or infants and small children are most at risk.


Some fungi – i.e. molds – also produce toxins , known as mycotoxins (e.g. aflatoxin ). It has not yet been sufficiently clarified to what extent mold toxins in interiors have a negative effect on human health. However, in the case of a visible infestation of the internal spaces by fungi and the simultaneous occurrence of fever , exhaustion, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes or headaches, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take preventive measures that minimize the burden of fungi (see above).


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