Menstrual Cycle Changes Based on Age

Although affected by many factors, changes in the menstrual cycle can also occur due to age. Different decades of age, different menstrual symptoms that appear!

For some women, changes in the menstrual cycle can be difficult to predict. For example, you are more than a week late for your period, while the next month it comes a few days early.

In fact, for some women, menstruation can be heavy for 5 days with cramps, but the following month it only lasts 2 days.

Although influenced by many factors, cycle changes can also occur due to increasing age. In fact, different decades of age, different menstrual symptoms appear.

How Does Age Affect Menstrual Cycle?

In some conditions, these cycle changes may make it difficult for you to predict when your period will come.

In fact, as we get older, menstruation will continue to adjust and develop.

According to experts, age-related changes in menstrual symptoms can occur due to hormonal changes.

Moreover, as we get older, the hormones estrogen and progesterone also decrease.

The good news is, these kinds of changes are often nothing to worry about because they are normal.

For example, in the first years of menstruation there are often changes in the cycle due to unbalanced hormones. After that, hormones will tend to be balanced so that the adult cycle tends to be regular.

However, when in young adulthood, women can get pregnant and breastfeed. Well, both of these conditions also affect the cycle. Furthermore, when old age, women will experience the cessation of menstrual cycles or menopause .

Other Articles: Myths and Facts About Menstruation That You Should Know

Cycle Changes According to Age

So what are the changes in cycles based on age decades? Let’s see more below.

1. Adolescence (Before 20 Years)

On average, girls will get their first period between the ages of 12 and 13. In the first few years, periods in teenagers are usually irregular and unpredictable.

Teenagers may not have periods for months. Then, have a flood in other months. Cycles may also be longer in the beginning, ranging from 21-45 days, although shorter or longer cycles can occur.

Teenagers generally also feel the symptoms of PMS ( premenstrual syndrome ). PMS symptoms can include stomach cramps, sore breasts, and leg and hip pain.

In the third year, adolescent menstrual cycles usually become more regular, following the cycles of adult women in general.

2. Usia 20-an

At age 20, cycles are usually more regular, namely around 21-34 days (average 28 days), and each period lasts for 2-7 days.

It is also in this age range that a woman’s fertility peaks, when her body is most ready to conceive. It is also in their 20s that many women begin to decide to take birth control pills or other contraceptives.

The use of contraception, such as hormonal contraception, can also play a role in changing the menstrual cycle or pattern. For example, shorter periods, lighter cramps, less bleeding, etc.

In addition, many women experience pregnancy in their 20s where they will not menstruate. Furthermore, after giving birth, women who continue to breastfeed may not menstruate for some time.

Other Articles:  Menstruation Turns Out to Be Pregnant, Here Are the Facts!

3. Usia 30-an

By the age of 30, menstrual cycles are predictable and consistent.

However, at this age some problems and benign tumors can occur in the uterus. Sometimes, this condition can make menstruation heavier and cause painful cramps.

For some women, their mid-30s to early 40s can be the start of perimenopause , when the body produces less estrogen and progesterone.

4. Usia 40-an

Starting in your 40s, the amount of estrogen your ovaries produce starts to fluctuate. You may not ovulate regularly.

This perimenopause period can last from a few months to more than 10 years before the last menstrual period.

The most common symptom of perimenopause is a change in your cycle. For example, periods that are longer, shorter, heavier, or lighter than usual.

Changes in the menstrual cycle at the age of 40 and above can also be marked by menstruation not coming every month.

You may also experience  hot flashes, sleep problems, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes.

5. Usia 50-an

Most women will experience menopause in their 50s. The average age of menopause is 51 and the normal range is between 45-55 years.

Factors that can affect the age of menopause include the number of babies you have had (women with more children tend to experience menopause later) and smoking can trigger early menopause.

If you experience bleeding after menopause, tell your doctor right away. It could be a sign of something serious, such as  uterine cancer .

Other Articles:  A Month Late Period, What Does It Mean?

Beware of Unusual Changes

Although the above changes are normal, you should still be aware of any unusual symptoms.

For example, menstrual cramps that are getting worse. If you used to only experience pain at the beginning of your period, but now you have pain all the time during your period, this could be a sign of a problem with your female organs, such as endometriosis .

Furthermore, be alert if menstrual blood increases so that the duration of menstruation becomes longer, namely more than 7 days.

In addition, there are special conditions that trigger changes in the menstrual cycle or pattern. For example, there are problems with thyroid hormones,  PCOS  (Polycystic ovary syndrome) , extreme diets that cause the body to lack nutrients, and anemia.

So, no matter your age, remember that menstruation can be a sign of your overall health. If you experience any unusual symptoms, see your doctor right away.


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